
Xu Yong, commander-in-chief of Chenzhou: The general of the Green Banner Han Army who died the most tragically

author:History is the most beautiful

In fact, I have written about Mr. Xu Yong's article before, this person was originally Zuo Liangyu's general, after the fall of the Hongguang regime, he surrendered to the Qing army together with the young lord Zuo Menggeng, and was later killed by the Ming army in November 1652 during the Battle of Chenzhou launched by sun Kewang, the ruler of the Southern Ming Dynasty.

Why is this benevolent brother mentioned again? That's because I turned to another discussion of Xu Yong's pension, which contained some details about the Battle of Chenzhou provided by Xu Yong's son Xu Gui, who had luckily escaped, and a closer reading found that Mr. Xu Yong was indeed the green battalion general who died the most tragically, and his thousands of Chenzhou defenders were also completely destroyed.

Xu Yong, commander-in-chief of Chenzhou: The general of the Green Banner Han Army who died the most tragically

Ming Army Armor.

According to the situation described in this recital, Sun Kewang and Feng Shuangli's army was besieged on November 21, Xu Yong's general Zhang Pengxing led his troops out to fight and was killed by a cannon, the next day the city wall was breached, the elephants of the Ming army broke through the east gate, the soldiers rushed into the city like a tide, Xu Yong "led the Battle of Ruijia Lane to shout and fight to cut", was stabbed off the horse by the Ming army, and then climbed up to kill several people in a row, and finally was slashed to death by the Ming army, and the first rank was also taken down, and the Ming soldiers saw Xu Yong's body still firmly holding the knife. He cut off his hand again, almost torn to pieces, and called Xu Yong's body "a few bloody corpses" in the fold.

Xu Yong's family was also very miserable, except for Xu Gui and Xu Yong's righteous son Xu Chengming, who happened to be out on business, all 39 members of the whole family in the city, including Xu Yong's wife Cao Shi, concubines Yang And Hu Shi, were all killed by the Ming army, Xu Yong's relatives and his family members were also killed by the Ming army, and the Qing Dynasty government civil and military officials in Chenzhou were all killed except for the garrison Li Pangui and Qianzong Li Fenglong who escaped by boat, which shows that none of them were spared. The vast majority of Xu Yong's roughly 3,000 Han Green Battalion soldiers should have been killed in the street battle.

Xu Yong, commander-in-chief of Chenzhou: The general of the Green Banner Han Army who died the most tragically

Ming infantry.

The Qing court praised Xu Yong for "being in a lonely city, long in the core, this officer fought in the middle of the half-year with thousands of people, the thieves were growing stronger and stronger, the military situation was getting more and more dangerous, and when the city fell, it was possible to fight in the streets, kill the thieves to death, and hold the sword." The whole family, young and old, and killed the counter-front. Lie Lie loyal liver, Hao Hao in Japan, really can chase the beauty of Juyang Yi " compared Xu Yong to the Tang Dynasty Shou Suiyang Zhang Tour, this is undoubtedly an exaggerated technique, even from the perspective of the Qing court, Zhang Patrol Suiyang but insisted for ten months, Mr. Xu Yong's Chenzhou defenders were finished in one day, in addition, his behavior is indeed worthy of this evaluation of the Qing court, after all, he was killed by the Ming army, and also took the life of the whole family of 39 people, from the previous performance, Mr. Xu Yong is indeed a "Great Qing LoyalIst", As early as 1649, when Jin Shenghuan was in Jiangxi, he had sent emissaries to Changsha to persuade this old colleague to be anyway, after all, the two people had worked together under Zuo Liangyu, which was also some friendship, and as a result, Mr. Xu did not even read the letter and killed the emissary of Jin Shenghuan.

Xu Yong, commander-in-chief of Chenzhou: The general of the Green Banner Han Army who died the most tragically


Later, the Zhongzhen battalion besieged Changsha, Xu Yong's men had less than 3,000 men, but refused to surrender, occupying the city wall and stubbornly resisting, the Dashun army fired firearms into the city, the goose egg-sized fire projectiles were like rain, the people who were hit died on the spot, Xu Yong himself was supervising the battle on the city wall, he was shot down by Li Chixin's arrow, and the city wall was almost dug up by the Dashun army, and the two sides fought fiercely for five days and five nights, and finally, the Dashun army retreated. In April 1651, Sun Kewang attacked Chenzhou for the first time, Xu Yong repelled it, and in September of the following year, he defeated Zhang Guangcui (Li Zicheng's old general) and captured hundreds of people alive, and by the second Battle of Chenzhou, Sun Kewang sent people to surrender Xu Yong, Xu Yong once again killed the envoys of the Ming side, and a month later Sun Kewang's army attacked Chenzhou.

It can be said that it is quite stubborn, even kong Youde, the king of Dingnan, also moved the idea of surrendering when guilin city was about to be breached, and Xu Yong, who had an iron head, was a strong enemy who was several times stronger than himself again and again.

Xu Yong, commander-in-chief of Chenzhou: The general of the Green Banner Han Army who died the most tragically

The Northern Army of the Ming Dynasty.

