
Bad news! Foreign media show that Gaulat has withdrawn from China: he is now a Brazilian player

As the biggest "naturalized player" in the history of Chinese football, although Gaulat is not qualified to play for the national football team and has left the Chinese Super League, because he holds Chinese nationality, many fans still have special feelings for this player, and even expect him to become the standard-bearer of "Chinese players" staying overseas. However, this good wish is likely to be shattered.

Bad news! Foreign media show that Gaulat has withdrawn from China: he is now a Brazilian player

According to the Brazilian sports website imprensadehoje, there is no longer "China" in the "nationality" column of gaulat player information, but only Brazil. That is to say, if according to the current information, Gaulat has completely become a "Brazilian player"; in a sense, this also means that he has withdrawn from China.

Bad news! Foreign media show that Gaulat has withdrawn from China: he is now a Brazilian player

Previously, the Brazilian media did not clearly disclose Gaulat's current nationality, although his current foreign aid status is registered in the Brazilian League, but when introducing the player, he will still indicate "Brazil/China" in his nationality column, regardless of whether China does not recognize multi-nationality. This time, imprensadehoje retained only "Brazil" in the player's nationality column, a change that, while subtle, is worth noting.

Bad news! Foreign media show that Gaulat has withdrawn from China: he is now a Brazilian player

In fact, when Gaulat announced in November last year that he had terminated his contract with Guangzhou Evergrande and returned to his hometown in Brazil, it was only a matter of time before he withdrew from China. Although the foreign aid policy of the Bajia League is relatively relaxed, there are still clear restrictions on the number of foreign aides in the first team of the team, and if Gaulat still retains Chinese nationality, then in the Bajia can only be registered as a foreign aid. And if you return to Brazilian citizenship, whether it is working in Brazil or living in the future, it is obviously much more convenient.

Bad news! Foreign media show that Gaulat has withdrawn from China: he is now a Brazilian player

Gaulat briefly left Guangzhou Evergrande for the 2018 season to play in the Brazilian league, but in May 2019 he renewed a contract with Evergrande for an annual salary of up to 15 million euros and subsequently joined the Chinese nationality. Unfortunately, this time Gaulat's relationship with Chinese football lasted only two years before it had to end in a breakup.

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