
The Reputation of the South Korean Short Track Speed Skating Team led by Hwang Dae-hyun reversed! How did they go from hero to despicable?

author:Hujiang Korean

Fans "disappointed" by men's short track national team 'Champs-Demi controversy'

South Korea's men's short track speed skating national team is embroiled in a "private collusion" controversy, and fans expressed great disappointment.

South Korea's short track national team, who finished second in the men's relay 5,000 meters at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, lifts silver during the medal ceremony at The Medal Plaza in Beijing, China, on the afternoon of 17 July. From left: Lee Joon-seo, Kim Dong-wook, Park Jang-hyuk, Kwak Yun-ki and Hwang Dae-heon.

The South Korean short track speed skating team, which won the second place in the men's 5,000-meter relay race for short track speed skating at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, won the silver medal at the medal-awarding ceremony held at the Winter Olympics Awards Plaza in Beijing, China on the afternoon of the 17th. From left, they are Lee Joon-seok, Kim Dong-wook, Park Jan-hyuk, Koo Yun-ki, and Hwang Dae-hyun.

The Reputation of the South Korean Short Track Speed Skating Team led by Hwang Dae-hyun reversed! How did they go from hero to despicable?

The short-track men's national team, which has enjoyed great popularity among the public since the Beijing Olympics, was embroiled in suspicion with a scene on YouTube by Lee Joon-seo. After the controversy, Lee Jun-seo removed the video, edited only the controversial part of the game, and re-posted it.

After the Beijing Winter Olympics, Lee Joon-ri, a short-track speed skating men's national team that enjoyed popularity among south Koreans, was caught up in the "private collusion" controversy over a scene on YouTube. It refers to the private collusion in the Selection of National Representatives in order to help select specific players. As the controversy expanded, Lee deleted the video and re-uploaded some of the clips that sparked the controversy.

In sports, several athletes are criticized for deliberately pushing certain players.

The so-called "jjam jja mi" refers to the private collusion of several players in sports competitions to deliberately suppress and exclude specific players, and public opinion criticizes this as a fraudulent act of "manipulating victory and defeat".

The Reputation of the South Korean Short Track Speed Skating Team led by Hwang Dae-hyun reversed! How did they go from hero to despicable?

In May last year, the men's short track national team was selected for the national team, which raised suspicions.

This is the scene that triggered the suspicion of "private collusion" after the men's short track speed skating national representative selection tournament in May last year.

On June 22, Lee posted a video on his YouTube account titled "The Beijing Olympics are finally over." The video shows the post-injury rehabilitation process and World Cup matches in chronological order, starting with the national team selection in May last year. Lee Jun-seo said, "I had a hard time practicing, but I was able to do well because I had people on the sidelines who helped me out."

Li Junrui uploaded a video titled "The Beijing Winter Olympics are finally over" through his YouTube account on the 22nd. The video chronicles in chronological order from the national delegate selection tournament in May last year to the injury rehabilitation process and the World Cup match. Li Junrui also expressed his feelings about the Olympic Games: "Although there have been hardships and hardships in the process of practice, I have been able to overcome it because of the people around me who have helped me. ”

The controversial part of the video was the scene of the national team selection. After the starting game, several players and coaches were captured high-fived by each other. The national team selection competition is a thorough individual competition because the selection of the national team will be divided by the ranking of the individual players. However, the video showed him rejoicing in a high-five as if celebrating his team's victory.

The controversial part of the video is the scene of the national representative selection competition. The video captured several players and coaches clapping at each other after the game. Since the National Representative Selection Contest selects national representatives according to individual rankings, it is a completely personal stand. But in the video, they seem to be celebrating the team's victory and high-five together, looking very happy.

The Reputation of the South Korean Short Track Speed Skating Team led by Hwang Dae-hyun reversed! How did they go from hero to despicable?

The event was the 1,500m super final of the national team selection competition, which featured Lee Joon-seo, Park Jang-hyuk, Han Seung-so, Kim Dong-wook, Hwang Dae-heon and Park In-wook in May last year, and suspicions have already been raised.

The competition was the 1500m super final of the national representative selection competition in Which Lee Joon-sui, Park Jang-hyuk, Han Seung-so, Kim Dong-wook, Hwang Dae-hyun and Park In-wook participated in last May, which once triggered the suspicion of "private collusion".

At the time, Kim Dong-wook and Park In-wook competed for the last spot in the national team. When Park In-wook took the lead in the final game of the second round, Hwang Dae-heon marked Park In-wook, followed by four others (Lee Joon-seo, Kim Dong-wook, Park Jang-hyuk and Han Seung-so). Park In-wook, who fell behind, came in fifth, and Hwang Dae-heon, who was marking him, came in as a longshot. Hwang Dae-heon had already met all the national team points before the game.

