
"The Love of the Immortal Bird": In the midst of blandness and bondage, listen to the whispers of love

author:Nemo the ugly fish

"The Love of the Immortal Bird": In the midst of blandness and bondage, listen to the whispers of love

"The Love of the Immortal Bird": In the midst of blandness and bondage, listen to the whispers of love

Directed by Ma Xiaobai and starring Zhang Yiqian, Qiu Shiyuan, Wang Ruixue, Sun Xun and other romantic light comedies ,"The Love of The Immortal Bird" is likely to become a dark horse in the film market on the eve of the National Day slot. The film takes the love entanglement of two pairs of young men and women in love as the main line, opening up a picture of the love of small people for the audience. The smell of life full of characters, the smell of fireworks overflowing the screen, in the alternation of blandness and bondage, will tell the words of love. Some salty and sweet are also a little spicy, some are strange but there is no lack of warmth, stumbling to see the truth, plain to see the truth, let people laugh happily in the male and female protagonists' romantic pursuit of love, love and love, and the point of death is over.

The film opens with two rather bizarre major incidents of repentance and breakup. Pang Guoqian and Liu Yanhuan were separated because of the displeasure of "Oolong"; Qin An and Tang Zhenzhen ran away from marriage because of "marriage troubles". These two big dramas, although somewhat absurd, are also permeated with the sharpness and bitterness of reality, showing the emotional twists and turns of the little people and the grinding of life one by one. And Qin An and Huan Huan's unexpected encounter, Pang Guoqian and Zhen Zhen mistakenly collided, all of which made their true love and true feelings suffer tests again and again, and the film's fine laughter and heart-warming points also jumped on the screen.

"The Love of the Immortal Bird": In the midst of blandness and bondage, listen to the whispers of love

In the creation of characters, the director and screenwriter of "The Love of the Immortal Bird" still made a lot of efforts. The four protagonists in the film have different personalities, and the ways and methods of treating love and handling crises naturally vary from person to person. Qin An is a typical literary and artistic man, who does not speak much and is gentle enough in his heart, always giving people a feeling of a quiet big boy. Pang Guoqian's personality is just the opposite. As a rich second generation, he is very fond of blindness, very good at showing off himself, and from time to time to make some new tricks to brush the sense of existence. It is precisely because of this style of words and deeds that he stumbles on the road of pursuing love and love. It is really a little girl who is somewhat willful and a little ghostly, fiery love, hot love, often let her do bold and strange things in the journey of pursuing love, and because of this, her marriage with Qin An has come to the brink of breaking. Huan Huan is completely different from Zhenzhen, with a quiet personality, elegant speech, and steady behavior, it looks as if he and Qin An are a pair created by heaven and earth.... When such a group of young people with very different personalities and distinctive characteristics meet because of a love entanglement, the collision and spark between them can be imagined.

"The Love of the Immortal Bird": In the midst of blandness and bondage, listen to the whispers of love

Such a persona is also destined to have a full fragrance and spicy exchange between them. Especially when the paranoid Zhenzhen meets the stubborn Pang Guoqian, the strange journeys staged by the two are often unbearable. There are a lot of bridges in the film that really make people laugh out loud. For example, Zhen Zhen did an unbelievable act in order to qi Qin'an. Another example is the heavenly thunder and earth fire between Zhenzhen and Pang Guoqian, especially Zhenzhen "joining hands" with Pang Guoqian to surround qin'an and huanhuan at the entrance of the community unit, and the spicy freshness of life is all soaked in it, so people can't help but laugh. The joyful and bittersweet love farce staged between Qin An and Pang Guoqian and Zhenzhen and Huan Huan seems absurd, but it can find a one-to-one correspondence in real life. It is not difficult to see that the sensitivity of the film director and screenwriter to life and the fine density of love are still relatively strong, so they can cook this dish full of sour and sweet, joy and joy in the pursuit of love, appreciation of love feast.

"The Love of the Immortal Bird": In the midst of blandness and bondage, listen to the whispers of love

In the past love movies, either the sugar was too sweet to be sweet, or the bitter taste was so bitter that it was miserable. "The Love of the Undead Bird" finds a good balance between bitterness and sweetness, sadism and joy. In a set of lens language full of life breath after a group, the film allows the audience to embark on a journey of pursuing love and love with Qin An, Pang Guoqian, Zhenzhen and Huan Huan. In the atmosphere of saltiness and mildness, bitterness and sweetness, the principle of caring for true love is found, that is, persistence. Do not forget the original intention of love, adhere to the true meaning of love. The ending of the film is romantic and beautiful, but the reflection left for people is also profound. In the busy and stressful real society, when true love encounters friction and challenges again and again, can you let go of impetuosity and calm your mood like Qin An, Pang Guoqian, Zhenzhen, and Huan huan; smooth your thoughts and pick up your original heart?

"The Love of the Immortal Bird": In the midst of blandness and bondage, listen to the whispers of love

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