
After the black cat and the white cat stopped taking orders, the CEO of Euler expressed his position: selling a car lost 10,000

On Valentine's Day on February 14, the news about whether the black cat and the white cat of the two models of Great Wall Euler Automobile were discontinued can be said to be controversial.

Among them, some people said that Euler black cat and white cat were officially discontinued, and some people said that they only suspended accepting orders.

Why do these two cars attract so much attention?

I think one of the main reasons is because euler black cats and white cats in the same level, the same price of pure electric vehicles, the overall performance is still relatively good.

After the black cat and the white cat stopped taking orders, the CEO of Euler expressed his position: selling a car lost 10,000

First of all, these two cars were born on the me pure electric exclusive platform of Great Wall Motors, whether it is the vehicle configuration, pure electric endurance and the performance of the interior space, it is very prominent.

Especially in terms of interior space, it can be said that among all the models in the same class, Euler's two cars are the most prominent. Although the wheelbase is less than 2.5 meters, the rear space is very spacious, basically comparable to many higher-class compact cars.

Of course, for micro scooters with a length of about 3.5 meters such as black cats and white cats, the space inside the car is large, so naturally some trunk space must be sacrificed.

But in comparison, the interior space is more practical.

After the black cat and the white cat stopped taking orders, the CEO of Euler expressed his position: selling a car lost 10,000

Secondly, Euler's models are very unique in appearance design. Although it doesn't look so stunning at first glance, the more you look at it, the more you think that Euler's black and white cats are cute enough. For some little girls, there is enough attraction.

And Great Wall Motors also wants to build Euler Automobile into a car brand that loves women more.

Therefore, Euler Black Cat once launched models such as the "Goddess Edition".

It seems that driving this car, you are a goddess, try to ask which girl does not like?

That is to say, Euler Automobile has both technology and better understanding of marketing, and sales will naturally not be bad.

Therefore, for the fact that Euler black cats and white cats stopped taking orders, so many people will pay attention.

After the black cat and the white cat stopped taking orders, the CEO of Euler expressed his position: selling a car lost 10,000

As for whether these two cars are suspended or suspended, Dong Yudong, CEO of the Euler brand, recently issued a statement, which should be regarded as the official explanation of Euler Automobile.

In this statement, Dong Yudong made it clear that the black cat and the white cat only stopped taking orders and did not stop production.

As for the reason for stopping orders, it is mainly because the raw materials have risen sharply in 2022, resulting in a loss of more than 10,000 yuan for euler black cat single-platform cars.

At the same time, he also said that all the after-sales services of Euler black cat and white cat will not be affected by the cessation of orders.

In this way, the black cat and the white cat did not stop production, but only stopped taking orders.

After the black cat and the white cat stopped taking orders, the CEO of Euler expressed his position: selling a car lost 10,000

However, if you keep taking orders, what is the difference between that and the suspension of production?

In the view of car fast reviews, black cats and white cats stopped taking orders, in addition to the rise in raw materials, there is a deeper reason, that is, Euler Automobile will launch a number of new models next year.

The price of these models is as low as more than 100,000 yuan, and as high as more than 200,000 yuan.

It is clear that Euler Automobile is going to take the high-end route.

Black cats and white cats, which cost less than 100,000 yuan in low-end models, must disappear, even if consumers still linger.

After the black cat and the white cat stopped taking orders, the CEO of Euler expressed his position: selling a car lost 10,000

However, one thing is certain, black and white cat owners do not have to worry about the after-sales service of Euler cars.

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