
What exactly is the burning oil that everyone talks about, and what harm will it cause to the engine?

author:Rider New Media

(Text/ Zhang Qiyou) Recently, the major BMW 3 series discussions are full of posted oil burning, the main reason is that everyone has found that the B48TU engine equipped with the new BMW 3 series has obvious oil burning phenomenon, and the 4S store has also deliberately increased the amount of oil filling, which has the meaning of no silver three hundred and two here. Presumably everyone is not unfamiliar with the burning of engine oil, think of the Volkswagen Group's famous EA888 engine also has the phenomenon of burning oil, then for many new drivers, they may not be very clear about what kind of phenomenon is burning oil, so this issue of the new driver school to talk about what is burning oil, and what adverse effects will be brought by burning oil?

What is the state of burned oil?

Everyone says burning oil, so what is the appearance of burning oil, how to judge that your car has burned oil? For the vast majority of users, they may not be clear about what the symptoms of burning oil are, in fact, as the name suggests, burning oil is to describe the engine will burn off a part of the oil when it is burned to do work. As we all know, the oil is used to lubricate the oil inside the engine, and according to the instructions of each model, the oil loss in a maintenance cycle is a reasonable range, if before the next maintenance comes, the car prompts you that the amount of oil is insufficient, then it can basically be judged that the engine has burned oil. In addition, the burning oil can also be seen by the emission of the exhaust gas, because the oil itself is not a combustion, so its exhaust gas after combustion will appear blue smoke, which is also a strong evidence for everyone to judge the burning oil.

What exactly is the burning oil that everyone talks about, and what harm will it cause to the engine?

What are the hazards of burning engine oil?

So what are the hazards of engine burning oil? The first is that it will increase the cost of the car, and there is a passage in the anecdote that as long as the owner of the Audi will reserve a box of oil in the trunk, the purpose is to add oil at any time. Of course, the strip belongs to the strip, but the operation of the trunk standing oil is indeed what the owners of the oil should do. Because the engine that burns oil usually has too little oil before the normal maintenance cycle, the lubrication effect inside the engine will be greatly reduced, which directly affects the power output of the engine, and will greatly accelerate the wear of the cylinder and piston ring, shorten its life and even strain or scrap the cylinder.

What exactly is the burning oil that everyone talks about, and what harm will it cause to the engine?

The second is the problem of carbon deposits. As we all know, the engine is most afraid of carbon deposits, because the oil is not a combustible, so there are many components in the oil itself can not be burned, and these unburnable parts remain inside the engine, over time to form carbon deposits, and finally more and more carbon deposits, which will lead to car idling jitter, fuel consumption increased, and the power dropped significantly. It is worth mentioning that the carbon deposit generated by burning oil is still very difficult to remove, and the cleaning effect of fuel treasure or cleaning oil circuit is not good.

How is the oil produced?

After understanding the burning oil and its hazards, everyone will definitely ask how the burning oil is produced? In fact, there is no single reason for the production of burning oil, many parts inside the engine will cause the phenomenon of burning oil, the main causes can be divided into design factors and aging factors. Among them, the design factors are as innate as B48TU and EA888, B48TU's current speculation about the main cause of burning engine oil is that the pipeline design of the oil and gas separator is unreasonable, and EA888 was caused by the unreasonable design of the piston and piston ring.

What exactly is the burning oil that everyone talks about, and what harm will it cause to the engine?

Then there are the aging factors, the engine has many sealing ring parts, their role is to divide the engine into various areas, to prevent the internal oil and gas from jumping around, but if the vehicle is too old, the various seals inside it will appear aging, resulting in oil and other oil flowing into the combustion chamber, burning.


The idea of the new driver school in this issue is to let more new drivers understand the basic state of burning oil, of course, we do not recommend that you buy a model that will burn oil, Volkswagen EA888 has passed three generations of improvements to solve the problem of burning oil. The biggest harm of burning engine oil is that it belongs to the "chronic disease", the longer the time drags on, the more cost the owner needs to spend in the later stage. Therefore, if you find that your car is burning oil, it is still recommended to go to the repair shop in advance to check the repair. (The picture comes from the Internet, if there is infringement, please inform and delete)