
1.5 billion Hong Kong celebrity Xing Jiaqian, who has a foreign boyfriend and two children, has no intention of getting married

author:Upward mango k
1.5 billion Hong Kong celebrity Xing Jiaqian, who has a foreign boyfriend and two children, has no intention of getting married

Xing Jiaqian was born in 1988, the daughter of the wealthy Hong Kong businessman Xing Liyuan and his ex-wife Zhang Tianai, the stepdaughter of Lin Qingxia, and a famous socialite in hong Kong circles.

Xing Jiaqian in 2013 to set up the "Bebegarten" preschool education center for young children as the founder, because of her love of education, when her education center opened, two mothers appeared together to celebrate her, causing a large-scale discussion among netizens.

1.5 billion Hong Kong celebrity Xing Jiaqian, who has a foreign boyfriend and two children, has no intention of getting married

Xing Jiaqian has a rich love history, once with Chen Guanxi's CLOT business partner Pan Shiheng pat drag, after breaking up with the huge rich Yang Haicheng son Yang Jiajie, and then fell in love with the American banker boyfriend Lloyd, in 2016 Xing Jiaqian shared the good news at IG, announced that she gave birth to a daughter for her foreign boyfriend, and gave birth to a second child in 2018, the two have not yet registered for marriage.

1.5 billion Hong Kong celebrity Xing Jiaqian, who has a foreign boyfriend and two children, has no intention of getting married

Although the unmarried daughter caused a lot of rumors, but Xing Jiaqian did not care about the outside world's eyes, and when it came to marriage, she said that she was an unmarried person, just like children, and her birth mother Zhang Tianai also said that it does not matter whether you are married or not, two adults love each other, and it is most important to have resonance. It can be seen that even if you have not lived with your birth mother for many years, your thoughts are surprisingly synchronized.