
If the elderly have 5 symptoms, do not be careless, perhaps it is a warning signal from a stroke

Stroke, or stroke, is an acute cerebrovascular disease caused by blockage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain, and is very common in middle-aged and elderly people.

Stroke onset is very sudden, the disease changes rapidly, there is a high disability and mortality rate, which seriously threatens the life and quality of life of middle-aged and elderly people.

However, before the stroke is not without warning, if you can receive the signal of stroke in time and deal with it in time, you can effectively reduce the mortality rate of stroke!

If the elderly have the following symptoms, do not be careless, this may be a warning signal from a stroke!

If the elderly have 5 symptoms, do not be careless, perhaps it is a warning signal from a stroke

1. Yawning and drowsiness

The human body will have phenomena such as yawning and drowsiness when it is tired and sleepy, but if all recent sleep is normal, and there is no large amount of physical and mental work, but there are often drowsiness, yawning and other manifestations, and should be vigilant against whether it is a signal from stroke.

Clinically, about 80% of stroke patients can have symptoms of drowsiness and yawning about a week before the onset of the disease, which is mainly caused by blockage and hardening of cerebral blood vessels, resulting in cerebral tissue ischemia and hypoxia.

If the elderly have 5 symptoms, do not be careless, perhaps it is a warning signal from a stroke

2. Blackening in front of your eyes

If you have often blurred your vision when you look at things recently, or if you often suddenly become black in front of your eyes and stand unsteadily, but return to normal after tens of seconds, you should also be wary of stroke.

The above manifestations are clinically called "transient vision loss", which is a common symptom before stroke, and the reason why this is so is related to retinal ischemia caused by cerebral vascular ischemia.

If the elderly have 5 symptoms, do not be careless, perhaps it is a warning signal from a stroke

3. Dizziness and headache

Many patients have dizziness and headache symptoms before stroke, and the above symptoms occur in the early morning.

If the patient has recently had a frequent severe headache that lasts only a few tens of seconds to a few minutes, and then returns to normal, it is likely that the cerebral blood vessels have been blocked or hardened, resulting in transient ischemia of brain tissue;

In addition, if there is a persistent severe headache accompanied by symptoms of nausea and vomiting, it is likely to be a sign of hemorrhagic stroke, and it is necessary to seek medical examination in time.

If the elderly have 5 symptoms, do not be careless, perhaps it is a warning signal from a stroke

4. Language dysfunction

Middle-aged and elderly people who are usually fluent in language should be vigilant against stroke if they suddenly have language barriers, such as slurred speech, inability to express their meaning well, and stiff tongue roots.

Before the onset of stroke, due to the ischemia and lack of oxygen in the patient's brain tissue, it can affect the function of the language center, resulting in language disorders, and the severity of the symptoms shown by the patients is different due to different conditions.

If the elderly have 5 symptoms, do not be careless, perhaps it is a warning signal from a stroke

5. Unilateral limb numbness, easy to fall

As we all know, the activities, consciousness and sensations of the human body are controlled by the brain, if there is a problem with blood circulation in the brain, affecting the area that controls the nerve activity of the limb, there will be unilateral limb weakness, numbness and other symptoms, manifested as unable to hold chopsticks, unable to button buttons, etc., and even cause hemiplegia when severe.

In addition, due to cerebral vascular blockage, hardening, brain tissue ischemia, is likely to cause ataxia and balance disorders, such people can appear unstable, prone to fall, once the above symptoms appear, must go to the hospital in time.

If the elderly have 5 symptoms, do not be careless, perhaps it is a warning signal from a stroke

The arrival of stroke will seriously threaten the health and life of patients, therefore, the elderly in life should pay more attention to their health status, especially those who themselves suffer from hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other basic diseases and obesity and other conditions of the elderly, the body appears above several abnormalities, should go to the hospital in time, clarify the cause, to avoid the disease is not found in time to bring threats to life.

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