
Youai Tengmang needs "drama sales roundup" from travel cooking to "Metamorphosis", how to play korean drama sales roundup? Shouldn't just be Wu Tong's "love card"

author:One Entertainment Observation
Youai Tengmang needs "drama sales roundup" from travel cooking to "Metamorphosis", how to play korean drama sales roundup? Shouldn't just be Wu Tong's "love card"

This article is from the WeChat public account: One Entertainment Observation (ID: yiyuguancha), text/Wang Xinyi.

Luo PD has been a bit busy lately.

He launched the variety show "Sports Genius An Jae-hyun", continuing to let the "potential" of the guests of "New Journey to the West" walk independently; as a guest in "Bai Zongyuan Drunken Life", he is still the PD of "Falling in Love with the Mirror"; in addition, he also launched "Witty Mountain Village Life", which has the flavor of "Three Hours and Three Meals", only this time it is a new guest lineup.

Almost at the same time as "Witty Mountain Village Life", there is another Korean variety show - "Won't Hurt You", which is slightly different from most other variety shows. Their guests are from the same Korean drama, the former from the name of the strong "witty" series of labels, from the "Witty Doctor's Life" series, this series of Korean dramas in the domestic Douban have maintained a high score of 9.5 points, the latter's three fixed guests are from the "top floor" that has often dominated Weibo hot search in recent months.

Youai Tengmang needs "drama sales roundup" from travel cooking to "Metamorphosis", how to play korean drama sales roundup? Shouldn't just be Wu Tong's "love card"

Stills from "Won't Hurt You"

To some extent, these two variety shows can be regarded as the after-sales variety shows of the series, which is equivalent to the "group roundup".

In South Korea, the broadcast effect of these two variety shows is not bad. According to public data, the first two episodes of "Witty Mountain Village Life" had a national rating of 6.7% and 5.542% in South Korea, and the first issue won the first place in the same period; "Won't Hurt You" also got a national rating of breaking 3 in each issue.

And domestic netizens have also expressed their pursuit of this type of variety show, such as B station, UP main spontaneous upload of two variety show-related content can get hundreds of thousands of plays and more than 10,000 bullet screens.

Relying on the variety show from the series, the advantages are intuitively visible, which not only solves the problems of variety show topic selection, attention source, guest integration, etc., but also prolongs the life of the episode and also helps the formation of the IP chain.

However, not all episodes are suitable for after-sales variety shows. The formation of after-sales variety shows may have requirements for the popularity, topicality, and genre themes of the series. After all, the group is still based on the series in the final analysis.

Looking at the domestic market, there is no shortage of derivative variety shows and after-sales variety shows. In addition to the fact that many idol talent shows have "perfunctorily" launched the group variety show after a long time since the night of the group, there are also many IP variety shows that have played new tricks in the after-sales variety show and derivative variety show.

Youai Tengmang needs "drama sales roundup" from travel cooking to "Metamorphosis", how to play korean drama sales roundup? Shouldn't just be Wu Tong's "love card"

The spin-off variety show of "Star Detective" "Famous Detective Academy"

The big success is Mango TV, regardless of the derivative variety show "Famous Detective Academy" of "Star Detective", which has gradually become an independent walking program in the past four seasons, owning and accumulating fans belonging to the program, so that it has become a market-oriented feast this year; another worthy of affirmation is the "Greater Bay Area" group "Night in Greater Wan Chai" through "Brother with Thorns", which began recording not long ago. Sensitive to smell the heat of the "Greater Bay Area", when the "brother" has not yet ended, it began to create the "Greater Bay Area" IP, so as to follow the "brother" heat, Mango TV's reaction to the variety show content, in fact, has the same as South Korea's popular "drama sales roundup".

The above are the "feedback" of domestic variety shows to variety shows, and the real "drama sales roundups" in China also need Toyo Aiteng mang to bet more boldly and execute quickly.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > From travel cooking to "Metamorphosis", how to play with Korean drama sales? </h1>

By the third issue, "Witty Mountain Village Life" has welcomed two flying guests, and like the regular guest 99s, they are also actors who starred in "Witty Doctor Life".

Each issue of "Witty Mountain Village Life" presents the immediate visual sense of the cast of "Witty Doctor Life".

The same is true of the program setting and style.

On the set, the program team directly pulled several actors from the 99s to the countryside, built stoves and cooked by themselves, and the life of exchanging labor for food began. In fact, in general, "Witty Mountain Village Life" basically continues the program logic of "Three Hours and Three Meals": taking "three meals" as the starting point, the story revolves around "three meals". The return to daily interaction and chemistry between guests is the main source of laughter, tears and healing.

