
Why is Highlander strong and strong? Because it is a resonator of the good life

Why is Highlander strong and strong? Because it is a resonator of the good life

Chetuoshe Chetuoshe 2022-02-26 13:23:51

In the field of medium and large SUVs, if you want to say a lighthouse-level god car, it is the Highlander. In the past 13 years of listing, it has been recognized by more than 1.1 million car owners, and the retention rate in 3 years is as high as 89.12%. If you want to experience the excitement it brings, drive it for a day of life to get a glimpse.

Che Tujun recently participated in the "5+2+7HIGH Life" Highlander activity in Shanghai, and experienced the "daily life" that can be used for vacation or leisure.

Why is Highlander strong and strong? Because it is a resonator of the good life
Why is Highlander strong and strong? Because it is a resonator of the good life

Driving Highlander is about to arrive in Fengxian Wufang Village on the outskirts of Shanghai, and the invited car owners and families almost all bring their families to participate, swimming in the suburban fields, and the rhythm of life feels relaxed at once.

Why is Highlander strong and strong? Because it is a resonator of the good life
Why is Highlander strong and strong? Because it is a resonator of the good life

Owners say the reason for choosing Highlander is simple, that is, to be able to "balance" performance and functionality, while not losing responsibility and responsibility.

Why is Highlander strong and strong? Because it is a resonator of the good life
Why is Highlander strong and strong? Because it is a resonator of the good life

In terms of product strength, car owners bluntly said that they are most interested in the appearance of calm and atmospheric, performance beyond the level, modern sense of foot, high residual value rate.

The first introduction of the TNGA 2.5L hybrid version makes it more "vibrant". The new chassis brings good stability, coupled with sensitive handling and performance, and the low fuel consumption of less than 6 liters per 100 kilometers is amazing.

Why is Highlander strong and strong? Because it is a resonator of the good life

After a day of test drive, Che Tojun believes that Highlander's interpretation of the car has become a loyal companion to accompany the owner's journey and life. This spiritual resonance also makes Highlander strong.

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