
Wuyi Mountain is a "special" tree, more than 300 years ago, but the "fruit" is very expensive

author:Rabbits on the go
Wuyi Mountain is a "special" tree, more than 300 years ago, but the "fruit" is very expensive

Since ancient times, the mainland has had a very long tea culture. The ancients took tea drinking as a hobby, and local officials would also pay tribute to the imperial court for tea, such as the particularly famous Da Hong Pao and Bi Luo Chun! In Wuyi Mountain, there are six dahongpao mother trees, which have a history of more than 300 years and have very good value and significance.

Since people have mentioned the Dahongpao Tree, they must not ignore the scenic Wuyi Mountain. Wuyi Mountain's geographical location is very special, and it has become a 5A-level scenic spot with its own advantages. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, many self-cultivators have reached Wuyi Mountain, so today Wuyi Mountain has left a large number of Taoist temples. With the historical significance and tourism significance of Wuyi Mountain, tourists flocked to the area, increasing the local tourism revenue. Although it covers an area of up to 999.75 square kilometers, the overall altitude is not high. The climate here is typical of the central subtropical climate, especially suitable for the growth of tea plants, which makes the mother tree of the Great Red Robe for a long time.

Wuyi Mountain is a "special" tree, more than 300 years ago, but the "fruit" is very expensive

Wuyishan Dahongpao Tea has a long history

As early as the Tang Dynasty, mainland folk have already given each other tea leaves to send good wishes. During the Song Dynasty, the emperor and his relatives around the emperor received specific information about tea, so that tea became one of the royal tributes. During the Yuan Dynasty, Wuyishan tea received more attention, and even the relevant departments set up a special imperial tea garden in Wuyishan. From the end of the Ming Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the demand for tea by the imperial family became higher and higher, and Wuyishan tea has been famous for a long time, and professionals continue to cultivate Wuyishan tea. It was not until the Kangxi period that the mainland really realized the export of tea, and Wuyishan tea was loved by many foreigners.

Wuyi Mountain is a "special" tree, more than 300 years ago, but the "fruit" is very expensive

In fact, as one of the most distinctive teas in Wuyi Mountain, Da Hong Pao has always received good evaluation and sales volume. Prior to this, most people thought that there was only one Da Hong Pao mother tree on the mountain that existed for more than 300 years, but this was not the case, and the Da Hong Pao mother tree was divided into six trees. Since the production of the Da Hong Pao mother tree is particularly rare, the relevant departments directly manage the Da Hong Pao mother tree and use it as one of the gifts for foreign guests.

Wuyi Mountain is a "special" tree, more than 300 years ago, but the "fruit" is very expensive

In 1998, a Mr. Xu from Australia spent 156,800 yuan to buy 20 grams, which was limited to preciousness and was difficult for ordinary people to buy.

In 2002, tea production became increasingly scarce, and the sales price of 20 grams of tea reached 180,000.

In 2005, prices rose again, with the sale price of tea in the Mother Tree of da hong Pao reaching 198,000.

Wuyi Mountain is a "special" tree, more than 300 years ago, but the "fruit" is very expensive

It is precisely because of the preciousness of the tea leaves of the Mother Tree of the Great Red Robe that the relevant staff began to breed and cultivate the Mother Tree of the Great Red Robe. Nowadays, people's demand for Dahongpao tea has skyrocketed, and the existing Wuyishan mother tree tea leaves are unlikely to meet the demand for tea from many consumers. In order to further solve this problem, the staff successfully realized the asexual reproduction of Wuyishan Dahongpao, and on the basis of retaining the original taste, they were also able to use the unique geographical environment and climatic environment of Wuyishan to improve the output of Wuyishan Dahongpao tea.

Wuyi Mountain is a "special" tree, more than 300 years ago, but the "fruit" is very expensive

On the market, most of the Wuyishan Dahongpao tea leaves we can buy come from six Dahongpao mother trees. As early as 2006, the production of the Da Hong Pao mother tree showed a downward trend. If left unprotected, it is likely to cause the Mother Tree of the Great Red Robe to face very serious survival challenges. Therefore, the relevant departments banned the picking of tea leaves from the mother tree of the DaHongpao, insured 100 million, and will also protect and take special care of it.

Wuyi Mountain is a "special" tree, more than 300 years ago, but the "fruit" is very expensive

Because of this, the sales price of Da Hong Pao tea in the market is not the same, and the sales price of pure-bred Da Hong Pao tea is much higher than the sales price of non-pure Da Hong Pao tea. For ordinary consumers, people must look for formal sales channels, not to buy Da Hong Pao tea whose taste is not proportional to the price.

Wuyi Mountain is a "special" tree, more than 300 years ago, but the "fruit" is very expensive

In general, the mainland has a very long history of tea, as early as the Tang Dynasty, the mainland folk have appeared in the figure of tea. Nowadays, every household buys different types of tea, including da hong pao, which is very cost-effective. Although we can't buy da hong pao mother tree tea in the pure sense, we can buy the cost-effective da hong pao through formal channels. In fact, the six DaHongpao mother trees in Wuyi Mountain are still growing, but the tea yield of the six Wuyishan Dahongpao mother trees is low, which is why the late purebred Da hong Pao and asexual breeding Da Hong Pao tea have emerged.

Wuyi Mountain is a "special" tree, more than 300 years ago, but the "fruit" is very expensive

Wuyi Mountain is a "special" tree, more than 300 years ago, but the "fruit" is very expensive

WuyiShan Dahongpao mother tree, more than 300 years ago, has 100 million insurance