
A man in Chongqing sharpened his knife and prepared to kill the big goose, and he looked closely at the big goose's tears, and the ending was unexpected

author:Xiao Xin looks at the world

Introduction: The man is ready to slaughter the big goose in the family, and the reaction of the big goose surprises him, and the final ending is reversed.

Recently, in Chongqing, a man sharpened his knife at home, prepared to sharpen the knife and slaughtered the family goose to cook and eat. Just as the man was about to move, he found that the goose suddenly cried, and the tears flowed downwards, standing motionless in place, full of sadness. The man also saw such a magical landscape for the first time, and for the first time he learned that the goose would actually cry, so he quickly called his family to watch.

A man in Chongqing sharpened his knife and prepared to kill the big goose, and he looked closely at the big goose's tears, and the ending was unexpected

The family considered for a while, and the man also softened his heart, and finally said that he would not kill the big goose, at this time the big goose seemed to be relieved, and quacked out. Originally, this man was ready to raise the big goose at home, but he did not expect that at night, the big goose was gone, and he did not find it for a long time. The man is very helpless about this, is this a run away from home? This ending is truly unexpected. However, according to the latest news, the man said that the goose has returned by himself, probably thinking clearly. It was the end of God's reversal.

A man in Chongqing sharpened his knife and prepared to kill the big goose, and he looked closely at the big goose's tears, and the ending was unexpected

Netizens who saw this scene were also very surprised:

"Spiritual animals like this had better not be harmed, I'm telling the truth, everything has a spirit."

"In fact, the big goose is also relatively spiritual among so many poultry, not only will look after the nursing home, but also confess the Lord, when I was a child, I was protected by the big goose raised at home, so I never eat goose meat."

"I feel that this big goose should have guessed its own ending, so it will stand in place and silently shed tears."

A man in Chongqing sharpened his knife and prepared to kill the big goose, and he looked closely at the big goose's tears, and the ending was unexpected

What netizens said is still very reasonable, this big goose may have guessed its own ending childish enough to be unable to change, and shed tears under sadness. All things have spirits, and since this big goose is in tears, let's keep it at home and don't eat it. What do you think about this?

A man in Chongqing sharpened his knife and prepared to kill the big goose, and he looked closely at the big goose's tears, and the ending was unexpected