
"In the World of Man" Jin Yueji did not play cards according to common sense, and the provincial leaders were completely confused by Jin Yueji

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"In the World of Man" Jin Yueji did not play cards according to common sense, and the provincial leaders were completely confused by Jin Yueji

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The modern urban drama "The World of Man", jointly starring actors Lei Jiayin, Xin Baiqing, Song Jia, Yin Tao, Ding Yongdai, Cheng Taishen, Sarina, Song Chunli and Wang Yang, is about to usher in the finale, and in the updated plot, we will see that Jin Yueji actually made her last wish to the provincial leaders on the occasion of her death. So, is Jin Yueji's dying wish too much? Why did she make such a request to the provincial leaders? It has become the focus of debate among many viewers. #人世间征文 #

"In the World of Man" Jin Yueji did not play cards according to common sense, and the provincial leaders were completely confused by Jin Yueji

What is the attitude of the provincial leaders toward retired cadres like Jin Yueji?

In the updated plot of the TV series "The World of Man", we will see the provincial leader played by actor Lu Yi, before visiting Jin Yueji, once issued such an exclamation: "Ordinary people, old cadres, these two old people, both ends must be taken care of." From the exclamations of the provincial leaders, we can see that the visit of the provincial leaders was completely initiated by Jin Yueji, not the provincial leaders. Therefore, before visiting Jin Yueji, the provincial leaders and the municipal leaders exchanged countermeasures with each other.

As the saying goes, "Nothing can be done without ascending to the Three Treasures Hall." However, Jin Yueji, the former wife of the provincial governor, actually made a request to see the provincial leaders on the occasion of her death. This shows that Jin Yueji hopes that the provincial leaders will come forward to help her solve some problems. In the eyes of the provincial leaders, they are not afraid of big things, and they are afraid that Jin Yueji will bring up things that violate the principles of the organization. I have to say that Jin Yueji's request really almost made the provincial leaders break out in a cold sweat.

"In the World of Man" Jin Yueji did not play cards according to common sense, and the provincial leaders were completely confused by Jin Yueji

Jin Yueji did not play her cards according to common sense, and the provincial leaders were completely confused by Jin Yueji

Presumably, many viewers admire Jin Yueji's organizational ability in language, and she is worthy of doing ideological work. She brings the art of language to life. Why? That's because Kim Has been working for years and knows what strategies are needed to talk to officials. This time, she took the initiative to ask to see the provincial leaders, and the provincial leaders must have guessed her intentions. If you express your will directly, it is easy to put yourself in a passive position. As a result, Jin Yueji took the lead in relieving the concerns of the provincial leaders.

In the eyes of the provincial leaders, Jin Yueji's request is nothing more than two, one is that she hopes that the organization can provide convenience for her children. The second is the hope that the organization can help her son-in-law. And Jin Yueji took the lead in relieving these two concerns in the hearts of provincial leaders. This made the provincial leaders fall into passivity, and the provincial leaders did not understand, what did Jin Yueji really want to express? Is it really a very tricky thing?

"In the World of Man" Jin Yueji did not play cards according to common sense, and the provincial leaders were completely confused by Jin Yueji

Why did Jin Yueji ask the provincial leaders to release Zhou Bingkun in advance?

Although Jin Yueji's request, although it seems to be suspected of public power and private use, in fact, it does not embarrass anyone. Why? As Jin Yueji said, Zhou Bingkun would be released as soon as he first. However, this is on an official holiday. If the rules are really followed, Zhou Bingkun's release from prison will be postponed. After all, the law is nothing more than human feelings, and she hopes that the provincial leaders will be more accommodating. And when the provincial leaders listened to Jin Yueji's explanation, the provincial leaders were relieved.

The reason why Jin Yueji would do this was because Jin Yueji had always felt guilty about the Zhou family in her heart. She only hoped that before she died, she could do something for the Zhou family. To make up for the guilt in your heart. The most crucial thing is that Jin Yueji's request is also Qu Xiuzhen's last wish before her death.

"In the World of Man" Jin Yueji did not play cards according to common sense, and the provincial leaders were completely confused by Jin Yueji

I don't know what everyone thinks of the role of Kim Yue-hee? You are welcome to leave a comment.