
Original God News Summary: 2.6 God's Fork should be stable, and the Lingren Basic Attack is slightly strengthened!

Hello everyone, here is the play café editor, bringing the latest game information. The first is a little bit about version content and card pool, and then there's more.

[1. 2.6 The Ayahua replica of the god is basically stable? 】

Original God News Summary: 2.6 God's Fork should be stable, and the Lingren Basic Attack is slightly strengthened!
Original God News Summary: 2.6 God's Fork should be stable, and the Lingren Basic Attack is slightly strengthened!
Original God News Summary: 2.6 God's Fork should be stable, and the Lingren Basic Attack is slightly strengthened!

The photo of the event is the 2.6 Guangrong Festival, in which the brothers and sisters of the gods bring friends from different countries to visit Ina-yata. From the plot point of view, it just so happens that there are three five-star characters, namely Shen Li Lingren, Shen Li Ayahua, and Wendy. In addition, there is a furniture screen, there are also pictures of the three of them and the autumn line.

Original God News Summary: 2.6 God's Fork should be stable, and the Lingren Basic Attack is slightly strengthened!

Relatively speaking, the uncertainty is more of a pool of weapons. The possibility of the exclusiveness of the gods is very high, considering that the green sword rock is green, and the two one-handed swords of the Canggu Oath of Freedom have been up not long ago, so it is also reasonable for the gods to be cut with the purple sword mist, and Wendy's final bow is also a combination that has been reproduced with him, but compared to the basically stable character pool, the weapon pool is not guaranteed to have temporary adjustments.

【Second, the god lingren basic panel small strengthening】

Original God News Summary: 2.6 God's Fork should be stable, and the Lingren Basic Attack is slightly strengthened!

Roughly speaking, the basic defense power is reduced, and the basic attack power is increased. When the character is at level 90, the current maximum level will increase the white word of 285 base attack to 299, and the defense will drop from 815 to 769. This wave, officially, is to make him brittle while adding a little damage. Considering his body shape, it is not difficult to find that in contrast with another water C Dadalia, the water system C is quite brittle, and there is a feeling of dancing with the tip of the knife.

【III. Eight-Fold Divine Son Skill Locking Problem】

Original God News Summary: 2.6 God's Fork should be stable, and the Lingren Basic Attack is slightly strengthened!

In the latest 2.5 Abyss, the largest size boss form of the Bleeding Dog, the Golden King Beast, joins. After its paralysis, the eight-fold god son places the totem for three consecutive E, and there will be a thunder split to the ground next to it, and the enemy's mistake will cause the normal output. This should also be a unique minor problem of the character. On the large map, there is a fire next to it, etc., which will also lock the error, but it should be fixed quickly.

【4. 2.6 Abyss Lineup Strong Lifts Wendy】

The abyss information has been exposed before, and I will mention it here.

Original God News Summary: 2.6 God's Fork should be stable, and the Lingren Basic Attack is slightly strengthened!
Original God News Summary: 2.6 God's Fork should be stable, and the Lingren Basic Attack is slightly strengthened!
Original God News Summary: 2.6 God's Fork should be stable, and the Lingren Basic Attack is slightly strengthened!

It is not difficult to find that the next version of the abyss, the upper halfway, is basically a relatively large number of mobs, can be adsorbed (the sea chaos ghost is slightly more tough) even, this 12-layer "multi mob" lineup is not seen for a long time, it is more obvious to "strong lift" Wendy. Of course, there is also a prerequisite, that is, not to reproduce Manyo in the short term. In addition, it is not difficult to see that the newly launched or re-enacted five-star characters will be relatively comfortable in the current version, and the next abyss is relatively easy to be restrained. For example, the 2.4 very comfortable Shen He Ice Team, the 2.5 abyss is targeted by the "Deep Sea Dragon Lizard Ice". The Rock Team of 2.3 is also limited by the Abyss Apostle Elemental Shield in 2.4. So on the whole, the more types of characters are cultivated, the better the compatibility, but whether to extract or not depends on personal wishes and lineups.

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