At that time, there was only one last place left for the state representatives, and Kim Dong-wook and Park In-wook competed for the position. In the final match of the second round of the selection round, Park In-wook took the lead, Hwang Dae-hyun kept an eye on Park In-wook to prevent him from overtaking, and then the remaining 4 players (Lee Joon-seok, Kim Dong-wook, Park Jang-hyuk, and Han Seung-so) overtook Park In-wook. After that, the backward Park In-wook won fifth place, and Hwang Dae-hyun, who was closely guarded against him, won the last place. Before this match, Huang Daxian had already won all the points of the national representative.

Park In-wook failed to become a national team member. Kim Tong-wook earned points in the game, tied with Park In-wook, and was selected for the national team as the second priority rule of the first round. Both were in their late 20s and had military exemptions for medals at the Beijing Olympics.

In the end, Park In-wook was not elected as a national representative. Kim Dong-wook earned the same points as Park In-wook after earning points through the competition, and was selected as a national representative due to the priority rules of the second round of the selection competition. Both players are in the second half of their twenties and are exempt from military service if they win a medal at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The controversial scene was a high-five between the rest of the players and coaches, minus Park In-wook after crossing the finish line. Players and coaches who are not part of the same team rejoiced together, and suspicions emerged that the five players had played a "5-on-1 champa."

The scene that became controversial was through the high-fives of other players and coaches other than Park In-wook after the final. Players and coaches who are not from the same team share joy together, which makes it doubtful whether these 5 players are "5:1 control the game".

A post on his Instagram by Park In-wook at the end of the national team selection match.

The following is what Park In-wook uploaded through his Instagram after the national representative selection.

The Reputation of the South Korean Short Track Speed Skating Team led by Hwang Dae-hyun reversed! How did they go from hero to despicable?

At the end of the game, Park's Instagram story, which she posted as "the first 5-to-1 in her life," also sparked suspicion. He also said in the post, "It was a very sad and mortbling season that I missed in front of my nose," adding, "Unlike others, the time when I didn't belong and struggled was really long, and I thought the sky would give me a chance because I was more eager than anyone else, but I was less than eager for anyone else." The photo of him collapsed on the ice with Sim Kyung-gle added, "My heart is at the time of the Final Ride."

After the competition, Park In-wook posted on Instagram that "5:1 for the first time in his life" became the fuse of controversy. He also confided in his heart: "I feel very sorry for missing the opportunity under my nose, the infuriating season is over", "Unlike others, I do not belong to the company, and the hard period is particularly long, because I am more urgent than anyone else, thinking that this is a god-given opportunity, but it seems that my desire is not as enthusiastic as others.". A photo lying on the ice was uploaded along with the text, accompanied by a description of "The Mood at the Time and Now of the Finals"

Those who enjoy the allegations express their disappointment with the short track athletes. In an anonymous bulletin, one of the people said, "If this is true, I have taken all my pensions with military service," and he pinched him, "Short will win the world championship, be good at internal politics, or be a national treasure if either of them does it." In addition, there are bitter voices such as "It is a waste of time to cheer," "It is an act of losing the spirit of sport as a punishment in the selection battle to be corrected," and "Just because you are a medalist, you do not have the right to deprive others of their dreams and opportunities."

With the emergence of controversy, netizens expressed disappointment with short-track speed skaters. One netizen said on an anonymous message board that "if this is the case, it is equivalent to taking away the annuity and exemption from military service of others through private collusion", "It seems that as long as the World Championships have won awards or are good at internal politics, they can become the representative of the short track speed skating country." One after another, some netizens expressed their dissatisfaction, "It is a pity that those who cheered for them", "In the selection competition that should have been just bright, but the gangs colluded privately, this behavior undoubtedly fed the sportsmanship to the dog", "Even the medal winners have no right to deprive others of their dreams and opportunities." ”

10, Park In-wook posted a men's relay cheer on his Instagram.

On the 10th, Park In-wook uploaded a text through Instagram to cheer for the men's relay of the Winter Olympics

The Reputation of the South Korean Short Track Speed Skating Team led by Hwang Dae-hyun reversed! How did they go from hero to despicable?

Meanwhile, the short track men's national team finished second in the men's short track 5,000m relay final at the Beijing Olympics in China on 16 June to claim silver.

In addition, the short track speed skating men's team won the second place in the men's short track speed skating 5000 meters relay final at the Beijing Winter Olympics on the 16th and won the silver medal.

Key vocabulary

선두 [noun] lead, front

앞지르다 [verb] preemptive, transcendent

지피다 [verb] Light and make a fire

일다 [verb] occurs and appears

파벌 [noun] faction, gang

Emphasis on grammar

-Also, it seems/

Indicates the speaker's speculation, which is equivalent to the Chinese "as if...".

He nodded as if he didn't know.

He nodded as if he understood.

The rat is as quiet as dead.


- As much

Used after a noun, verb, or adjective stem, because it is a noun, it can be preceded by an article of the lexical form -(으)ᄂ/는/(으)ᄅ, indicating the degree or quantity of similarity, cause or basis;

As deep as the sea.

As deep as the sea.

I receive it as much as I give.

Give as much as you can get back.

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