
In 1976, the old man of Yangzhou sold the "bottle" for 18 yuan, and now France wants to buy 4 billion yuan

In 1976, the old man of Yangzhou sold the "bottle" for 18 yuan, and now France wants to buy 4 billion yuan

"Celadon snowflakes drift incense, what a kind of immortal Qiongrui pulp." ------------------------

Our country is an ancient civilization, since the birth of human civilization, our ancestors have used their own diligence and wisdom to create and invent many miracles. In our civilization, the invention of porcelain can be said to have added color to human life. Our country has a long history of porcelain development, and the invention of porcelain has made an indispensable contribution to our civilization and art. We Chinese have created countless miracles, and porcelain is also an important symbol of our country.

In 1976, the old man of Yangzhou sold the "bottle" for 18 yuan, and now France wants to buy 4 billion yuan

Our porcelain is famous all over the world, and the English name of porcelain comes from Chinese English, which shows that the status of porcelain is closely related to our country. Porcelain is a very difficult thing to preserve, although exquisite, but it needs to be carefully cared for. With the passage of time, many precious porcelains in our country have been lost. In the 1960s and 1970s, an old man in Yangzhou sold the bottle for eighteen yuan. Today, the bottle is acquired at a high price of four billion in France. So, what kind of bottle did the old man sell?

The history of the development of continental porcelain

Mainland porcelain has a long history, dating back to the Neolithic era. Our country's civilization originated in the Yellow River Basin, and archaeologists once found the earliest porcelain in Shanxi. However, experts on the origins of porcelain are also very controversial. Some people believe that porcelain first appeared in the south, when hard pottery was unearthed, and it is believed that it is the ancestor of ceramics. However, archaeologists also believe that porcelain in the true sense originated in the Jin Dynasty 1,600 years ago. This statement comes from the appearance of porcelain characters at that time, and the description of porcelain is also complete.

In 1976, the old man of Yangzhou sold the "bottle" for 18 yuan, and now France wants to buy 4 billion yuan

In the records, there is a saying that the origin of mainland porcelain was in the Tang Dynasty. After all, the rapid development of the Tang Dynasty period, with the production experience of the ancestors combined with contemporary technology, there was a porcelain that attracted worldwide attention. The origin of our country's porcelain has been thousands of years, and its origin is also a question of endless debate over the generations. In fact, according to historical records, porcelain first appeared in the Han Dynasty. With the continuous improvement of production technology, the production process became more and more mature after the Tang Dynasty, and gradually formed a unique porcelain culture. The invention of continental porcelain was gradually evolved by the pottery process.

In 1976, the old man of Yangzhou sold the "bottle" for 18 yuan, and now France wants to buy 4 billion yuan

There are many kinds of porcelain in our country, and each dynasty has its own unique style. The porcelain in the true sense of our country appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the porcelain of this period has conformed to the characteristics of the original porcelain and has got rid of the shadow of the original porcelain. By the time of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, porcelain had a variety of changes, breaking the monotonous color system. The introduction of Buddhist culture also added color to the pattern of porcelain, which is more distinctive. The most active period for the development of porcelain was the Song Dynasty, when many regular porcelain production kilns had emerged. The Yuan Dynasty period was a turning point in the development of porcelain, incorporating more innovative elements.

The heirloom of the old man in Yangzhou

The development of porcelain in the Ming and Qing dynasties reached its peak, and both the quality and the output were very high. Our country has a long history, and our ancestors have created many valuable treasures for us to pass down. However, because some treasures are not easy to preserve, they are becoming fewer and fewer in the constant change of times. Therefore, these treasures are a witness to the development of an era and have special significance. Some of the treasures left by our ancestors have been collected by the state. But there are still some treasures circulating in the folk. In Yangzhou, there is an old man named Zhu Liheng, who has a heirloom ji blue glazed white dragon pattern plum bottle.