People similar to Xu Yong are actually not absent, such as the Qing general Yu Shizhong and the inspector Li Maozu, in 1648 He Tengjiao besieged Yongzhou, Yu and Li led the Yongzhou Qing army "to adhere to the calendar for three months, before and after more than forty battles, killing and wounding more than half, the remaining soldiers less than a thousand." A small number of residents fled from the city to the Ming army barracks, and finally the city was attacked by the Ming army, Yu Shizhong fell into the water and drowned on the way to escape, Li Maozu was captured alive by the Ming army and sentenced to death, another example is the Battle of Xinhui, which has been said many times before, and there is not much to say in this.

In fact, there is a question involved here, that is, the mentality of the generals of the Qing Dynasty Army, whether it is Xu Yong or Yu Shizhong, will these people really be loyal to the Ming Emperor as Zheng Chenggong and loyal to the Qing Emperor? My answer is that these people will never be really loyal to the Qing Dynasty. The reason is simple, because these people have already rebelled against (the Ming Dynasty) once, and if they can rebel once, there is naturally a possibility of a second rebellion (the Qing Dynasty).

Xu Yong, commander-in-chief of Chenzhou: The general of the Green Banner Han Army who died the most tragically

The Green Camp of the Qing Army in the "Complete Map of jinghai"

(Note that this is the Qing army during the Jiaqing period, but still wearing Ming-style armor)

Why these people surrendered to the Qing, I said before that the key to the Ming and Qing wars was the years after 1644, the Qing rulers took almost 2/3 of the country's land at a fairly fast rate, and also controlled the army and population, which laid the pattern of the Qing Dynasty being strong and weak after that, and Xu Yong These generals actually surrendered between 1644 and 1647, because from their point of view, in these years, the Qing Dynasty actually smashed the land, government, army, and army of the former Ming Dynasty into one place. A process in which the people regrouped, in order to get a piece of the pie in the process in order to keep their original position unchanged, so they all surrendered.

Xu Yong, commander-in-chief of Chenzhou: The general of the Green Banner Han Army who died the most tragically

In the following years of fighting, the situation of The Qing strong and the weak has not changed, even on the eve of the Battle of Chenzhou, the north of Chenzhou is still the control area of the Qing side, that is to say, when these people are fighting with Sun Kewang and others, although the strength of the troops in their hands is pitiful, it is possible to get reinforcements, if they successfully repel the other side, they can get more rewards, but if they directly surrender to the Ming army, then their status may be lower than that of the original Qing army. And the situation of the Qing strong and the weak has not been changed from beginning to end, so for them, surrendering to the Ming Dynasty is actually a certain risk, and later when Wu Sangui counterattacked Sichuan, Sun Kewang's general soldier Lin Shitai in Chengdu surrendered to Wu Sangui, this person was in Shaanxi anyway, and at this time he threw himself into the Qing army, Wu Sangui thought that this person was capricious and directly executed him in the downtown area of Chengdu.

Xu Yong, commander-in-chief of Chenzhou: The general of the Green Banner Han Army who died the most tragically

Ming Dynasty warlord wearing a phoenix-winged helmet.

Therefore, the reason why these people descended to the Qing Dynasty is very simple, that is, it is a simple problem of strength, and it is not that the Rulers of the Qing Dynasty have a lot of military hearts, it is because these Ming generals want to use their own army as capital, and want to share a piece of the pie after the founding of the Qing Dynasty, nothing more. But it is obvious that the Qing rulers know what these original Ming Dynasty troops surrendered, so the Qing army formed a structure in the early Qing Dynasty, the Eight Banners of Manchuria were dominant, and then after the Former Ming Army of the Liaodong Qing Dynasty descended to the Qing Dynasty in 1644, most of them entered the Han Army Banner and became flag people, and finally surrendered after 1645, which had the largest number of people, but it was the most unreliable for the Qing rulers.

Xu Yong, commander-in-chief of Chenzhou: The general of the Green Banner Han Army who died the most tragically

Green Camp Han Army.

When Shandong suppressed the anti-Qing uprising, the officials of the Eight Banners of Manchuria became the supervisors of the Qing army, and by the Qianlong period, most of the Qing generals had become negative teaching materials. And these renegades themselves also knew what they were, and after the southern Ming resistance forces were overthrown one after another, the qing court's defense object turned to these people, so in the twelfth year of Kangxi (1673 AD), under the leadership of Wu Sangui, the king of Pingnan, Shangzhixin, the king of Jingnan, Geng Jingzhong, the son-in-law of Kong Youde, Sun Yanling, the former general of Zheng Chenggong' generals Yang Fu, Liu Jinzhong, Yang Laijia, the former generals of Li Dingguo's general Yang Wu, Ma Weixing, the former generals of Li Chengdong's generals Ma Bao, Li Benshen, the Sichuan warlord Tan Hong, Tan Yi and other former Ming generals and Zheng Jing, the king of Yanping, joined hands to launch a huge "San Fan Rebellion", which may have been the last major counter-offensive against the Qing Dynasty in the 17th century.