
After nine days, the sweetness is thick, embracing with love, the old love is deep, and the love is warm

After nine days, the sweetness is thick, embracing with love, the old love is deep, and the love is warm


The relatively flat fortune is basically a point of hard work and a harvest. For the time being, it is suitable for a day to keep a low profile, and there will occasionally be some small people around you who look at your red eyes, so you should pay attention to precautions. Being spared in life can also reduce the situation of anger, let alone take the initiative to raise the bar.

After nine days, the sweetness is thick, embracing with love, the old love is deep, and the love is warm

Still in the stage of exploration, you need to slowly find the trick through familiar understanding, but the process is more bitter.

The pressure of installment payments that can easily be brought about by planting something is next to face the days of "eating soil".

The enthusiasm of being single should be moderate, so as not to put pressure on the other party. In love, you can share your interests and have more common topics.

After nine days, the sweetness is thick, embracing with love, the old love is deep, and the love is warm


On a busy day, it will maintain a relatively high and cold appearance. You are very Buddhist about the things around you, and you don't have too hot pursuits, and you feel that everything is just natural. In terms of life, you can leave some time to spend with your family, which is conducive to maintaining family relations and giving you the opportunity to rest.

After nine days, the sweetness is thick, embracing with love, the old love is deep, and the love is warm

You can do your part well, and although you don't have any active plans, you can also reduce the chance of making mistakes.

The income is general, and the pursuit of wealth is also relatively Buddhist, but the daily expenses will not bring economic pressure.

The single personality is slightly angular, and it is not easy to open the heart. In love, it is also necessary to spend more time to run into each other.)

After nine days, the sweetness is thick, embracing with love, the old love is deep, and the love is warm


With a steady horoscope, you can keep the progress in hand. If you are more satisfied with the status quo, you may choose to stay in your comfort zone. In terms of life, it will be more annoying to others Spoilers and want to win a little superiority in front of others, but it is likely to become counterproductive.

After nine days, the sweetness is thick, embracing with love, the old love is deep, and the love is warm

It is not appropriate to stick to the status quo, but to try to challenge the limits of your own ability to better understand the positioning of your own ability

You need to take the initiative to win the opportunity to earn money through part-time or side hustle, and there will be no good thing of pie in the sky.

Single self-esteem and self-love, not in a hurry to consider taking off the list. The feelings in love tend to be stable, that is, getting along is slightly flat.