
Officially announced 2 foreign aid + Golden Boot departure! The Taishan team still rushed to 4 consecutive championships, and the harbor made up for it: 3 big feet in a row

At present, the best development of the Chinese Super League is Shandong Taishan and Shanghai Haigang, and the two teams maintain a stable championship competition. Beijing Guoan, Guangzhou team and other giants have declined to varying degrees, and the strength of the lineup is not as good as before. Among them, the decline of the Guangzhou team is the most serious, plagued by funds, the Guangzhou team may let go of all the main forces, instead of using young players, 5 naturalized players will be terminated first, The Chinese naturalized player Xiao Taotao has also recently assessed returning to Peru to play, Jiang Guangtai, Wei Shihao, Yang Liyu, Liao Lisheng, Liu Dianzuo and others will also choose to leave because of the problem of salary cuts and wage arrears in Guangzhou.

Officially announced 2 foreign aid + Golden Boot departure! The Taishan team still rushed to 4 consecutive championships, and the harbor made up for it: 3 big feet in a row

According to the adjustment dynamics of the winter window, Shandong Taishan team also has a personnel change, with Leonardo officially on loan to join South Korean team Ulsan Hyundai, Taishan team has officially confirmed the departure of 2 foreign aides and Golden Boot scorer Guo Tianyu, the two foreign aides are Leonardo and Kadar. Leonardo, 24, has been in poor form over the past year, scoring just two goals in 20 games for Tarzan and Hebei, with the only option to find form on loan, while Kadar has been abandoned by Tarzan and has moved to Hungarian First Division side Nova Pest.

Officially announced 2 foreign aid + Golden Boot departure! The Taishan team still rushed to 4 consecutive championships, and the harbor made up for it: 3 big feet in a row

Since the 2 foreign aides are all players that The Taishan team has already loaned out last season, their departure from the team again has no impact on the Taishan team. The departure of the 22-year-old Chinese Super League's new local Golden Boot Guo Tianyu is the biggest impact on Taishan, he joined the Portuguese Premier League team Vizzella on loan, began a journey to stay in the Ocean, if the performance is ideal, Guo Tianyu will permanently transfer to stay in Europe to develop. The Taishan team also has a main player who is about to stay in the official announcement team, this person is Xu Xin. However, Taishan still maintains the momentum of impacting 4 consecutive championships, the lineup is full of thickness, last season's 5 foreign aid system also remained stable, in the case of other teams with difficult development difficulties, Taishan is still the biggest favorite to win the Chinese Super League and the FA Cup in the new season, and is expected to achieve the great cause of winning 4 consecutive championships in a double line.

Officially announced 2 foreign aid + Golden Boot departure! The Taishan team still rushed to 4 consecutive championships, and the harbor made up for it: 3 big feet in a row

In the new season, the biggest threat to the Taishan team is still Shanghai Harbor, according to the "Football Newspaper" report, Shanghai Harbor in addition to retaining 2 big-name foreign aid Moy and Oscar, but also chose the lineup to make up for, consecutively snapped up 3 internationals, including Xu Xin and 2 naturalized internationals, the media only revealed the name of a naturalized international, this person is Axon, but described the status of another naturalized international, indicating that this person is a naturalized international in the year of the fight.

Officially announced 2 foreign aid + Golden Boot departure! The Taishan team still rushed to 4 consecutive championships, and the harbor made up for it: 3 big feet in a row

Judging from the situation of the 4 naturalized internationals who have been terminated by the Guangzhou team, this person basically locked Fernando, because Alain and Luo Guofu are already over thirty years old, and Fernando is only 28 years old. "Football News" believes that the overall strength of Shanghai Harbor will be greatly improved after the adjustment of the winter window, and is expected to become a big player again, although the new phase of national football training only Yan Junling and Wang Shenchao 2 people selected for the national football team, but the next training may have Abra Khan, Liu Zhurun and other young players on the position. According to this development trend, the harbor in the new season has enough strength to wrench the wrist with the Tarzan team, which is worth looking forward to.

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