
Including benefits| Star Lord led the team to fight monster upgrades, and the sci-fi cool film "Tomorrow's War" shocked

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Zeng Jie Intern Yuan Yixin

The Hollywood monster science fiction movie "Tomorrow's War" will land in theaters nationwide on September 3 to meet a wide audience. The film was directed by Chris McKay and starred Chris Palat, Yvonne Strakhovsky, J. Starring K Simmons, it tells the story of 30 years later, the survival of humanity is seriously threatened by the doomsday monster White Spike, and it is almost extinct. The final battle between humans and monsters is about to begin, who can laugh to the end? There are benefits at the end of the article.

Including benefits| Star Lord led the team to fight monster upgrades, and the sci-fi cool film "Tomorrow's War" shocked

Star Lord leads the luxurious lineup

The release of "Tomorrow's War" fills the gap of this summer's visual effects film. Many netizens shouted: "Finally waiting for a big-scale decompression movie!" ”

The film tells the story of the ultimate battle of all mankind: the earth in 2022 receives a call from 30 years later, the doomsday monster white spike sweeps the world, and humanity is on the verge of extinction, and its life hangs in the balance. In order to reverse the fate of mankind, Dan Foster (Chris Pratt) goes to the future to fight to the death against the murderous monster White Spike and fight the final battle on Earth.

Including benefits| Star Lord led the team to fight monster upgrades, and the sci-fi cool film "Tomorrow's War" shocked

The cast of the film is exciting, in addition to starring chris Pratt, a household name in the "Guardians of the Galaxy" series and the "Avengers" series, as well as Yvonne Strakhovsky, who was widely acclaimed in "The Handmaid's Tale", and J. Strakhovsky, who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his outstanding performance in "The Drummer". K. Simmons, such an actor lineup can be described as both appearance and acting skills, so that the audience does not hesitate to buy tickets to support.

With such a luxurious cast, the production team behind the film is naturally not bad, director Chris McKay has directed "The Lego Movie", cinematographer Larry Fang has filmed "King Kong Skull Island", "Amazing Monster Group" and other popular films, and the music is from the hands of Loone Balfi, who has participated in the production of "Mission Impossible 6: Total Disintegration", "Twin Killers" and "Pacific Rim: Thunder Resurgence". With the blessing of the super first-class gold medal team, this "Tomorrow's War" has a high quality assurance in terms of graphics, special effects and sound effects.

Monsters are very capable of fighting

The new monster white spikes are also a major attraction of the movie "Tomorrow's War", sharp claws, sharp teeth, rapid speed, powerful strength, hard shell, terrifying fertility, coupled with long-range shooting weapons, making the doomsday monster white spikes look both fierce and mysterious.

Including benefits| Star Lord led the team to fight monster upgrades, and the sci-fi cool film "Tomorrow's War" shocked

It is understood that the weight of the white spike is more than one ton, but the running speed exceeds that of the antelope. Its four legs ensure that it moves quickly and flexibly, and its two arms and two tentacles are the killers responsible for attacking, and the bone nails it fires are even more powerful than submachine guns. It took two years to design the original monster image white long nail, powerful, agile, numerous, and the single-door flying "nail" weapon is even more frightening. How did the human team led by Star-Lord break the tide and compete with the monster White Spikes? It is said that there is also a white spike in the movie "face killing", and the audience who loves monsters and exciting elements must not miss it.

1.3 billion yuan to create visual effects

It is reported that in order to create an immersive viewing experience and make the audience immersed, Hollywood spent 1.3 billion yuan to go to Iceland to shoot on the spot, creating a super-first-class audio-visual experience, the ruins of Miami, the snow-capped Arctic glacier, the magnificent sea fortress, the apocalyptic picture atmosphere, the explosion picture seems to be able to feel the oncoming heat wave, the viewing immersion is full. And the use of top post-visual effects, so that when the audience watches the movie on the big screen, they can also travel to the future battlefield to fight side by side with star lords, and face the hard monsters together.

Including benefits| Star Lord led the team to fight monster upgrades, and the sci-fi cool film "Tomorrow's War" shocked

In addition, the sense of gameplay of the movie is also very sufficient, whether it is the impact of the picture or the sense of blow of the gunfight is very outstanding, I believe that the audience who loves the game will love this audiovisual feast of fighting monsters.

Star-Lord incarnated as a future warrior to fight, not only saving mankind, but also understanding each other with his father and daughter and completing self-redemption. At 3 p.m. on September 3, the cover news joint ticket shopping tickets were held in the Wangfujing store of Chengdu Pacific Cinema, interested netizens quickly left a message at the end of the article to express your expectations for this movie, and then the screenshot was sent to the cover movie viewing assistant (WeChat search zj86969212), and 25 people will be drawn to give each of them two free movie tickets. Shocking visual effects scenes, a lively movie viewing experience, walk into the theater, and go to the final battle of the earth with Star Lord.

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