
Live up to the years and cherish the present

Live up to the years and cherish the present


It is difficult to leave people easy to look at in the years, and life is short and self-pitying.

The years toss and turn, several degrees of spring to several degrees of autumn, inadvertently increased the age, old face, youth is gone.

In a trance, life is only a few decades, and the good years are as brilliant and short as fireworks, only to take time, grasp the present, live today, and cherish the present. Fang does not live up to himself, does not live up to life.

I like Du Qiuniang's poem very much: "Advise the king not to cherish the golden robe, and persuade the king to cherish the youth." The flowers can be folded straight and folded, and there is no need to fold the branches without flowers. ”

Indeed, when you are young, you don't work hard, you don't act, and you wait until the old man is unsuccessful to look back on the youth, what is the use?

Since then, Mo hesitates, Mo thinks, thinking is the problem, doing is the answer, no matter what stage of life, as long as you are willing to change, it is not too late, as long as you pay there is a return, time will give you everything you want.

From now on, take advantage of the fact that the time is not old, take advantage of the good old age, open your mind, do not rest on your laurels, bravely step out of the comfort zone, go to the mountains and rivers, toward the three mountains and five mountains, step on the rivers and mountains of the motherland, ride the wind and waves, and strive to pursue ideals and realize the value of life.

"Starlight doesn't ask passers-by, time pays off."

As long as you continue to move towards the goal in the dark night, you can see the dawn of the dawn and reach the other side of the ideal. I always believe that a piece of hard work, a harvest, time will live up to the heart of the people.

The days are like flowing water, in the blink of an eye, time and shadow slip away from between the fingers, the sun sets, the moon rises and the sun rises, and the day is just a kung fu of opening your eyes and closing your eyes.

Just like some people who appear in life, they always think that they can walk together, keep a curtain of dreams together, and spend a long time together until the end of their lives. Unexpectedly, people's hearts are changeable, and the vows of the sea have become the call of dreams, and the dream wakes up and the heart is broken.

However, no matter what happens in life, don't be depressed, cheer up, turn grief into strength, start again, set sail again, cross the reef rapids, and there will be a port of call ahead.

Live up to the years and cherish the present


Life is like a folding drama, sad and joyful, laughing and scolding, human feelings are cold and warm, the world is hot and cold, the taste of it, only you can experience it. But whatever version of life gives you, don't be discouraged.

Living up to the years and cherishing the present is the best state of life.

Life is like a drama, drama is like life, it is also two kinds of life in front of and behind the curtain, the front of the curtain is bright and beautiful, the aura is dazzling, and it is enviable.

Behind the scenes, it is the accumulation of sweat and hard work, and no one can easily succeed.

In this era of fierce competition, pressure is everywhere, in fact, do not be afraid of pressure, there is pressure to have motivation, just like the fountain has pressure to have the beauty of the splash.

And life is like a stage, how big the heart is, how big the stage is. The road of life is exactly like this, striving in the quest, brilliant in the endeavor, so as to step by step to the stage for a minute, the history of the struggle of ten years of merit offstage. In the end, you can win applause and applause.

Life is very different, life is also diverse, no matter how life should be full of vitality, bursting with morale. Write down hopes, plan for the future, design a blueprint for life to succeed, and do your best to go to the door of the ideal.

Live up to the years and cherish the present


In the life of the sea and the sea, some people live as a beam of light, illuminate themselves, warm others, and some people are muddy and have to get by. Wasted years, wasted years.

The transparent mirror of life reflects the different faces of life, and some people are humble and acceptable, looking at the ocean and sighing. Some people are arrogant and exaggerated. Confined to the inherent thinking, stopping at the present, not thinking of making progress, missing the future, losing the years, and living into a joke.

In the career of life, some people have made meritorious achievements, and their names have been recorded in the annals of history. Some people have achieved nothing, they are mediocre, their lives are miserable, and all the cycles of cause and effect are in personal cultivation.

The golden year does not come again, it is difficult to get another morning, and it is timely to be encouraged, and the years do not treat people. Life is a self-game, a process of self-improvement, don't be at the age of struggle, choose comfort.

It is important to know that seedlings in greenhouses are difficult to grow, and towering trees usually grow in the wilderness.

Life is inevitably because of the high and far, and ignore everything in the present, always yearn for the distance, always nostalgic for the scenery elsewhere; as everyone knows, the most beautiful scenery is not in the distance, right in front of the eyes, the most heartwarming people; not in the mirror flowers and water moon, just around, the most down-to-earth road is under the feet, not the place where the feet can not be measured.

The person who should be cherished the most is the pillow person, not the one who goes to the twilight, sees different thoughts, cherishes the present, cherishes the fate in life, and is the greatest blessing in life.

Years are like shuttles, time is like an arrow, life is a swing, do not bear the age, cherish the present, in order not to live up to life, not to bear their own.

To live up to the years is to live up to the good years of this life, and to cherish the present is to cherish the happiness and fulfillment of this life.

Xu years are quiet, thinking of life can be loved, cherishing the encounters in life, family affection, love are all precious in life, should be cherished.

Live up to the years and cherish the present

The years are empty, the heart is curved and leisurely.

In this spring of vitality and hope, my heart is full of joy and expectation.

Riding on the paper kites of the spring wind, all the way forward, into another season of flowing years.

Blowing the first breeze of spring, bathing in the first rays of sunshine of spring, smelling the first flowers of spring, ushering in another year of life, entering another journey of life, and opening a new hope for life.

I only hope that with a sincere heart, I will not live up to the years, hold a good heart, live up to the encounter, and cherish everything.


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