
There are 5 inspirational speeches by the principal at the opening ceremony of the school

author:Chief of Writing

Dear teachers and students,

  Happy New Year, everyone! The Golden Bull welcomes spring and the weather is varied. After a peaceful, pleasant and poetic winter vacation, we ushered in the vibrant spring of 20xx with new hopes. Here, I bid farewell to all the teachers and students of the school, and wish the teachers and students a happy New Year and a happy and healthy family!

  Students, today we have come together again with good memories of winter vacation life, with a vision for the new year, and a yearning for a new semester. Looking back on the past year, under the care and support of the superior leaders, all teachers and students of our school have worked together to seek development wholeheartedly, and have written a new chapter in the history of school development. Last semester, the school paid close attention to internal management, the school spirit is pure, the study style is positive, the school development has shown a good trend, in the campus culture construction, school quality, school running characteristics and other aspects have made great progress, there are many good school running characteristics and practices are well received by the superior leaders and the society. Standing on the new starting line, do students want to achieve better results in the new semester? So what can be done to achieve the goal of "one hundred feet and one step further"? Let's plan it together!

  1. Get off to a good start, make a good start, and grasp the first week

  Everything is difficult at the beginning, a good start is half the battle, and it is about the importance of starting. Both teachers and students should pay attention to the first week of school. First of all, there must be a plan, a plan, especially the middle and senior grades should have the ability to learn independently, and there should be a learning plan. In this work, the class teacher should guide the students to do a good job and take it as an aspect of strengthening the cultivation of students' sense of responsibility. Second, we must be practical in small things. In fact, most of the school is a small thing, but there is no small thing, say it is small, such as: bending down to pick up a piece of paper in the campus, hearing the bell classroom immediately quiet down, sorting out school supplies, etc., things are very small, but it is related to the formation of good behavior habits of students, that is, big things.

  2. Emphasize ability, focus on development, and build self-confidence

  An educator once said: "To cultivate a person only to cultivate his self-confidence, to destroy a person only to destroy his self-confidence." This is enough to illustrate the importance of self-confidence for a person's growth. Last semester, some students may not have satisfactory grades due to various reasons, or did not achieve good results in the competition, or have some contradictions with their classmates, these setbacks do not matter, the important thing is to bravely raise their heads and meet the new sunrise. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen exercise and actively participate in various sports activities.

  3. Read more books, read good books, and improve your self-cultivation

  Books are our spiritual food, reading a good book is to talk to a great person, reading can purify the mind, expand horizons, enhance knowledge, develop good habits, improve personal cultivation. This semester, the school will also carry out a series of reading activities, the school hopes that through this activity, more students can be friends with books, read more books, read good books, and learn to pay attention to nature, care for society, care for others, and enrich their hearts in the reading activities of cultivating sentiments and nourishing the soul.

  4. Grade 6 students should pay special attention

  This issue is the last semester of your elementary school stage, and you must set an example for your younger siblings in other grades in all aspects and leave a good impression on the school. Your task in this issue is particularly heavy, you must complete the study of the new class in the shortest time, and at the same time, you must also carry out the necessary comprehensive review, because you will not only face the graduation examination, but some students will also have to accept the selection examination of some higher-level schools in advance. Therefore, you should cherish every minute and second of time and put more energy into learning. Success must belong to hard-working people! Success must belong to those who are prepared!

  Finally, I hope that students will be prepared from the first day of school, cultivate their healthy interests and specialties, actively participate in various activities, increase their talents and exercise their abilities in the broad stage of activities, and be a modern outstanding teenager who cares about life, society and the future.

  Finally, I wish the students good quality, good health, good study and progress in all aspects of the new semester! I wish all the teachers good health, smooth work, happy every day, and progress every day!

  Thank you!

  Inspirational Speech of the Principal at the Opening Ceremony of the School (2)

Dear Teachers and Dear Students,

  Good morning!

  Today, we are back in this familiar place to write together about the future of Liya. Here, I wish all teachers and students to harvest new scenery of life in the new year!

  This year's spring came particularly early, spring has passed, the sting is coming, and the natural world of all things racing and growing makes time full of poetic melodies. At this node that does not violate the season, the students are walking on the road of growth again, setting out towards the distance, so that the campus that blows through the spring is also full of poetic melodies.

The poetic melody extends the new growth path, and at this moment, youth is the most beautiful note on the growth road of this season.

