
Do Android vendors have a chance? Samsung developed a new screen material: the iPhone was used first

February 25 news, according to the Korean media The Elec reported that Samsung is developing M12 OLED screen material, the material will be provided by Solus Advanced Material, it is expected that Samsung's upcoming folding screen mobile phone and Apple's iPhone 14 series can take the lead in using this material.

Do Android vendors have a chance? Samsung developed a new screen material: the iPhone was used first

Samsung's screen display effect, energy consumption, service life, etc. are really good, and the luminous materials are also improving from generation to generation, which is the main screen supply of global flagship mobile phones. However, Samsung has a feature, that is, a good screen will be used by itself first, then supplied to Apple, and finally it will think of Android mobile phone manufacturers.

It is no wonder that Samsung's competitive relationship with other Android mobile phone manufacturers is more serious, if you supply them with a good screen first, then your own products will not sell well. In addition, Android manufacturers flagship mobile phone shipments are small, the purchase of high-end screens is also small, Apple is all flagship mobile phones, the purchase volume is large enough, it must be given priority to Apple.

Do Android vendors have a chance? Samsung developed a new screen material: the iPhone was used first

Compared with the existing M11 material, the power consumption of the M12 material should be reduced a lot, which will help the iPhone further improve the battery life. In fact, Apple's mobile phone battery life strategy has been good, iPhone 13 Pro Max is the top of the endurance test leaderboard, but in addition to the top version, other generations of iPhone other models of batteries are relatively small, endurance is still a problem.

According to the screen supply chain consulting company DSCC, the iPhone 14 series will abandon the design of Liu Haiping and change it to a pill + perforated screen, trying to increase the screen ratio while still unwilling to give up 3D Face ID. However, with Xiao Lei's aesthetic, this asymmetrical front camera design is not as good as the current bangs.

Do Android vendors have a chance? Samsung developed a new screen material: the iPhone was used first

As for the under-screen camera iPhone we crave, it won't come in a short time. We can see that there are already a lot of off-screen camera phones, but few flagship machines that use this technology are because the off-screen camera will greatly reduce the selfie effect.

Synthesizing the information that has been exposed, in addition to the appearance value may decline somewhat, the iPhone 14 looks very much, especially the new screen material, with Apple's color adjustment and endurance optimization, it will definitely bring better original color display effect and endurance performance.

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