In 1976, the old man of Yangzhou sold the "bottle" for 18 yuan, and now France wants to buy 4 billion yuan

This treasure is a porcelain from the Yuan Dynasty, and its appearance is very beautiful and generous, and the whole is blue and double-sided with a white dragon pattern. From the pattern on the bottle, we can also judge that the treasure is not an ordinary thing, after all, the dragon pattern can only be used by the royal family. According to the old man's introduction, this treasure is indeed a royal object. This plum bottle was handed down from the ancestors of the old man, and it has been passed down to him for six generations. At that time, the ancestors of the old man were officials in the dynasty and were very appreciated by the royal family. The ancestors of the old man made many contributions to the imperial court and the royal family, and rewarded him with many treasures in order to reward him.

In 1976, the old man of Yangzhou sold the "bottle" for 18 yuan, and now France wants to buy 4 billion yuan

Among the many treasures rewarded, this plum vase is the most precious of them. This plum bottle is of great significance to the Zhu family, and it is the glory given to them by the royal family. In the continuous change of times, the ancestors of the Zhu family have asked future generations to protect this plum bottle, which shows the importance attached to this treasure. The elderly Zhu Liheng was not very clear about the specific information of the plum bottle, but it was certain that it was a royal treasure. The old man did not know how much the plum bottle was worth, to the point where it was the most precious thing in their hearts. Old Man Zhu Liheng is very interested in this plum bottle, and he will take it out when he has time to wipe the dust on it.

Sold at a low price, foreign countries compete for high price acquisition

This bottle has a very high status in the Zhu family, and usually only the elderly can take it out and wipe it. If the rest of the Zhu family wants to see the plum bottle, they can only catch a glimpse of it during the New Year. Under the careful care of the old man, the plum bottle was very well preserved. This plum bottle is very well preserved without a single bit of damage. The plum bottle is a very precious treasure for the old man Zhu Liheng, but in the end the old man sold it to the cultural relics store for 18 yuan. Why did the old man sell this precious treasure, and what kind of story is hidden behind it? In the 1950s and 1960s, due to the special social reasons at that time, those who had treasures in the family were taken as the focus of the survey.

In 1976, the old man of Yangzhou sold the "bottle" for 18 yuan, and now France wants to buy 4 billion yuan

The elderly Zhu Liheng has been an official for generations, and some treasures have been handed down from his family. During this special period, homes were often raided. In order to protect the plum bottle, the mother blackened it with ink and placed it in the corner. When people came to their homes to check it out, the black and dirty bottle didn't catch attention. Therefore, the plum bottle also escaped the disaster and was not damaged. After the plum bottle escaped the disaster, the Zhu family collected it again. However, although Zhu Liheng liked the bottle very much, he finally sold it to the cultural relics store. Zhu Liheng did not want to see this plum bottle destroyed in his hands, and finally discussed with the cultural relics store to sell it.

Although the cultural relics store was engaged in cultural relics trading, the owner at that time did not have a comprehensive understanding of cultural relics. The owner of the cultural relics shop mistakenly regarded the plum bottle as porcelain from the Qing Dynasty, believing that the value was not very large. Therefore, after he bought the plum bottle from Zhu Liheng's mobile phone, he did not take it very seriously and put it in a corner of the store. In this way, the plum bottle was placed in the cultural relics store for two years without anyone's attention. It was not until 1978, when Beijing held a grand exhibition of cultural relics, that the plum bottle once again entered people's eyes. In this exhibition, the unique shape and color pattern of the plum bottle attracted the attention of many people.

In 1976, the old man of Yangzhou sold the "bottle" for 18 yuan, and now France wants to buy 4 billion yuan

The exhibition held in Beijing can not only be visited, but also auctioned for treasures. After the exhibition, many museums wanted to buy this treasure. Finally, the Yangzhou Museum successfully purchased plum bottles with the support of the local government. Later, experts conducted a special study of plum bottles. Experts agree that the plum bottle is a fine piece of Jingdezhen porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty.

brief summary

We know that Jingdezhen porcelain is very famous, but there are only three pieces of precious porcelain like plum bottles in our country. The plum bottle collected by the Yangzhou Museum is the most complete one, so the value is very high. The plum bottle has not only become the treasure of the Yangzhou Museum, but also received a lot of attention from abroad. At that time, Japan wanted to buy this treasure for 300 million yuan. Not only that, France also gave a price of four billion to buy plum bottles, which is enough to explain the value of plum bottles.

Reference: "Tea Drinking Song"

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