
Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

At present, the T1 team has achieved eleven consecutive spring wins, and has become the only team in the four major divisions to maintain all the victories in the spring competition. However, in the previous two days of T1 vs. DK, there was a small episode. Not long after the game began, Faker suddenly handed over his flash, and there were no enemy heroes nearby, and then the game was suspended.

Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

Finally, after deliberations between the referees and the coaches of both sides, it was decided to go back in time to the time period before Faker pressed the flash. However, the original DK coach Daeny did not agree to reset the Fake flash after the suspension, but the suspension was too long, and finally agreed, and the official also explained this.

Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

However, there is another hidden reason, because in the BP session at the beginning of the game, Faker mentioned that there was a problem with the team's voice audio, so the headphones were replaced when the game loaded.

After Faker changed his headphones, he also tested the team's voice by making an "ah, ah, ah" sound. At this point, the teammates didn't hear Faker at all, until Keria asked in the team: Faker, can you test your own microphone voice? It was only then that his teammates began to listen quietly to Faker.

Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees
Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

Faker: Ah, ah, ah, can you hear me?

Gumayusi: It's very quiet.

Oner: A bit small.

Keria asked for a timeout, and the referee responded: No, please wait.

Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

Faker must have not heard the communication between his teammates and the referee at this time, and was still testing the microphone: Can you hear me? I can't hear what you're saying.

Zeus and Keria said: Very quiet, can not hear the speech.

Faker was still trying to communicate through "ah, ah, ah" and then it didn't feel right, so he also asked for a suspension.

Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

Faker and Keria again asked for a timeout almost at the same time, and the referee responded again: No, wait a minute.

Faker: That's too much.

Oner then continued to try to communicate with Faker, and When Faker heard that the suspension was rejected, he bluntly said: This is not something we should bear.

Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees
Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

When his teammates started the first-level group position, Faker was still testing voice communication. The referee asked: Is the microphone problem good now?

Faker: I always could only hear the voice on the left and then I could hear the voice on the right.

Gumayusi and Faker again asked the referee to suspend the game, and the referee finally agreed to the timeout, and at this time Faker mistakenly pressed his own flash, so he asked: Ah, I just pressed my flash, can I reset it?

(Flash of /ff is used when a player requests a pause, and Fake misuses the F key when requesting a pause)

Judge: Okay, wait a minute.

Faker (hands over your head): Ah, really...

Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

The referee's explanation was that it was a small problem that could continue the game, so there was no suspension.

According to the feedback of players at the scene of the game, teammates and Faker repeatedly requested the suspension of the game, even on the side of the DK seat, and the referee did not suspend the game for the first time.

Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

Official announcement from LCK after the game:

Because LCK competes in an open environment, the headphones have external noise masking turned on by default. This feature only allows you to hear more than a certain decibel through the headphones, so sometimes depending on the size of your voice, there will be intermittent situations. The referee believed that the Faker player's request for a suspension was caused by this problem, so he did not accept the request for suspension. Later, after learning that the sound on both sides of the headset was different, he accepted the request to pause.

Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

The referees and the league operations team concluded that in the game, the request for a suspension of the match should be given priority, so it should be accepted from the first time Faker proposed a suspension. The referee did not accept it due to an error in judgment, so it was decided to go back in time to the point in time before the flash. Because the responsibility for misusing flashes should rest with the referee and the league run, not the players.

Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

Finally, LCK officials said: apologize to the two teams for poor management, and also apologize to the audience and fans. Regarding referees, we plan to ask the Korean Esports Association to conduct a disciplinary review of the referees' committees. Separate training courses will also be added to the regular training of referees to prevent the recurrence of such situations.

Faker Match Request For Suspension Rejected LCK: Separate training will be added for referees

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