
The end of the world is found, and tears are flying red

The end of the world is found, and tears are flying red

"The End of the World, Red Flying Tears" | text: Junlan

"Watch over the thousand-year-old acacia, change your life as you first see"


It's not a parting, it's better than a parting. Broken spring flowers and shadows, empty eyes and autumn waves, looking at the broken moon of Chang'an. The phoenix stage screamed, the building is empty, where are the people? In vain, there are two or three pieces of sorrow. Wu Xia's red clothes and long sleeves, did they follow the remnants of the sun, return to the west, and have no dependence? Only the sound of sad songs, Yu Yu dimmed, and the long night sneaked in. The lone goose is miserable, the apes are sad, and the nightingale is crying blood. Falling red chaos, the soul is gone, where is the return date? The sound is warm and ear-piercing. Sweet, sweet. Suddenly, it seems to have been stolen from the world.

Yesterday, the flowers murmured, people disappeared in the blink of an eye, the flowers fell into tears, the wind and rain withered, and the cuckoos cried chaotically. In the bleak place, he was afraid of the mourning crows, and devoured the dreams of the ducks.

If people are not there, what is the heart? Night and night to send dreams, has become the rule, tonight only a lone crane left, clean where to live? Hope, soul flies, the end of the sky, the king is looking. Where did Jun sob alone? The strings of the qinse were already covered in dust, and the mournful song was outside the cloud mountain, whimpering, whimpering, whimpering Xiao Xiao's north wind, and the north wind flew sand and stones. Wept, wept, wept, and the torrential rain swelled.

Why are the lights in the house so dark red? The color of blood, beating with a torn heart, reflected my thin figure. The belt of clothing is gradually widening, the face is haggard, and the body is like thin paper, allowing the night to be struck and raged. Cold, frozen heart, numb fingertips, sighing, sad and lonely. What is it that drowns me in the abyss of despair? What is it that throws happiness into the distant country of Java?

Looking all over the cloud mountains, looking all over the fog and water, where is the trace of your love? The geese have left a sound, the clouds have taken a picture, why, I have not seen my sweetheart who has just been in front of me? The long road is winding, the courtyard is deep, the flowers are scattered, the geese are far away, the red dust is vast, and I have stepped on thousands of mountains and rivers, and I have felt that it is difficult to walk. Why, why, bondage, can not always let the oath fly through the trap of the world? Life and death, death and death, who can bear to be separated from you? The Great Wall of Love that has been built for you for a thousand years has not fallen, so why do you have to go away from me alone? The fault is only in the mistake, the love is too deep, the meaning is too true? As soon as I turned around, there was the pain of parting life and death, the pain of ripping my heart and lungs?


Life is like a dream, who can distinguish between the worldly and the illusory, and the dream is true? When you were there, the mountains and rivers were long dreams, and you went, the muddy roads, the ticking rain, and everything became a bubble. Parting, who can still hurt you in that strange situation? Who can still accompany me in this lonely bucket room? The sun and the rain no longer belong to me. Can the full moon and floral fragrance belong to you? Who can wait for me in Zimo? Who else can I hold on to the tip of my mind? Purple swallow lonely fly, purple swallow lonely fly, broken intestine, broken soul, who wants to cut off my only scenery in this life? If I can't see you again, I'm afraid that I'll be gray all night. If you can't wait for your return, I'm afraid that the lone crane will fly to the cliff and shatter its body.

The song mourns, and the thousands of people are not seen. Night, candlelight, torrential thunder, muddy rocks, the red umbrella you abandoned. People are gone, there is no trace, the end of the world is two vast, and the three spring kites have broken the line. You lay down me, lean on the trunk alone, think about the beams, and lazily dance the cool sword. Sideburns, a thin shadow, human affection, broken words, a song of love and tears.

The wind is traceless, tearing the soft and green Wan'er, and the heartache of the flashy dark night. You say, just leave for a few days. You say, just calm down and adjust. But who knows how long it will take? After the thunder and lightning, is it the reunion of the rainbow after the rain, or the farewell of Manjushawar? I have no way back, I can't sing a long song to cry, only to silently lick your vows and pale and powerless past.

Last night's dream, high cliffs clinging to each other, springs sweet. Wake up sitting alone, lonely shadow green lights, face does not know where to go, tears wet several layers of shirt? The long night is long, and the red letter is colorless. Looking up, the city was as red as snow. Ask The Long Heaven, can I, with a high head and a big horse whip, and the white clothes fluttering in the clouds, so that you can see it at any time? Can I tear off a touch of rainbow and bend it into a rainbow to connect the flower tree you are leaning on with the pond in nawan? You didn't make a sound, you flew by, you flew away, you couldn't grasp your hand, I was like under the boundless mana of the Fahai, I couldn't catch up with Xu Xian of the White Lady. What about deep affection? What about Grace? In a hundred years of life, who can change a nightmare at will?

Your beauty has blossomed into a flower that does not fall in this spring, and your romance has generated a smoke that flows above the water. Why, the sudden thunderstorm instantly annihilated the Water Moon Mirror Flower? Why, you have awakened the memories of my lifetimes, when the tenderness of my spring overflowed, but it was not inferior to the leaf in your hand? People who are obsessed with waiting, weak concern, can't see your painting building west of the crow. Silent, mournful time is like quicksand, lightly scratching at the fingertips. Embracing the deep feelings of yesterday, the passing is like a flying flower, and the years are hoarse. See in the dream, see it in the dream, embrace each other and smile in the dream, wake up the lone lamp and the lamp is about to dry up, and once again, the tears are like rain.

The sky and water are vast, the grass is miserable, and the Qionglou is hit by wind and rain. Sighing in the sky, low eyebrows, shallow wine to drink. A thousand cups are exhausted, tears are confused, a long roar, and the sound of heaven and earth is rare. The beauty of the incense is still there, and the person has disappeared.

Sorrow in vain, empty lamentation, the heavens and the earth are great, the four seas are vast, where to find the warmth of the King? Yun Shan looks broken, The trunk shoots all over, Yue'er, do you see your beloved? Hongyan Hongyan, the fang note I carried, are you lost in the sky? Fast horse yo, carry me for a thousand miles a day, where is the rest of our end? Falling red yo, she went with the river, telling me, is my she, is shedding tears and miserable like me?

Listen to the sad songs you left in a hurry a thousand times, turn over the lines of your warm years a thousand times, and remember your shy and smiling face a thousand times. Yesterday, all kinds of things, turned over and over, now it is, love the mountains and the sea, the thoughts are boundless, and the sorrows are boundless. I want to anesthetize myself, and I can't see anything but you. If it weren't for the wisps of thought that still existed, if you weren't still boiling on the other side of the red dust, I would have thought, clean and clean, turned into a wisp of green smoke.

If love is absent, what joy is there in life, and what fear is there in death? Of course, I know that you are, everything is intact, everything is always there. I just want you, the sunrise and the moon to rise, take care of yourself, be strong into a big tree, cross this hurdle, come back, and return to this warm shore early. I've been waiting for you here, rain or shine, dark or dark. Remember that? "Jiangnan, wait for your life and a lifetime", watch over the thousand years of acacia, change your life as you first saw...

Image source network, invasion and deletion


Pen name: Junlan. Touching the touch brought by the words, I also want to pass on the warm words to more people, and then take over the fate of the ink color

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