  Youth is a grand and irreproducible cultivation, because every careful work will become a story of growth, and at some point in the future, it will either harvest surprises or have a long aftertaste. In Leah's campus, meticulous labor is a kind of perseverance, the reserve of knowledge, the cultivation of ability, the shaping of quality, is with the rise and fall of the sun, bit by bit and formed, life needs to only fight for the day, but more importantly to keep a peaceful heart, so that the heart is not disturbed by impetuousness, free and flexible growth; meticulous labor is a kind of hard work, "paper to finally feel shallow, never know that this matter must be done", to learn, to practice skills, you need to work hard, in Leah's youth "will not be done", not to live up to every inch of time In the agrarian society, our ancestors created a brilliant civilization through careful labor, and in modern society, our predecessors achieved the rise of the nation through careful labor, and in the future, you still need to promote the brilliance of human social civilization through careful labor.

  Students, labor makes the notes of youth interpret into a simple, high and enterprising melody, and also makes your current life full of poetic romance and pride. It is true that careful labor on the road to growth may have hardships, setbacks, and wanderings, but we still have far away. The distance is not unknown, nor is it an oasis reached after a long journey, the distance is the elegant feelings that you and I share, full of beauty, hope and poetry. In the memory of many alumni, Liya's house number is xx, with the development of society and the extension of the road, xx number has become your youth house number. The change of the door number leaves a time footprint, but it cannot change the spirit nourished by this land. The far side on the road of growth should be the sunshine, self-confidence, and dream-chasing self, the social responsibility that cannot be shirked, the life of spiritual abundance, and the continuous arrival and departure again.

  Students, today, xx has gone through x years on the road of education and is about to move towards xx years. For more than a hundred years, generations of xx people have worked meticulously and have distant hearts, creating educational poetry that will remain in the annals of history and be admired by people. When the new books have been opened, I hope that the students will take their growth path more steadily and brilliantly, so that you and I can emit a stronger fragrance in the distance!

  School Opening Ceremony Principal's Speech Inspirational Speech (3)

Dear teachers and students,

  Good morning, everyone!

  In this picturesque harvest season, we have ushered in a new school year. Here, on behalf of the school, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to the students who have returned to campus, and wish you all the progress in your studies in the new academic year. At the same time, on the occasion of the Xth Teachers' Day, I sincerely wish all the staff a smooth and prosperous work in the new school year!

  Looking back, we are full of pride. The quality of school education and teaching has been steadily improved, the pilot work of diversified development has been solidly promoted, the construction of the teaching staff has achieved remarkable results, and substantial progress has been made in foreign exchanges. In this year, the school has become a pilot school for the reform of the diversified development curriculum in xx province, a high school art discipline base in xx city, and the first batch of demonstration standardization laboratories in xx city, taking the lead in implementing small class teaching in the city, and the first batch of people and undergraduate rates in the college entrance examination have reached a new level.

  Looking to the future, we have a long way to go. A new round of deepening curriculum reform is in full swing. For teachers, the core is the change of teaching style; for students, the core is the change of learning style. I hope that our teachers can actively participate in curriculum reform, based on the classroom, grasp the quality of reputation, grasp the reform and development, and be a competent people's teacher; I hope that our students can be active and enterprising, diligent and thoughtful, cooperate, abide by the rules and dare to be responsible, and be a qualified modern citizen.

  Students, a new picture has unfolded before you, and a beautiful blueprint for the future awaits you to paint with wisdom and diligence. I believe that as young people with lofty ideals, you will definitely shoulder the glorious mission of national prosperity and national take-off, write with your own hands that are worthy of the expectations of teachers and parents, and are also worthy of the glorious achievements of your youth, and write a life without regrets!

  Teachers, students, standing at a new starting point, let us work with one heart and one mind, forge ahead, and strive to build the school into a high-quality high school in xx province!

  School Opening Ceremony Principal's Speech Inspirational Speech (4)

Dear teachers and students,

  Hello everyone!

  Unity begins, the earth springs back. We've just sent off the fruitful 20xx and ushered in another hopeful 20xx. On the occasion of the new semester, on behalf of the school, I would like to extend new spring greetings and good wishes to all teachers and students, and wish everyone a happy work in the new semester! Learn to progress! And with a new attitude, new initiatives, harvest new achievements and new hopes!

