
Late night fish pond | you see, ten years ago mobile phone, how good it looks

During the Spring Festival this year, I finally gave up the iOS system that had been used for more than 7 years and bought a Sony mobile phone. Since I started using smart phones, I have been with Apple and am quite fond of the design of the closed system of iOS, so when I think of changing mobile phones, I still have a little pain and entanglement. The "last straw" that finally prompted me to make up my mind was that the archive of FGO national costumes could be transferred from iOS to Android...

Late night fish pond | you see, ten years ago mobile phone, how good it looks

However, this issue of "Fish Pond" is not to compete between Apple mobile phones and Android mobile phones, but simply to recall the era of mobile phones ten years ago. Although the current smart phone does bring great convenience to life, but walk into the mobile phone store can be found that almost all mobile phones, no matter what brand and model, from the appearance of the same, if the hardware configuration is not too understanding, I am afraid it is difficult to see what difference from the description, can only judge from the price to judge which performance is stronger. But the mobile phone before the smart phone dominated the market is not like this, the mobile phone manufacturers at that time in the appearance of the design is obviously more unique, such as Motorola's V70, the unique rotation design is very stylish (of course, the price is also amazing), who can take out such a mobile phone from the pocket to answer the phone, it is definitely the most beautiful boy on the street.

Late night fish pond | you see, ten years ago mobile phone, how good it looks

Unfortunately, I was still a poor student party, and I was already grateful to Dade for being able to buy a mobile phone for more than a thousand yuan at home, and the fashionable mobile phones that appeared in newspapers and magazines could only be YY in the air, and I didn't even have the opportunity to touch it with my own hands. It wasn't until I worked that I finally had a film that was extremely satisfying in both appearance and performance, and even my favorite today - Sharp SH9130c.

This phone has a rotatable two-axis screen, boxy right angle design inherits the essence of Japanese mobile phones, coupled with a 5 million pixel camera at that time can already shoot a good picture quality, not only to meet the needs of mobile phone functions, but also as a fashion accessory is also quite eye-catching. More importantly, this model has the agent of the National Bank of China, and does not have to face a series of problems caused by "parallel goods", and naturally has a lot of worry when using it.

Late night fish pond | you see, ten years ago mobile phone, how good it looks

Probably because of the deep influence of the two-dimensional culture, I have always had a fondness for the Japanese mobile phone design of ten years ago. This type of mobile phone often has several common features, such as the shape is mostly very long rectangular, or it is a flip cover; the color matching is very bold, and even there will be a contrasting design; the mobile phone has built-in a lot of novel functions, but most of them are not used... Later, it was learned that this series of mobile phones in this period had a proper noun called "ガラケー" (Note), which refers to these functional mobile phones that have many functions (such as e-wallets, music downloads, mobile phone TVs, etc.), but because these functions were not the mainstream development direction in the field of mobile phones ten years ago, "ガラケー" is more or less self-deprecating in it.

Late night fish pond | you see, ten years ago mobile phone, how good it looks

Although smartphones with a similar appearance to "ガラケー" are still being used by users today, mobile phone designs that can be seen in other countries and regions except Japan can hardly be seen. Of course, I can also understand this situation, after all, bear paws and shark fins can not be combined. But in the future, if any manufacturer is willing to explode retro, I think I should support it.

Late night fish pond | you see, ten years ago mobile phone, how good it looks

Note: "ガラケー" is an abbreviation for "Galapagosian mobile phone" in Japanese. "Galapagosianization" is a Japanese business term that refers to the risk of being eliminated by "optimalization" alone in an isolated environment (the Japanese market), losing its interchangeability with the outside region, facing varieties with high adaptability and viability from the outside.

Editorial Board Discussion Board on FishIng Techniques

(The following is excerpted from the real dialogue in the editorial department group)

Late night fish pond | you see, ten years ago mobile phone, how good it looks


I miss the Nokia and S60 eras. A local tycoon classmate in high school used the N93i, and I forgot what his name was, but the shape and model of the phone are still fresh in my memory.

Late night fish pond | you see, ten years ago mobile phone, how good it looks

Roast duck

Having been kidnapped by apple ecology, I have wanted to escape to the Android camp countless times, and I have given up countless times. iCloud and other Apple services to find the right alternatives one by one to think about it feels complicated, the key is to change habits is even more difficult. I'd rather bring an extra Android phone and just play around.

Late night fish pond | you see, ten years ago mobile phone, how good it looks

Miss Frost

In the Nokia era, I was a master of snakes and house building games.

Late night fish pond | you see, ten years ago mobile phone, how good it looks

One three three

I remember when a female classmate was gleefully showing me her newly purchased N95, I was puzzled and said that the iPhone 3GS was the future.

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