
Uncle's roof was planted with excrement, and the neighbor complained that he was intimidated: there was no way to taste

author:It's Sister Bo

It's a very flavorful story.

On March 3, in a community in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, a uncle Zhao who lived on the top floor planted vegetables on the roof of the building, making the neighbors unable to stand it, but Uncle Zhao did not listen to what others said, and the neighbor had no choice but to ask law enforcement personnel for help.

This Uncle Zhao's family lives on the top floor and has a large storage room, which can be described as unique.

Uncle Zhao loves life very much and likes to grow his own vegetables, so he used the place on the roof of the building, put on a foam box, loaded with soil, and began to grow vegetables.

Uncle's roof was planted with excrement, and the neighbor complained that he was intimidated: there was no way to taste

It is nothing new for city people to use balconies or rooftops to grow vegetables, as long as they are handled well, there will be no problems, and it will not affect others.

But Uncle Zhao not only likes to grow vegetables, but also likes to use the most primitive methods to fertilize.

If you want to crop a flower, all rely on manure to be the home, farm manure is a traditional fertilizer, has a wide range of applications in the countryside, basically the ancestors have used this crop for generations.

It is just that the disadvantages of farm manure are also very obvious, that is, it is unhygienic, and the taste is not generally large, and when fertilizing, there is an illusion of falling into the manure pit from the side.

Uncle's roof was planted with excrement, and the neighbor complained that he was intimidated: there was no way to taste

It doesn't matter if you apply farm manure in the empty fields of the countryside, there is no one around anyway, but the houses in the city are dense, and after fertilizing the wind blows, all the nearby places have to be covered with odors, and there is no way to escape.

For this reason, the neighbors were deeply affected by it, and they also persuaded Uncle Zhao many times, but Uncle Zhao insisted on going his own way and felt that he had no problems at all.

So everyone had to ask for help from law enforcement officers, when the law enforcement officers came to the door to tell Uncle Zhao that his planting of vegetables had affected others and asked him to remove them and not plant them again, Uncle Zhao still had a tough attitude, saying that he would not remove those boxes for the time being.

Uncle's roof was planted with excrement, and the neighbor complained that he was intimidated: there was no way to taste

He thinks it's the range of his pantry, what does it matter if he grows a la carte? It doesn't matter if you have a taste. He also pointed at the neighbor who complained about him and scolded the other party for not having a face.

Law enforcement officers saw Uncle Zhao holding a large mineral water bottle filled with an unknown liquid brown in tea, which also looked like it was used to pour vegetables.

In a white chemical bucket, it was also filled with dark brown liquid with bubbles on it. Uncle Zhao said that these are used to pour vegetables.

In his opinion, there is no farm manure to grow vegetables, so what is used for watering? So even if there is a taste, there is no way, anyway, it is to grow vegetables.

Uncle's roof was planted with excrement, and the neighbor complained that he was intimidated: there was no way to taste

Uncle Zhao can be described as both stubborn and arrogant, only for his own happiness, completely disregarding the feelings of others, and it is really speechless to meet such a neighbor.

It is estimated that he was also a rural person before, and after going to the city, he still remembered to cultivate land, but there was no land in the city, so he had to find a way to make up with it with a foam box.

There is a saying that Uncle Zhao does have a hand in planting vegetables, and the vegetables in the foam box are very good, green and oily, and they are loved, and it is no wonder that Uncle Zhao is reluctant to this fertilizer.

But everything should pay attention to a rationality, in the community with farm fertilizer to grow vegetables, the impact is too big, can not eat organic vegetables at home, but let others bear that disgusting taste.

Uncle's roof was planted with excrement, and the neighbor complained that he was intimidated: there was no way to taste

The neighbors did not let him grow vegetables, but just wanted him not to use this way of fertilization, although the land was Uncle Zhao's own home, but the smell was emitted, which has affected many people.

In any case, to be a person to have a sense of public morality, even on the top floor, do things must also consider the feelings of others, can not only try to be happy, affect others.

I advise Uncle Zhao to put himself in the shoes of others and think about it, if you want to continue to grow vegetables, you can change your own fertilization method, or simply go to the countryside to experience life, live down and plant happily, and plant as long as you want.

If you meet such a neighbor, can you accept it?