
Minecraft: Timid Jerboa, but very useful? The BUFF provided was just too yummy

For the "Minecraft" sandbox game, I believe that many players have a certain understanding, mainly because its gameplay is relatively free, and it can also add mods at will to enrich the mechanics inside, so there will be no boring feeling at all. However, if you think that the creatures on the map are more boring, it is recommended to try the "Alex's creatures" MOD, the makers in order to make the creatures inside close to the original, deliberately in the model, material, action effects put a lot of effort, the overall experience is still quite good, then let's take a look at it.

Minecraft: Timid Jerboa, but very useful? The BUFF provided was just too yummy

Timid jerboa! Jerboas are small mammals that are nocturnal and will only be found in desert biomes, and are more lively because players can often see them bouncing around (rummaging through some seeds for food). But it is very small, and there is no means of attack, like rattlesnakes, foxes and cats, will take the initiative to attack them, so in the face of strange creatures approaching, they will actively escape (no drops after killing). But players can not underestimate it, as long as we hold the seed in our hands, the jerboa will come to beg, as long as it can meet their needs, as a reward for the jerboa will give the player 10 minutes of "walking like flying" BUFF, this bonus is still quite fragrant, with the speed potion, you can pull with those slower moving bosses (not easy to be hurt), players with needs, you can breed a few at home (long time to provide effects).

Minecraft: Timid Jerboa, but very useful? The BUFF provided was just too yummy

Fish that survive in the void! When players arrive at the End Island, they will be able to see the magical creature of the cosmic cod in the void between the islands, which will float in the air in a certain number, and as long as any one of the fish in the school is attacked, the entire school of fish will try to teleport away as soon as possible (the speed is still quite fast). But unlike other fish, cosmic cod hate water and even keep sucking blood whenever they touch it, so players can use this to drive them to land and take them away in barrels (five or eight at a time). Its role is mainly to serve as food for our mount sturgeon (to restore its blood volume), but we must remember not to take it, otherwise you will get the "ender flu" debuff, resulting in a large number of ender phages.

Minecraft: Timid Jerboa, but very useful? The BUFF provided was just too yummy

Beautiful ctenophores! The last creature, the ctenophore, which was spawned in the frozen ocean at night, is a simple gelatinous passive creature that is at the limit of animal life definition (this is not stronger than other fish?). )。 But the colors are very bright (including blue, red, green), look very beautiful, and the surrounding ocean blue in stark contrast, if the players touch it empty-handed, it will be attached to the toxin, the speed of blood retention is still quite fast (ignoring the armor to cause damage), so if the player wants to raise them, remember to catch them with a bucket, and then put it in the water tank at home (which uses frozen water), or quite ornamental.

Minecraft: Timid Jerboa, but very useful? The BUFF provided was just too yummy

In general, the mod species, extremely diverse, will certainly not be able to explore all of them for a while and a half, so if players are interested, they can call their friends and play together, if you have any other questions, you can say it, let's discuss it together.

Minecraft: Timid Jerboa, but very useful? The BUFF provided was just too yummy

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