
Uncle Cha's new novel "Don't Catch Me, I'm Not a Grave Robber" Chapter 9

author:One Leaf Tea 1982

Although there is no shortage of antique jade in the house, and even I have seen bronzes that I don't know whether they are true or fake, I have never seen this palm-sized square lacquer box that My grandfather gave me today.

I asked Li Xing'er if she knew what was in the box, and she shook her head. I twisted it with my hand, and I couldn't move it; I lifted it, and I couldn't pull it off; and I pulled it up and down, and I couldn't pull it off. Heart says Grandpa Which play is this singing? Give me a box that can't be opened, what does that mean?

Li Xing'er held out her hand: "Give it to me, I'll see." ”

I handed her the box. Li Xing'er squeezed the box and looked around: "The process is good, and it can almost achieve the effect of chaos." ”

"Eh? What do you know it is? "I thought Li Xing'er was a well-behaved girl who didn't eat human fireworks and didn't understand family business at all.

"The watcher type should be the fat powder box of the noble women of the Chu state during the Warring States period." In 1978, the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng in Hubei Province was unearthed with a painted music and dancing Mandarin duck shaped box, using the lacquer process. She said in a flat tone.

I instantly felt like I was being hung. First, I didn't expect that she was still very researched on cultural relics, and second, I didn't expect that she had a wide range of knowledge, and she was the master of playing a pig and eating a tiger, and I could see so many ways from a small box that my grandfather gave me. In fact, I eat this hanging girl, who has a brain, knowledge, a mind, a quiet personality, and never exposes her intelligence to the outside world, and when she sees people, she is confused with her eyes.

My curiosity was hooked: "How do you conclude that it is a modern imitation?" ”

Li Xing'er said calmly, "This question is very simple. You turn on the lights and look here. ”

Turning on the main light, I looked closely according to the place of Li Xing'er's finger, but I didn't see it clearly. Only after taking a closer look did I understand the ingenuity of the design of this modern organ. The box looks like a whole, but there is a small boxy button underneath, which is flat with the plane of the box, and the pattern on the button and the pattern of the whole box are almost integrated, and it is impossible to see it without looking closely.

I said, "The time is almost up, open it to see what surprise Grandpa has prepared for us." ”

With a gentle press of the thumb of Li Xing'er's right hand, the lid of the box popped open violently, and a burst of pink smoke filled with a strange aroma burst out.

What is this?!

I really don't know what to say! Guarding the face of my daughter-in-law, grandpa gave me a whole play of kindergarten children. The problem was that the box popped open, the smoke was gone, and the box was empty. Nothing.

Li Xing'er gently fanned the fading smoke in front of him: "Zhao Tianlin, I didn't expect you to be quite romantic, this thing took you a lot of thought, right?" ”

I was confused: "You say box? Oh, I've never seen it before, and you don't say I thought it was a real artifact, I really haven't studied anything about it. ”

Li Xing'er had a serious look: "I mean the incense mist you made smells of musk and ambergris." I can conclude that there are other animal glands mixed in, and I can't say which animal it is, I can only smell these two. And the production process is also quite complex, first drying, and then powdering, removing impurities, and even using the ancient 'water fly' process. Oh, I almost forgot, you are a student of Chinese medicine, probably mastered the 'water flying' technique in Chinese medicine. When it first popped up, it looked like smoke, which was actually a very fine powder. It's really hard for you. ”

Countless messages bloomed like fireworks in my mind, and finally came to the conclusion that Li Xing'er in front of me was a treasure girl. She is not only a bitter girl who has been weak and sick since childhood and needs to rely on drugs to survive; she is not only a girl who is bound by the family mission like me; she is also an excellent girl with family roots and extensive knowledge. If her illness can get better after tonight, whoever marries her will be picking up the treasure.

Suddenly, I felt an inexplicable agitation in my body, first a hot gas churning and bubbling in my body, and then the blood in my whole body seemed to be boiling slightly. I remember just driving the car inside and outside the air microcirculation, the temperature is very appropriate, and did not adjust the temperature of the air conditioner separately, but how do you feel that the body is getting hotter and hotter? It was also obvious that the blood flow was getting faster and faster, all gathering to a certain part of the body, jumping and jumping and swelling.

I looked at Li Xing'er again, her eyes were like a fountain of clear spiritual water, staring straight at me, her face was flushed, her mouth was slightly open, her breathing was getting faster and faster, and the hot air was exhaled to my face.

At this time, I seemed to be hallucinating, and suddenly felt the white glow of the skin on Li Xing'er's chest, and I shook my eyes; I smelled a unique fragrance of a young girl on her body, like a large piece of birthday cake freshly baked with white cream, and I couldn't help but want to go up and lick it; and I saw that her exposed calves were white and smooth, and a beautiful elastic arc formed between her knee sockets and heels; her feet were not big, the skin of her feet was delicate like a river mussel, and the horizontal grip was almost thick; the instep of her feet was very high. The veins under the skin could be faintly seen; the toes of the flesh were neither long nor short, but grew into a cute shape, and even the arc of the tip of her toes looked so cute.

Later, I learned that Grandpa was afraid that I would make a mistake in the middle of the way, and some kind of moth would come out, and he refused to sleep with Li Xing'er, which ruined his plan. It not only harmed myself, but also harmed Li Xing'er, and also destroyed the overall situation of the marriage between the Zhao and Li families, which further stimulated a series of unpredictable vicious trends and trends. So he specially ran to a certain border and asked for this box of secret recipes from a high monk of a mysterious sect of tantra.

This "joy scatter" is purely concocted from animal glands and their secretions, does not contain any plant components, and is therefore extremely violent. It includes the deer musk mentioned by Li Xing'er, the fish ambergris, etc., as well as the bead sac of a male ice fox that lives in the Arctic and is extremely difficult to obtain.

The high monks of a mysterious sect of tantra developed this extremely powerful aphrodisiac elixir in order to test their deep concentration in suppressing the extreme instincts of the human body with a small amount of medicine when they reached a certain level of cultivation. The small box that Grandpa got did not seem to have a lot of medicine on the surface, but it was enough for dozens of senior monks to use it to increase their wisdom and cross the robbery. I don't know how many stories are behind this, how many twists and turns they have gone through, and how much they have paid.

The power of "joyful dispersion" is huge, not to say that lonely men and widows live in the same room, nor to say that boys and girls who are in their youth, from the perspective of drug performance alone, its efficacy success rate is 100%. Driven by the powerful medicinal effect, Li Xing'er's most primitive human male and female instincts were quickly stimulated.

violent storm. It's been a long time coming.

Later, I thought, Grandpa I gave such a large amount of medicine, and I didn't consider whether his grandson's body could carry it?! And he is not afraid of his grandson's death?!

(Uncle Cha's new novel "Don't Catch Me, I'm Not a Grave Robber" Chapter 9, 2022-02-26 22:12 min)