 Years do not live, and the heavens reward hard work. The past year has been a year of hard work and excellence for xx special school people, and a year of laying a solid foundation for better development in the coming year. In this year, all our teachers and students have united and cooperated, forged ahead, pioneered and innovated, and won one gratifying result after another: xx teachers and xx teachers participated in the municipal special education young teachers basic skills competition and won the first and second prizes respectively, xx teachers also won the first prize of the municipal special education young teachers' lecture competition, and the papers written by xx teachers won the national award. The meccadic recitation "Love in the Eyes of a Child" in which x students participated in the performance won the first prize of the Municipal Poetry Contest. The school's self-compiled teaching materials have four disciplines won the first and second prizes of the xx city primary school excellent school textbook evaluation, the school branch work has won the excellence and innovation achievement award after the democratic evaluation of the whole district, and the school has been rated as the xx city school demonstration psychological counseling room, xx province Tao Xingzhi experimental school, xx province learning Tao Xingzhi education ideology advanced collective and xx province primary and secondary school mental health education advanced unit, and won the national fourth modern special education essay competition organization award. The school has successfully hosted and co-organized x times of international and municipal on-site displays and events, successfully welcomed x times of provincial and district supervision and inspection, and accepted donations from various units and groups at all levels to help the disabled nearly x times... The successful development of these achievements in the activities embodies the diligence and selfless dedication of all the teachers and staff of our school and the positive and enterprising spirit of all students, and it is precisely because of everyone's sincere cooperation that the school has created one brilliant after another. Here, on behalf of the school, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and high respect to all of you!

  The new semester has begun, this is just an ordinary beginning, the campus is still the same, the class is still the same, the staff is still the same; but this is another extraordinary beginning, as the opening year and the first semester of X, the tasks we undertake will be quite heavy, and the hopes and dreams carried are very beautiful. In 20xx, with the strong support of the District Education Bureau and the keen attention of the provincial and municipal education authorities, our school will achieve the goal of extending special education to both ends as desired, and build the goal of integrating preschool rehabilitation, nine-year compulsory education and vocational education, so as to promote the development of the school and the development of teachers and students to a higher new platform!

  Teachers and students, in the face of such a good opportunity, we must deeply understand the new situation and new requirements of educational development! We should change our concepts in a timely manner, actively put them into action, continuously strengthen our study, and strive to meet new challenges with excellent ideological quality and superb professional ability. Spring is a good season for thousands of sails to compete, a hundred boats to compete for the flow of good times, let us sow the seeds of hope and success in the name of spring, keep pace with the times, only for the day, I firmly believe that the xx special education people who have always been pragmatic and enterprising, with great love, will be able to firmly seize the opportunity of school building expansion and scale expansion, in the new year, with high aspirations, with hope, with a heart to one place, to make a place, to join hands, together for the growth of each seed, for the bloom of each flower bud, for our common home more beautiful and struggle more. Make a new contribution!

  Finally, I would like to extend my Chinese New Year greetings to all of you again, and I wish all the faculty and staff good health, happy work, happy family and many harvests in the new semester! I wish every student a happy growth and progress every day! Thank you!

  Inspirational Speech by the Principal at the Opening Ceremony of the School (5)

Dear leaders, teachers and dear students,

  Hello everyone! The light wind could not lock the drifting clouds, and the drifting clouds took away the years. We bid farewell to the quiet and silence of the holiday, and in the midst of laughter, we ushered in the opening ceremony of the new school year.

  Students, it's time for school! The loose nerves should be tightened again, the alarm clock at the head of the bed will stir up the early morning song again, and the long-lost lamp should present our figure again, are you ready?

  Life is not a smooth road, the road ahead cannot be smooth, it will only be more tortuous, more difficult, students should have full psychological preparation, there will be many difficulties in learning life. Therefore, take out your confidence that "I am born to be useful", take out your perseverance to "blow out the yellow sand and start to gold", take out your courage to "hang on the clouds and sails to the sea", to meet the baptism of life's wind and rain, after all, only by experiencing wind and rain, we can see a beautiful rainbow. In the past year, under the guidance of the new teaching model, with the support and help of school leaders, and with the joint efforts of all teachers and students, our school has achieved excellent results and students have won many honors. As teachers, in the new semester, we will still be in line with the purpose of "responsible for students", with the spirit of dedication and pragmatic work to forge ahead; based on the classroom, to x minutes to efficiency, to quality; the use of new teaching mode, design a good guide, liberate the mouth and brain of students, let students in the group cooperation to play a large-scale improvement of teaching quality of the triumphant song!

A poet once said: God has given everyone a precious gift, that is, youth. Youth is new, and there will always be so many new methods, new feelings, and new thinking in your mind. The sun that rises every day in your eyes is also new; the new semester has begun, and a blank piece of paper has been spread out in front of each of us, so how will we draw another wonderful picture of life on this white paper? Students, choose diligence and struggle, but also choose hope and harvest; choose discipline and restraint, but also choose reason and freedom; choose pain and hardship, but also choose to practice and mature; choose to struggle and transcendence, but also choose success and glory! Then please use our diligence and sweat, with our wisdom and enthusiasm, to seize this precious today, teachers and students unite as one, and strive to create a better tomorrow in this dynasty.

  Finally, I deeply wish all the teachers and students of xx central school for their smooth work and learning progress in the new semester. Thank you.

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