
Death of Shoko the Camel

author:Drawer movies

Mr. Lao She's famous book "Camel Xiangzi" must have been heard by many Chinese people, and the tragic fate of Xiangzi was combined with the situation at that time, and no one would not spit on the darkness of the old society, and the poor could not survive. When the film and television industry is booming, how this famous work is put on the screen seems to become a topic of discussion among everyone, fortunately, after the famous director Ling Zifeng made a drastic adaptation of Lao She's original work in 1982, the classic "Camel Xiangzi" was rejuvenated.

Death of Shoko the Camel

"Camel Xiangzi" tells the story of the young farmer Xiangzi came to the city to beg for a living, because of the loss of land, Xiangzi had to come to the city to rely on the pulling of foreign cars to make a living, and a military disaster caused Xiangzi to lose the car, and Xiangzi, who accidentally harvested three camels, got the nickname "Camel Xiangzi". Shoko wants to save money again to buy her own car, but The sky is not beautiful, and the detective squeezes Shoko's savings. The old girl of the depot owner, Tiger Girl, has a crush on Shoko, but Shoko has no feelings for this woman who is older than her teenage years older. One night, however, stimulated by alcohol, Shoko fell.

Death of Shoko the Camel

Subsequently, Tiger Lady resolutely married Xiangzi, but later died because of difficult childbirth. Shoko, who has accepted the blows of fate, pins her last hope on the dark prostitute Fukuko who lives in the same courtyard as her. Shoko desperately pulls the cart and wants to redeem Xiaofuzi, but Xiaofuzi hangs herself on the eve of Shoko's money. Shoko, who has completely lost confidence in life, has become a walking corpse. The previous jokes with the guys finally came true, and Shoko herself eventually fell into the streets and died tragically.

Death of Shoko the Camel

People who have seen the original work know that compared with the novel, this film has reshaped the characters, and while there is more humanistic care, it does not have much impact on the core of the novel. Shoko's tragic fate is the first feeling many viewers have after watching this film, and this feeling is also the final feeling. Combined with the social environment at that time, is there a way out for Shoko's future? Of course not.

Death of Shoko the Camel

In a turbulent era, shoko as an ordinary farmer, what can he do? He was engaged in only the best option that millions of landless peasants could make. Shoko has a yearning for future life, his requirements are not complicated, there is a foreign car of his own, it is enough to live well by selling strength. However, it was this small request that Shoko could not meet.

Death of Shoko the Camel

The military disaster completely crushed Shoko's hopes, and the film did not have much foreshadowing at the beginning to tell the audience what kind of person Shoko really was and what his experience was. Instead, it directly adopts the middle part of the original work, and the car that Shoko has worked so hard to save money to buy is requisitioned by the soldiers to pull arms. Later, the car fell off a cliff and fell to pieces. Shoko's first purchase of a car was annihilated. At the same time, Shoko's first dream was also annihilated.

Death of Shoko the Camel

Of course, life is impermanent, such an explanation is still useful for Shoko, besides, at this time, Shoko took three camels can also be regarded as a response, although these three camels are not worth much, but it is better than nothing. Shoko continues to dream of saving money to buy a car, and he has not completely given up hope. Life still has some feedback for Shoko, and he naively thinks that as long as he is willing to contribute, he will be able to save money to buy a car.

Death of Shoko the Camel

This time, however, the money was not so easy to earn. Although Pulling Bao Yue from Mr. Sun can live a moist point, soon, Shoko's money is extorted by detectives. The helpless Shoko once again shattered her dream of buying a car. At this time, Shoko feels the powerlessness of life to fight, but the favor of the tiger girl makes Shoko love and fear. For this woman who is older than her teenage years old, Shoko is afraid, but tiger girl can help Shoko own her own car, which is undoubtedly another temptation. Shoko became confused and became intimate with Tiger Girl, and as she wished, she owned her own foreign car. I thought that fate would be completely stable here, who knew that the tiger girl who died in childbirth also lost Shoko's child and his foreign car dream.

Death of Shoko the Camel

In order to bury the tiger girl, Xiangzi once again lost her car, and Xiaofuzi, who was sick with herself, became Xiangzi's only concern at this moment, but the good times were not long, when Xiangzi found Xiaofuzi again, the two people were already separated by yin and yang. Shoko's dream of raising a car was completely destroyed, and at the same time, her own ideals and persistence in life were destroyed. In the old society, Shoko was finally completely devoured like the poor people she had talked about before.

Death of Shoko the Camel

A painful experience in different eras will have different discussions, and some people today still admit that Shoko's tragedy stems from his inability to earn money beyond his own cognition, which is a kind of statement, but behind this statement represents a certain indifference and selfishness, and they cannot see that Shoko's personal fate is closely integrated with the background of the entire era. What kind of cognition does Shoko need to be accepted by the so-called elites? Shouldn't Shoko have her own choices?

Death of Shoko the Camel

Shoko's dream is very simple, this is also the most common dream of the general public, they want to obtain the dignity of human beings through honest labor, but when there is no way out for these people under the background of the times, their lives will become more miserable, which has become the theory that "Shoko cannot obtain money other than his own cognition" in the population, the way to success is never more than one, Shoko does not yearn for other people's lives, why do you have to arrange life for him. The death of Shoko the Camel, death of the times, death of darkness, death of rumors.


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