
Often insomnia, sleep quality is not good, recommend 4 tips, improve sleep, may wish to try

Having a good night's sleep can relieve exhaustion in the body as well as on the brain and eliminate some negative emotions.

And after entering a state of deep sleep, the various organs in the body will operate on their own. It can improve the function of various organs and enhance the body's immunity.

However, in daily life, there are many people who have poor sleep quality, such as repeated insomnia, dreams, easy to wake up and other problems, which are very harmful to health.

So there are a lot of people who want to know what to do when the quality of sleep is not good.

Often insomnia, sleep quality is not good, recommend 4 tips, improve sleep, may wish to try

First, you can soak your feet with hot water before going to bed

For people with poor sleep quality, it is possible to soak their feet with hot water one hour before going to bed.

When soaking feet with hot water, it can speed up blood circulation throughout the body, which can effectively improve insomnia caused by poor mood or neurasthenia.

And when soaking feet, the blood vessels in the feet and calves will expand, and the blood in the body will flow to the lower limbs, which will reduce the blood supply to the brain, so that the brain will feel tired.

Often insomnia, sleep quality is not good, recommend 4 tips, improve sleep, may wish to try

If you fall asleep at this time, you can play a role in falling asleep quickly and easily entering a deep sleep state.

When soaking your feet with hot water, you can also add some Chinese herbal medicines appropriately. For example, the yang deficiency crowd can join the wormwood leaf, while the blood stasis population can join the safflower, and the yin deficiency crowd can join the chrysanthemum.

In addition, pebbles can also be placed in the foot soaking basin, so that the acupuncture points on the soles of the feet are stimulated, so as to achieve the effect of calming the mind, soothing the liver and improving the quality of sleep.

Often insomnia, sleep quality is not good, recommend 4 tips, improve sleep, may wish to try

2. Drink milk half an hour before going to bed

Drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed for half an hour each night. If the blood sugar level is normal, then add half a scoop of honey to the milk.

Milk contains more tryptophan, which can synthesize a large amount of serotonin in the body, which can inhibit the nerves that are too excited, and achieve the effect of calming the mind and hypnotizing and sedative.

Honey contains a large number of vitamin B groups, which can regulate and nourish the nerves, effectively improve the insomnia caused by some negative emotions, or suffering from neurasthenia and other factors.

Often insomnia, sleep quality is not good, recommend 4 tips, improve sleep, may wish to try

Third, increase the calming and calming food

In the daily diet, it is appropriate to add some foods that have the effect of calming and calming the spirit and promoting sleep, such as using sour jujube kernels with japonica rice to boil porridge, or using lotus seeds with silver ear cinnamon soup.

You can also eat some apple millet porridge, as well as quail eggs, or quail meat, which have a good sleep-promoting effect.

Often insomnia, sleep quality is not good, recommend 4 tips, improve sleep, may wish to try

Fourth, increase the amount of exercise per day

For people with poor sleep quality, it is necessary to increase some exercise in daily life, such as jogging, brisk walking, climbing mountains, riding bicycles, or going up and down stairs.

During these aerobic exercises, the body temperature rises rapidly, and after the exercise, the body temperature decreases.

Once the body temperature is reduced, the brain produces great fatigue, so that people have a sense of drowsiness, which can achieve the effect of improving the quality of sleep.

Often insomnia, sleep quality is not good, recommend 4 tips, improve sleep, may wish to try

All in all, for people with poor sleep quality, you can refer to the above 4 points, which can play a role in calming and calming the spirit and improving the quality of sleep.

In addition, we must pay attention to the adjustment of emotions, if there is anxiety, tension or depression, sulking and other emotions for a long time, it will lead to abnormal secretion of various hormones in the body, and there will be neurological disorders, which will affect sleep.

In addition, if after a series of adjustments, there are still repeated insomnia and other problems, it is necessary to take corresponding methods for treatment under the guidance of a doctor in order to maximize the quality of sleep.

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