Youai Tengmang needs "drama sales roundup" from travel cooking to "Metamorphosis", how to play korean drama sales roundup? Shouldn't just be Wu Tong's "love card"

Stills from "Three Hours, Three Meals (Season 1)"

Therefore, in the "Witty Mountain Village Life" common situation is, no matter what time you sleep to get up, you must seriously make breakfast, no matter how late breakfast is eaten, lunch to be done, dinner to eat, the time can be infinitely late, but a meal can not be less. And among them, the story happens at any time in the minutiae.

After the arrival of Liu Yanxi, Cao Zhengyi was quickly replaced by a fire-making tool, lost its role and was sullen, and then found the opportunity to regain the laughter of the fire; even the game of deciding who to clean the bowl and free time is not small but also full of fun.

Here the 99s live a healing life in "Witty Mountain Village Life", while the three brothers from the "Penthouse" villain character live a "Metamorphosis" life.

Weedy courtyards, broken window paper, floors that can't walk barefoot at all, except for a refrigerator, almost a house with four walls... Don't say cook your own food, so that the house can live in the first step. At a party before the launch of "Won't Hurt You", actor Feng Taikui said that as long as the three of them are together, they can live anywhere.

It turned out that the guys at the TV station really lived up to expectations. Many netizens also said in the bullet screen of "Witty Mountain Village Life": "Compared with the group synthesis of "Penthouse" next door, the conditions of "Witty Mountain Village Life" are too good! And such a setting, combined with the villain role in the play, the variety show effect is full from the beginning.

Not only "Witty Doctor's Life" and "The Penthouse", the after-sales group of Korean dramas also has traces to follow. In 2016, "Fancy Youth Africa" was based on the "Shuangmendong Brothers" of "Please Answer 1988" as a fixed guest, which is roughly based on the travel of four actors in Africa, which is to some extent the after-sales variety show of "Please Answer 1988".

Youai Tengmang needs "drama sales roundup" from travel cooking to "Metamorphosis", how to play korean drama sales roundup? Shouldn't just be Wu Tong's "love card"

Stills from "Fancy Youth Africa"

However, whether it is in the form of "three meals", or in the form of "Metamorphosis", or in the form of tourism, the after-sales group of Korean dramas still focuses on the intimate interpersonal relationships between actors. This is also the reason why this kind of group synthesis has taken shape and been called by the audience. In the process of watching the play, the audience has formed a strong link with the actors and roles, and the voice of "not wanting to end and saying goodbye" often appears, and the connection and switching between the role and the actor, the drama and the variety show also meets the expectations of the audience.

However, the after-sales variety show of the series is not only for the fans of the series, it is also a "independent walking" program. Don't know 99s? It doesn't matter, the flowers will explain to you later; can't understand them talking about the content of the play or joking with each other with the content of the play? It doesn't matter, the comments given to you later are clear and clear; it doesn't even matter if you don't know these actors, it doesn't matter, just as a new variety show, it's funny enough to heal. I have not seen the play, and it does not affect the admission of variety show audiences.

The series has just ended, the after-sales variety show has quickly kept up, and the discussion around the series and series IP is still strong and continues to extend. In addition to satisfying the audience's hopes and tastes, the drama group has also opened up ideas for the creation of the drama market.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" > should not just be a "love card" for Wu Tong</h1>

Whether it is "Fancy Youth Africa", "Witty Mountain Village Life" or "Won't Hurt You", the choice of regular guests is not only the actors in the series, they are also familiar with each other, or they become acquainted through the filming of the series.

Several actors in the 99s filmed two films together, "The Life of a Witty Doctor", and "Penthouse" allowed Yan Jijun, Yoon Joong-hoon, and Bong Tae-kyu to shoot together for nearly a year and a half. The original relationship laid down from the series determines that in the variety show, the guests can quickly enter, and there is not so much sense of helplessness, at the same time, they will be more able to understand each other's taboos, the same laughter, etc., more relaxed in the dialogue, and the unexpected sense of variety may follow. After all, the environment of all acquaintances will be easier to give people a sense of security, and it will be more able to restore and stimulate the real state of the guests.

Therefore, it can be seen that in "Witty Mountain Village Life", the mutual ridicule of friends of the same age, Cao Zhengyi and Jin Daming, is the norm; one can wear a raincoat and gloves in the way that a doctor wears a surgical gown and wears gloves without verbal arrangements. In "Won't Hurt You", three people of different ages also seem to have no age and generational shackles, and jokes are relaxed and casual.

