
Today's news: Liang Rubo stepped down as the legal representative of Douyin; Keep submitted a listing application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Today's news: Liang Rubo stepped down as the legal representative of Douyin; Keep submitted a listing application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Text/Zinc Finance Responsible Group Sorting


Liang Rubo stepped down as the legal representative of Douyin

According to the Tianyancha App, recently, the Douyin affiliate Beijing Microcast Vision Technology Co., Ltd. underwent industrial and commercial changes, and the founder Liang Rubo no longer served as the company's legal representative, executive director and manager, and was replaced by Ren Lifeng.

According to media reports, after Liang Rubo became the new CEO of ByteDance, he announced the establishment of six business sectors such as Douyin, Volcano Engine, and TikTok, and today's headlines, watermelon video, search, encyclopedia and domestic vertical service businesses were merged into Douyin. Public information shows that Ren Lifeng is the president of Watermelon Video.

Keep submits a listing application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

On February 25, sports technology company Keep officially submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with Goldman Sachs and CICC as joint sponsors of the IPO.

According to the prospectus, before the IPO, Keep founder and CEO Wang Ning held 18.61%, co-founder Peng Wei held 2.26%, co-founder Liu Dong held 1.18%, co-founder Wen Chunpeng held 1.16%, GGV Jiyuan Capital held 16.14%, SoftBank held 10.39%, and other investors held 50.25%.

The final price of the first Huawei Hongmeng automobile was announced

On February 25, AITO announced the final price of its first model, the "Q&I M5": the rear-drive standard version is priced at 249,800 yuan, the four-wheel drive performance version is priced at 279,800 yuan, and the four-wheel drive flagship version is priced at 319,800 yuan.

AITO is a high-end smart car brand that cooperates with Huawei. On December 23 last year, at huawei's winter flagship new product launch, the "Q&I M5" was officially released. The final selling price has decreased compared to the pre-sale price.

Lagou: The average salary of Internet people recruited in the spring of 2022 is 18,500 yuan

According to the "2022 Internet Industry Spring Recruitment Salary Report" released by Lagou Recruitment, since 2022, the average salary of the Internet industry has been 18,500 yuan, an increase of 7.5% over the same period last year, higher than the 6.9% increase last year. Compared with the same period last year, the average salary of the Internet industry has increased by 18.7% since the beginning of 2022.

From the perspective of the industry, the average salary in 2022 in various segments of the Internet generally increased year-on-year, of which the enterprise services, games and intelligent hardware industries increased the most, 33.5%, 21.6%, and 20.9% respectively.

State Post Bureau: Concentrate on the vicious low-price competition of express delivery and empty package brushing orders

According to the official website of the State Post Bureau, on the 24th, the first meeting of the 2022 Delivery Channel Safety Management Leading Group was held in Beijing.

The meeting proposed to make every effort to maintain the safety and stability of the industry. Effectively prevent and resolve all kinds of risks, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of couriers, strengthen the order of the express delivery market, concentrate on the management of vicious low-price competition and empty package brushing, and take a clear stand against "inner volume". Carry out special action plans for the protection and governance of personal information in the field of postal express delivery. Promote the application of new technologies such as virtual security numbers and privacy face sheets.

SpaceX responded to NASA's questions

Recently, public opinion, including NASA, has reportedly been concerned that SpaceX's Starlink satellites could exacerbate the risk of spacecraft collisions.

Recently, SpaceX published an official blog post titled "SpaceX's Strategy for Sustainability and Security in Space." The company said the SpaceX Starlink system has launched more than 2,000 satellites, and the entire network is currently more reliable than 99%, with only 1% of satellites failing due to higher orbital altitudes.

Ideal Auto released its fourth quarter and full year 2021 financial results

Ideal Auto released its fourth quarter and full year 2021 financial results. According to the financial report, the quarterly revenue was 10.62 billion yuan, an increase of 156.1% year-on-year, and the market expected 10.293 billion yuan; vehicle sales revenue was 10.375 billion yuan, an increase of 155.7% year-on-year and 40.5% month-on-month.

In the first quarter of 2022, vehicle deliveries are expected to be between 30,000 and 32,000 units, an increase of 138.5%-154.4% year-on-year; total revenue is expected to be 8.84-9.43 billion yuan, an increase of 147.2% to 163.7% year-on-year. According to the financial report, the non-GAAP net profit for the quarter was 686.4 million yuan, an increase of 494.8% year-on-year and an increase of 104.5% month-on-month.

Graffiti Smart responds to layoff rumors

Recently, some netizens broke the news that Graffiti Intelligent laid off 500-700 people, the content shows that Tuya Intelligent this layoff company is only about 2500-3000 people, it is estimated to lay off 500-700 people. From the internal employees of Tuya Intelligence, it is understood that Tuya Intelligent is indeed laying off employees, originally more than 3800 people last year, and it is expected to retain 3000 people, and the number of layoffs may exceed 800 people. The employee also said that the mobility rate of Tuya Smart has always been very high.

In this regard, the relevant person in charge of Tuya Intelligence said: "The news is untrue, and the company has no layoff plans. The company's global business development is stable, and the human resources policy will further strengthen the advantage areas and business focus in accordance with the company's strategy. At present, the company is recruiting for many positions in the world, will continue to provide customers with quality products and services, welcome excellent talents to join. ”

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