
Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

author:Miss Liu's secret system
Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"





Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"



time limit

Individuals from the age of 11 or 12 to the age of 14 or 15.

Also known as the middle school age, it is roughly equivalent to the junior high school stage.

Adolescence is a transitional period from childhood (adage) to adolescence (maturity).

The main feature of this period is that it is a period of semi-naïvety and semi-maturity, a period of intricate contradictions between independence and dependence, consciousness and naivety.

Stages of sexual development

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

Adolescence is a time of major physical and mental changes.

The initial maturity of sexual function, the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics, may put adolescents in a state of confusion.

Relatively speaking, juveniles are prone to sexual error due to the lack of sexual knowledge.

Therefore, at this time, improving the sexual education status of adults and enhancing adult sexual knowledge is an important part of doing a good job in adolescent sexual counseling and sexual health.

According to the analysis of relevant data, 12 to 15 years old is the peak period for the first sexual error. After the appearance of juvenile women's menarche and juvenile male sperm, their curiosity and experience of sex have been greatly deepened. At this time, if stimulated by external adverse factors, it will cause strong sexual impulses and even lead to irreparable serious consequences.

To this end, it is of great significance to carry out the necessary sexual science education and counseling for adolescents as soon as possible to prevent the sexual negligence of juveniles.

Sexual ethics counseling

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

Before the age of 4, moral education is mainly based on the cultivation of moral behavior, and after the age of 4, moral education can be carried out using moral concepts.

To this end, the sexual moral education in adolescence can be carried out in the form of "knowing and etiquette". With moral concepts such as "respect for others", "shame", and "should not be bullied by the strong" as the basic education of sexual morality, and then with norms such as "there is a difference between men and women", "respect for women", "self-discipline", "following the rules", "organizational discipline", etc., self-restraint education is carried out, and ideal education is further carried out, and vivid examples are used to explain what is "noble" and what is "despicable: and so on.

Sexual moral education is not isolated, it must be based on general moral education in order to be effectively implemented.

In psychological counseling, in the face of teenagers with sexual errors, it is not a ruthless criticism, but only a follow-up approach to sexual morality education.

Sexual legal advice

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

Juveniles, especially those who have entered the right education period, legal education should be an important lesson, and sex legal education is one of the contents.

For example, the illegal nature of sexual assault should be adequately explained in such education.

In adolescence, if you cross the category of sexual morality and break the law, in addition to being punished by the necessary laws, it is more important to educate and consult the parties and their guardians on sexual law.

Sexual physiology consultation

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

Sexual physiology counseling mainly includes the anatomy of sexual organs and the knowledge of sexual physiological development.

As soon as children enter the juvenile period, adults should take the initiative to introduce them to the knowledge of the anatomy and physiological development of sexual organs, so that they have a certain psychological preparation for the sexual physiological phenomena they face and prevent the occurrence of bad psychology.

At the same time, it can also be found whether their physical and mental development is healthy in terms of sex. Sexual medicine education, mainly the explanation of sexual physiological health knowledge, especially the relevant knowledge about AIDS, must be explained in a timely manner.

In addition, it is necessary to explain how to deal with sexual physiological changes and protect the knowledge of normal sexual development, and so on.

Adolescence is also the period when the above problems begin to appear, and at this time, consultation on sexual physiology and sexual medicine is also very necessary.

Sexual psychology knowledge counseling

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

With the maturity of sexual physiology, teenagers gradually realized the difference between the sexes and the relationship between the sexes, and then produced some special psychological experiences.

Because the level of thinking of teenagers is still low, the self-control ability is still weak, and the rational component is often lower than the emotional component when interacting with the opposite sex, and they may only rely on the impulse of feelings to approach the opposite sex, and have sex with the opposite sex without considering the consequences. After such problems occur, psychological counseling and counseling should be carried out in a timely manner, and punishment should not be blindly carried out.

There are many clinical cases that prove that teenagers who are severely punished due to sexual negligence during this period can form "complexes" or "bad cognitive patterns", which will have a serious adverse impact on later psychological development or personality formation.

As self-awareness develops, teenagers begin to pay attention to their appearance, personality, and demeanor.

They feel anxious if their appearance, personality, and demeanor do not match sociocultural expectations.

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

Regarding the sexual psychological counseling of adolescents, in addition to the above content, the teaching of adults also plays a "subtle" role.

Therefore, improving the status of education and enhancing adult sexual knowledge education is an important part of doing a good job in adolescent sexual counseling and sexual mental health.

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

Common puberty

Psychosexual problems

Trouble with sexual impulses

According to the survey, many teenagers have an incorrect understanding of "sex", and some regard it as obscene, dirty, unseemly, difficult to talk about, and at a loss, so that they feel ashamed, self-blame, distressed and confused about their sexual impulses, and produce disgust and fear.