Youai Tengmang needs "drama sales roundup" from travel cooking to "Metamorphosis", how to play korean drama sales roundup? Shouldn't just be Wu Tong's "love card"

Stills from "Witty Mountain Village Life"

Relaxed, authentic and not deliberate, these are undoubtedly one of the things that audiences want to see through reality TV.

However, not all episodes can or must have an after-sales service. The good performance of the series is one of the prerequisites for the generation of after-sales content. "Please Answer 1988", "Witty Doctor's Life", "Penthouse" are all works that perform very well in topics, ratings, and word of mouth, and they have and lay a good fan base, and it is precisely in this way that the after-sales service has the possibility and confidence.

At the same time, through the study of the type of drama, it can be found that the group portrait drama seems to be more suitable for the development of variety show after-sales.

Through the presentation of the series, the group portraits with distinct personalities have given the audience a deep impression, and the fixed guests and flying guests who are composed of them in the variety show can also better continue the role and emotional projection brought to the audience by the series. In addition, the group portrait means that the number of actors is large, so the presentation of the variety show has more selectivity. Family affection, friendship, emotional cards, a sense of contrast, after-sales variety shows can carry a lot of content.

In fact, the domestic audience's requirements for after-sales of dramas have always existed. The CP of the sweet pet drama, whether during the broadcast of the drama or after the broadcast, always hopes to see the interaction between the two; the dynamics of the CP in the love variety show together can still be on the hot search after the end of the show, becoming a hot topic; seeing a good relationship or a very terrier in the variety show, will also call for "can you come up with a variety show together"...

Youai Tengmang needs "drama sales roundup" from travel cooking to "Metamorphosis", how to play korean drama sales roundup? Shouldn't just be Wu Tong's "love card"

Rocket Girl 101 Group Roundup "Rampage 20 Years Old"

Creators are also trying. The group roundup after the idol selection is formed, the occasional integration and connection of the actors during the broadcast of the series and after the broadcast are all attempts at the after-sales content side. However, after-sales group roundups of the series are still relatively rare in internal entertainment.

However, the popularity of group portrait drama creation seems to provide a possible premise for the after-sales group roundup. In recent years, there have been female group portrait dramas such as "Thirty Only" and "North and South", which focus on female friendship and growth; there are also dramas such as "Children of the Joe Family" that take brotherly and sisterly affection as the entry point; there are also works such as "Ideal City" that shape the portraits of vertical groups, and the emergence and shaping of characters with distinct personalities may be developed into after-sales groups.

However, different from the production method of Korean TV dramas while filming and broadcasting, it can make the episodes, variety shows popularity, and relevance be well connected and continued, and the contact and familiarity of the actors will not be "broken", and the production and broadcasting methods of domestic dramas may still limit the production and better results of the after-sales group roundup, after all, from the end of the episode to the broadcast, and then to the collection of actors to shoot the variety show, it is likely to be a long and discontinuous action.

Therefore, the domestic drama after-sales variety show in the internal entertainment is basically a fragmentary way of existence, and the director of the variety show represented by Wu Tong is more accurate to grasp this piece, and transformed into the gimmick of "feelings", and the popular variety shows such as "Ace to Ace" and "Detective Detective" are the masters.

Youai Tengmang needs "drama sales roundup" from travel cooking to "Metamorphosis", how to play korean drama sales roundup? Shouldn't just be Wu Tong's "love card"

Stills from "Detective Detective"

There is nothing wrong with it, the reaction speed of the after-sales variety show of the series is more testing the tone and execution of a platform, and the domestic market has more and more uncertainty about the evaluation of the drama explosion, and a drama from the end of the film to the release in The country is less than half a year, more than a year or even longer, at the same time, the popular actors appear in various projects non-stop in the year, which restricts the birth of the after-sales variety show of the relevant drama.

However, with the increasing type restrictions of the domestic variety market, the more barren content that can be developed by variety shows, and the more obvious reality shows in the test of acquaintance relationships, it is time for Youai Tengmang, who holds the power of content self-control, to consider the batch landing of "episode sales roundups", after all, the advantages of such variety shows have been carefully reviewed above.

Just like "variety show to variety show", Mango TV has stepped out of the practicability from "Brother with Thorns" to "Night in Greater Wan Chai", hoping that in the future, "drama sales roundup" can be used well, rather than just a quick glance into the hands of Wu Tong and become a "love card".