
Glory of Kings Teach to fight the wild and refresh your understanding of the wild

Fight the wild

Glory of Kings Teach to fight the wild and refresh your understanding of the wild

Refresh your cognition of the wild, I believe everyone should know, since this season's yellowknife revision, the early anti-wild is very simple, found that there are many people only when playing the side road will produce a yellow knife meat knife, but in fact, the real should be out of the yellow knife is those heroes who are stronger in the early anti-wild, such as tigers, orange right Kyo, Pangu, etc., because these versions of passers-by are actually not high defense against the wild area, if you can make a yellow knife in the early stage, not only is the anti-wild simpler, but also easier to play the advantage.

After the small editor's personal test, the speed of the first-level yellow knife and the red knife brushing field is not much different, and the speed of the dragon fight in the early stage is exactly the same. And in the later stage, if you sell the yellow knife for the red knife, the number of monster layers can be perfectly inherited, which is equivalent to saying that you only spent 450 yuan in exchange for the advantage of the entire early stage.

Therefore, it is recommended that when you play this wild game, you must choose a yellow knife.

Glory of Kings Teach to fight the wild and refresh your understanding of the wild

How should yellow knives be played?

First of all, the best to start is to oppose the red buff first, when anti-red, remember to come to the road grass in advance to do a good job of vision, wait for the time to come to 34 seconds when you start to enter the wild area, why is 34 seconds, because this is most people, the wild area has just brushed half the time, at this time into the wild area will encounter two situations, the first is the opposite buff blood volume below fifteen thousand, this amount of blood indicates that the opposite side is punished, then directly past the punishment grab on the line, do not drag to the opposite side to support. But if you enter the wild area and find that the buff blood is 2000, or even more, which means that the opposite side is not punished, then wait, the blood volume is about 1,900, and then control the skill punishment together, you can also grab the buff 100%. What needs to be noted here is that most of the hero's first-level skill damage is 300 to 400, the punishment is about one thousand and five, one thousand and nine is the killing line of the buff, you can first go to the training camp to practice how to grab the buff, when you grab the buff, don't rush to go, first hit the opposite set, force it home, and then put the red zone away, after taking away the red zone, remember that at this time, the opposite side of the wild even if it comes out is a level three, so just need to ensure that the punishment does not mess with it to continue to anti-blue, Then go back to the wild area to brush off their own wild, so that the early stage is the beginning of the four buff, of course, this is only the ideal state, may also encounter the other party did not play red in the early stage, then we will be anti-red, and then go home to take their own red can also reach the three buff start.

Glory of Kings Teach to fight the wild and refresh your understanding of the wild

After the start of the current period of three buff or four buff, you can wait for two minutes and ten seconds to continue to counter the red, generally at this time, the opposite side of the wild at most three levels, is absolutely unable to keep, and then the wave of wild area wild back, that opposite the first five minutes of the wild are basically scrapped state, and then take this opportunity to open the dragon or grab the bilateral, slowly expand the advantage, ten minutes is very easy to suppress the opposite 10,000 economy.

When using this style of play, it is also necessary to remember that the yellow knife is not in a hurry to sell, it is best to wait until two large pieces or ten minutes later to sell it to change the red knife, the cost performance is the highest.

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