
Are newborns "afraid of cold" or "afraid of heat"? The truth is not what you think, Mom figured it out

Wen | Jingma

Are newborns "afraid of cold" or "afraid of heat"? The truth is not what you think, Mom figured it out

In the pregnant women's group, there are two mothers in the north and south who have quarreled over a problem, which is whether the newborn is afraid of cold or heat when the newborn is just born?

Yan Yan in the north said that newborns must be afraid of cold. Yeon Yeon also talked about a real case, when Yeon Yeon's cousin's son was born a few years ago, there was no heating, but it was particularly cold during that time, and there was no heating in the house, so he could only dress the child more.

However, on the 5th day after the birth of the child, he found that the child was crying and unwilling to drink milk, and there seemed to be a lump on the skin, and he hugged to the hospital to see the doctor who said that it was neonatal sclerosia, and it took a while to stay warm in the hospital to get better...

When I went to the hospital, my body temperature was only 34.8 degrees, and the child's skin had 18% hard swelling, which the doctor said was mild and had little impact on the child.

Are newborns "afraid of cold" or "afraid of heat"? The truth is not what you think, Mom figured it out

Coco in the south said that children must be afraid of heat, because you all think that children are afraid of cold, and covering children a lot will cause problems for children.

Coco lives in Guangdong, and the first two days of their community also had a child who was sent to the hospital because he covered too much.

This child was born less than half a month ago, the grandmother with the child felt that the child was afraid of the cold, to wear more, layer after layer, adults only wear two pieces of clothing, but this child wore four or five pieces, but also wrapped in a layer of hugging quilt.

Are newborns "afraid of cold" or "afraid of heat"? The truth is not what you think, Mom figured it out

Later, the mother found that the child's lips were bruised, it seemed that the breathing was not normal, and quickly sent to the hospital, the doctor said that the child was covered too much, and there was already a fever syndrome, so the newborn must be afraid of heat.

Yeon Yeon and Coco, because the child is afraid of cold or heat, this issue began to be eagerly discussed and disputed in the group.

I told my mothers, you don't have to argue, newborns are afraid of both cold and heat!

Are newborns "afraid of cold" or "afraid of heat"? The truth is not what you think, Mom figured it out

Newborns are even small babies, afraid of cold and afraid of heat, which is related to his physiological characteristics

★ The thermoregulatory center is immature

Our adult body temperature regulation center is more mature, when the weather is hot, our body will sweat a lot, when the weather is cold we may shiver, when shaking, in fact, our body temperature will rise.

The child's body temperature regulation is immature, the heat production ability is poor when it is cold, and the heat dissipation ability is also poor when it is hot, so it is afraid of cold and afraid of heat.

★ The body surface area is too large relative to body weight

Newborns have 2.7 times more body surface area per kilogram of body weight than adults, less subcutaneous fat, thinner skin, and are prone to losing temperature when cold.

When the weather is hot, the heat dissipation speed is not fast enough.

Are newborns "afraid of cold" or "afraid of heat"? The truth is not what you think, Mom figured it out

★ The child is small, the heat generation and heat dissipation ability is poor, and the total liquid amount is small

When the weather is cold, the child's heat production ability can not keep up, there is no way to regulate the body temperature by themselves, when the weather is hot, the child's heat dissipation ability can not keep up, it is easy to cause the body temperature to be difficult to lower.

★ Newborns do not tremble

I remember that when we were young, our family was relatively poor, so it was difficult to wear clothes warm enough, so when the primary school students went to school cold, everyone would run and jump together, or they would not stop trembling, and after trembling, our bodies felt less cold.

Newborns lack a chill response, that is, trembling is all dependent on brown fat metabolism to produce heat, but the body's compensatory capacity is limited, so it is more likely to be afraid of cold.

Are newborns "afraid of cold" or "afraid of heat"? The truth is not what you think, Mom figured it out

Children are afraid of cold and afraid of heat, and parents know how to care so as not to pit babies

●The room temperature is adjusted by air conditioning or heating

The child's ability to adjust the temperature is relatively poor, so we must find a way to make the ambient temperature of the child more suitable, in the summer can turn on the air conditioning, in the winter can turn on the heating.

Whether it is on the air conditioning or heating, the humidity in the air will become relatively low, at this time to put a humidifier indoors, or put a few basins of water, or even dry some wet clothes.

Because children are also prone to dry skin in too cold or overheated air, we must pay attention to maintaining humidity.

● Learn to judge that the child is cold

Children do not want to drink milk is very irritable, awake when listless, nose tip and forehead skin is a little whitish, it is very cold to the touch, if the child's palms and feet are cold, it means that the child is cold, not only to wear clothes, but also to pay attention to adjusting the room temperature.

Are newborns "afraid of cold" or "afraid of heat"? The truth is not what you think, Mom figured it out

● Learn to judge that the child is hot

If the child's hands and feet are moving, the cheeks are red, and there seems to be a little hot flash when touched, it means that the child is hot.

A tool that children must prepare is the thermohygrometer, mainly to observe the temperature and humidity in the room, the temperature of the child's room is best 18 to 25 degrees, the humidity is 50% to 60%, in such an environment, the child will be more comfortable.

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