
【Fengnan Minsheng】Curium porcelain craftsmen who "resurrect" porcelain: let "lack" become a unique beauty

【Fengnan Minsheng】Curium porcelain craftsmen who "resurrect" porcelain: let "lack" become a unique beauty
【Fengnan Minsheng】Curium porcelain craftsmen who "resurrect" porcelain: let "lack" become a unique beauty

Recently, Zhai Guohui, a folk artist in our district, held a diamond in his hand and concentrated on repairing an ancient pastel bottle. Curium porcelain is the technique of repairing broken porcelain with a metal "curium" like a staple. In the famous Song Dynasty painting "Qingming on the River", there is the figure of curium porcelain craftsman.

【Fengnan Minsheng】Curium porcelain craftsmen who "resurrect" porcelain: let "lack" become a unique beauty

Zhai Guohui was originally an antique collector and often went to the antique market with Tibetan friends to "Taobao". In 2009, Zhai Guohui found a set of curium porcelain tools from a hundred years ago. It is this set of tools that makes Zhai Guohui extremely interested in curium porcelain. After years of research, Zhai Guohui made some drilling tools, using different materials to make curium nails, repairing ceramics, jade, glass and other objects, making "defects" a unique beauty. For more than a decade, Zhai Guohui has restored hundreds of pieces of porcelain, including ancient porcelain and modern porcelain from the Ming and Qing dynasties and the Republic of China.

【Fengnan Minsheng】Curium porcelain craftsmen who "resurrect" porcelain: let "lack" become a unique beauty

In order to let more people know about this ancient skill, in 2021, Zhai Guohui set up a curium porcelain studio to recruit free people who love curium porcelain craftsmanship, and now there are 6 apprentices. Zhai Guohui said, "Curium porcelain carries not only a restoration technique, but also the traditional virtues of thrift and thrift, cherishing things and cherishing blessings handed down by the ancestors, which need to be passed down from generation to generation."

Reporter: Xie Lijing, Cui Guang, Yang Jinming

Editor: Liu Biao, Lin Xinhua

New Media Editor: Bi Mengyuan New Media Editor: Zhang Dan

Supervisor: Tang Guanghui

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