In fact, sexual impulse is a normal physiological and psychological response of young men and women, which is produced under the action of sex hormones and external stimuli, and is not impure, immoral or shameful behavior.

Failure of young people who develop the above incorrect views to wake up in time can cause psychological obstacles.

The impulse to sex should rely on sexual morality to restrain itself, and take feasible methods to adjust.

For example, when sexual impulses are generated, it is a very effective method to use the method of inner repression to eliminate them, and moderate repression is the need for socialization and a reflection of a person's sexual mental health.

However, severe feelings of depression are harmful to physical and mental health.

In addition, sexual desire can be replaced by a positive and constructive desire or way that can be accepted by society, such as painting, music, sports activities, labor, or friendship between men and women, so that sexual energy can be transferred and sexual emotions can be balanced. This method is sublimation.

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"


Masturbation problems are an extremely common sexual problem during adolescence, but many research materials show that adolescents have many incorrect perceptions of masturbation problems that affect their physical and mental health to varying degrees. Teenagers who have had experience masturbation often feel guilty about it, feeling depressed, worried, confused, scared, and miserable after masturbating. It is no exaggeration to say that masturbation is like a devil torturing teenagers.

They believe that masturbation is harmful to the body, damage to the brain, harmful to sexual function, and is an immoral behavior.

Others believe that masturbation is sinful.

They often have this question:

Does masturbation weaken the body or cause early death? Will masturbation affect later sex?

Is masturbation really harmful to the body?

In the 1950s, the famous American scholar Kinsey found through a survey that most teenagers masturbated 2-3 times a week. After the investigation, Kinsey came to the following conclusions:

People who masturbate in early adolescence can maintain high-frequency sex for at least 35-40 years.

In the 1980s, the soviet scholar Kolesov made an argument for masturbation, in which he said that masturbation itself would never affect the behavior, memory, ability and academic performance of teenagers.

As early as the 70s, the idea that masturbation was harmless was widely accepted internationally.

"Among psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, and others engaged in mental health and physical care, there is a widespread opinion that masturbation is neither abnormal nor harmful to the body."

--Dr. Brno

From the above material analysis, we can draw the conclusion that masturbation is harmless.

To some extent, masturbation can play a role in relieving the tension of sexual psychology and sexual physiology.

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"


Excessive masturbation is harmful, how often is it considered moderate?

Andrology experts remind that masturbation is a normal phenomenon, and moderate masturbation will not have a negative effect on sexual function. Excessive, frequent masturbation may cause andrological diseases such as prostatitis.

As for how many times masturbation is moderate, this question is really no one knows the answer for the time being.

For example, some people run a few kilometers a day and then come back to a big strength gym, which is completely fine, but some people go up to the second floor and breathe heavily.

Therefore, moderation is the same as shoe number, only you know.

In order not to affect the next BO, do not cause serious discomfort in the vagina, scrotum, urethra, as long as these two points are done, the frequency of masturbation is no problem.

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

Menstrual distress

Menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon in adolescent women.

During menstruation, girls often cause some adverse emotional reactions, and these adverse emotional reactions, in turn, may cause gynecological diseases such as menstrual irregularities and adversely affect the mental health of girls.

Therefore, proper mental health education about menstruation is very important to improve the physical and mental health of students.

When twelve or thirteen-year-old schoolgirls start their menarche, they are often upset and panicked because they are not mentally prepared.

Some people think that menstruation is an embarrassing thing, resulting in feelings of shame; Or think that menstruation is dirty blood, produce disgust, and so on.

About 67.1% of female students have various negative emotional reactions to menarche. These negative emotional reactions can exacerbate the student's menstrual disorders and cause dysmenorrhea.

After menarche to the next menstrual period, the interval is different for individuals.

Girls with first men's degree tend to perceive this irregularity as irregular or pathological and are therefore disturbed.

Because the next menstrual period is unpredictable, attending activities is often worrying or even avoiding activities.

This irregularity is due to the fact that puberty has just entered puberty, the ovarian function is not yet perfect, and the endocrine is not coordinated.

After menarche, irregular menstruation is normal for half a year, and menstruation can be normal as ovarian function becomes more and more perfect.

Menstrual disorders are a common disorder in adolescent women, manifested by menstrual cycle disorders, prolonged or shortened bleeding periods, increased or decreased bleeding volumes, and even menstrual closure.

Ovarian dysfunction, systemic disorders, or other endocrine gland disorders that affect ovarian function can cause menstrual disorders.

Menstrual disorders are mainly caused by psychological causes. If girls have unspeakable grievances and cause emotional anxiety, they will cause menstrual disorders and even amenorrhea.

In the premenstrual period, about one-third of girls will have PMS, the main manifestations of which are headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, palpitations and so on. These symptoms can also cause psychological changes in female students.

