
Party building leads the bright spots, and the debriefing and deliberation seek common development

author:Shang Yi taught the media

——The education system of Wuling District held a 2021 annual review meeting on the performance of the responsibilities of grass-roots party building work by party organization secretaries

On the morning of February 24, the party committee of the organ directly under the Wuling District Education Bureau held a 2021 district-wide education system party organization secretary to grasp the responsibility of grass-roots party building work. In the conference room on the fifth floor of the District Education Bureau, a total of 65 people attended the meeting, including all team members, the secretary of the party branch of the public school (kindergarten), the principal (principal), and the person in charge of the station office of the bureau.

At the meeting, 10 party branch secretaries made oral reports, and the remaining 35 party branch secretaries made written reports to achieve full coverage of "double statements and double comments". The secretaries of the party branches summed up the practices and highlights of the past year's work in terms of strengthening the party's political construction, fulfilling the responsibilities of grass-roots party building work, consolidating the foundation of party building work, giving play to the role of grass-roots party organizations and party members, implementing the responsibility system for improving party style and building a clean and honest government, and carrying out the "party building and innovation" project in the education system, deeply searching for and analyzing the existing problems and causes, and clarifying the ideas for the next step of work.

After each comrade's debriefing, Comrade Zhang Bing, secretary of the party leading group and director of the district education bureau, made objective comments in combination with the actual work of grass-roots party building in various party branches throughout the year, affirmed the achievements, pointed out the deficiencies, and put forward specific requirements.

The meeting stressed that in 2022, all party organizations in the district education system should continuously strengthen ideological and political construction with a strong sense of political responsibility and historical mission, conscientiously perform their duties, and implement the party's overall leadership over education work. First, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations, focus on making up for the shortcomings of grass-roots party building, and make every effort to build a work pattern in which grass-roots party building in the education system is coordinated and advances hand in hand. The second is to strengthen the leading role of party building, accelerate the in-depth integration of party building with the "double subtraction and one standard", the balanced development of education, the reform of education evaluation and supervision system and mechanism, and the universal and inclusive development of preschool, and continue to promote the "party building and innovation" project to enhance the brand influence of party building. Third, it is necessary to strengthen the awareness of managing the party and governing the party, carry out in-depth construction of party style and clean government and the construction of teachers' morality and teaching style, and build a good political ecology in which the education system is more clean and healthy.

After the oral debriefing, all the leading members of the District Education Bureau and the responsible persons of the offices of the education bureau's organs conducted on-site evaluations of the implementation of grass-roots party building and the implementation of ideology by the secretaries of the party branches. The Party Committee of the organ directly under the District Education Bureau held a meeting, combined with daily assessment, field investigation and verification, on-site evaluation, etc., comprehensively studied the assessment level, and announced the results of the evaluation and assessment on the spot.

Party building leads the bright spots, and the debriefing and deliberation seek common development

Meeting site

Party building leads the bright spots, and the debriefing and deliberation seek common development

Wang Yong, secretary of the party branch and principal of Huihua Jubao Primary School in Hehuan Town, orally reported his duties

Party building leads the bright spots, and the debriefing and deliberation seek common development

Liu Cheng, secretary of the party branch and principal of the Fifth Primary School in Wuling District, orally reported his duties

Party building leads the bright spots, and the debriefing and deliberation seek common development

Zhang Bing, secretary of the party group and director of the district education bureau, commented on the spot

Party building leads the bright spots, and the debriefing and deliberation seek common development

Conduct an on-site assessment