If there are girls who are irritable, aggressive, and demanding of those around them; Some people are irritable, unsatisfactory, restless, and prone to quarrels with people; Some people are withdrawn, sentimental, suspicious, guessing, and crying. In addition, some people feel breast swelling, insomnia, memory loss, poor concentration, and so on. Generally, after menorrhagia, symptoms weaken or disappear.

PMS is caused by neuro-endocrine dysfunction, and psychological factors play an important role in the onset.

Depressed and melancholy emotions, psychological contradictions can not be properly resolved, may cause neuroendocrine dysfunction and cause this disease.

Therefore, maintaining an optimistic and stable mood will help reduce and eliminate PMS.

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

The trouble of spermatozoa

Ejaculation without sexual intercourse or masturbation, called spermatozoa.

Sperm remains most often occur during nighttime sleep, which is called dream remains.

Sperm in the waking state is called slippery sperm.

Spermatozoa is a normal physiological phenomenon common among male middle school students.

Because men reach puberty, the testicles continue to secrete a large amount of androgens, while producing a large number of sperm, sperm and seminal plasma together to form semen.

Semen is constantly produced and accumulates in the vas deferens.

When the semen reaches a certain saturated state, it will be excluded from the body by means of sperm retention.

The earliest time for secondary school students is 11 years old, and most of them appear after the age of 13. Although sperm remains is a normal physiological phenomenon, its interval date is irregular.

Sperm remains within 7-8 times a month is normal. The distribution of these 7-8 sperm losses is uneven, perhaps every night for several consecutive days, perhaps 1-2 times a week.

The frequency of sperm loss is too frequent, especially dreams, which may disturb sleep, causing psychological tension, headache and dizziness, listlessness, poor stomach absorption, weakness and other symptoms.

In the mainland, because the development of sex education is still very insufficient, many adolescents lack the corresponding sexual knowledge, regard sperm as a major injury, fear abnormalities, and believe that impotence, infertility, venereal diseases and so on will be caused in the future.

In fact, sperm loss will not cause the above diseases, nor will it cause people to be seriously injured and affect health. The analysis of the chemical composition of semen shows that 90% of the components in semen are water, and in the remaining 10% of the components, in addition to a small number of exfoliated reproductive tract cells, there are also some trace elements, enzymes, glucose and other substances. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the loss of sperm, otherwise, if you focus too much on this issue, it will adversely affect the body and cause an undue vicious circle.

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

Male and female interactions

Middle school students entering adolescence, how to interact with the opposite sex, there are also a series of mental health problems that need to be solved.

Love is an emotion that is often misunderstood by some of the more naïve middle school students.

Infatuation can throw a boy or a little girl into a state of confusion. Sometimes, middle school students think that they have been permanently trapped in a love network, but in fact, the feelings they are experiencing are a kind of infatuation, a strong desire, and even a kind of sexual desire that everyone has.

Infatuation is a sudden and intense intoxication, an emotion that is both normal and useful, but it is different from long-lasting, cautious, mature love.

The contact between middle school students and the opposite sex is not all sexual, and some are in contact with each other for reasons such as help, sympathy, and gratitude, but if they are not guided, there will also be abnormal phenomena in the sexual love of middle school students.

Therefore, in the interaction between men and women, on the one hand, it is necessary to prevent the indulgent attitude towards sex and the words and deeds that are not inferior or even provocative.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to break down the feudal and stereotypical concept that men and women are not intimate. Some students of the opposite sex will immediately gossip because of their interests and hobbies, or have a little more contact with work and study, so that they dare not make normal contact. When they are forced to contact, they are often ashamed and ashamed, red-faced, unsatisfactory, and helpless, resulting in adolescent sexual and psychological deformities.

Doing so can sometimes provoke the student's rebellious emotions and make the innocent friendship develop in the direction of first love.

Some parents are afraid that their children will fall in love during their studies, so they absolutely prohibit their children from interacting with the opposite sex, which in turn enhances their children's curiosity and mystery about the opposite sex.

To this end, in the male and female students should promote a wide range of exchanges, only with the experience of interacting in a normal atmosphere, it is possible to enable teenagers to make a distinction through comparison, and gradually grasp the difference between friendship and love, so as to more securely grasp their emotions.

In addition, heterosexual interaction can enrich the personality of students.

Psychological research shows that the broader the range of interactions and the more diverse the connection between an individual in the group and the life around him, the richer his own spiritual world and the more comprehensive his personality development.

Therefore, a single same-sex interaction is far less than multi-directional same-sex and opposite-sex interactions that can enrich people's personality.

Adolescent sexual counseling? and common sexual and psychological problems in teenagers "Psychology 139"

Sorted out by a living psychological counselor

Liu Xiwei | No.139