
She was cut off by Riko with her hands, and a sharpened wooden wedge was nailed into her body, and she was tortured to death in pain

author:Han Mo condensed incense Xuan

[The author of this article has signed a contract to defend the rights of knights, plagiarism must be investigated! 】

The war of aggression against China launched by the Japanese Kou brought heavy disasters to the Chinese people, and to this day, the memories are still like thorns in the back and cannot be tolerated.

They brutally slaughtered and killed the Chinese nation and committed heinous crimes.

In order to drive out the Tartars and defend the country, countless martyrs stepped forward.

They were not afraid of life and death, and fought with the enemy until the last moment, in exchange for today's peace and tranquility.

They will always be the most admirable people of this era.


In 1909, a baby girl was born in C-Seocheon-gun.

Her name is Anshunhua.

Due to her family's poverty, her birth did not bring much joy to the family, but because she added another mouth, her life became more tight.

At that time, the C Fresh Peninsula was invaded and occupied by Japan. Mizukawa-gun was also under the oppression of the Japanese Kou, and the people lived a precarious and miserable life.

As a child, Anshunhua witnessed the invasion and plunder of the Japanese and planted the seeds of anti-Japanese in her heart very early.

At the age of 15, An Shunhua married Li Fengzhu, who was also from a poor background.

Although the two people are the orders of their parents, the words of the matchmaker. But the two feel sorry for each other, the feelings are getting stronger, and the family gets along very well.

In 1930, in order to escape the war and eat mixed food, An Shunhua and her husband left their hometown and came to Hunchun County, Jilin In northeast China, to make a living by working as sharecroppers for landlords.

She was cut off by Riko with her hands, and a sharpened wooden wedge was nailed into her body, and she was tortured to death in pain

During the part-time work, An Shunhua came into contact with some anti-Japanese people, and by their education, guidance and influence, An Shunhua and her husband secretly joined the "Anti-Japanese Association" led by our party and became a strong internationalist fighter.

After An Shunhua joined the party, his main work was to be responsible for communication and communication, transmission of intelligence, and other work.

She risked her life to complete the task again and again, and was transferred to Hulu Turtle Village by the organization, where she served as the secretary of the party branch and the director of women's affairs.

Since then, An Shunhua's work has become more arduous, she left early and returned late, doing anti-Japanese propaganda for the masses, going from house to house to collect military food and sewing military uniforms for the guerrillas, and mobilizing and organizing women to rescue the wounded.

She was cut off by Riko with her hands, and a sharpened wooden wedge was nailed into her body, and she was tortured to death in pain

In order to support the front line and prevent the soldiers from freezing and starving, An Shunhua personally led the villagers to follow the guerrillas to fight.

Carrying cloth and cotton, sewing machines on their backs, and rushing to make military uniforms day and night, they were the strongest support of the anti-Japanese guerrillas.

During a breakout, in order not to be discovered by the searching enemy, Anshunhua ruthlessly blocked the mouth of her youngest child with a cloth, and the warriors were saved, but her child died.

An Shunhua held the child, and the tears kept flowing. In order to resist japan, she gave up her small family for everyone and was called a great mother.


The situation of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression became more and more severe, and the enemy hated the Japanese forces to the bone and intensified the intensity of the liquidation and suppression.

One day, the "crusade team" of the Japanese puppet army quietly rounded up the temporary residence of the sewing team to which An Shunhua belonged.

In an emergency, An Shunhua immediately led the team to start digging holes in the snow and frozen soil to bury food and supplies. Before the arrival of the Japanese, all supplies and food were successfully buried.

Later, in order to cover the retreat of his comrades, An Shunhua decided to stay alone to attract the attention of the enemy.

She successfully led the enemy to a hill, and seeing her comrades evacuate safely, An Shunhua had a triumphant smile on her face.

The enemy surrounded him from all sides, and An Shunhua was unfortunately hit in the leg and arrested by the enemy.

When the enemy learned that An Shunhua was the captain of the sewing team they dreamed of wanting, if they got the treasure, they were soft and her, kind words and persuasion, and wanted her to tell the whereabouts of the supplies and grain.

An Shunhua did not say a word, not moved.

The enemy became angry and began to impose criminal law on her.

She was cut off by Riko with her hands, and a sharpened wooden wedge was nailed into her body, and she was tortured to death in pain

They humiliated her to the greatest extent and used up the criminal law, but they could not shake An Shunhua's revolutionary will.

The enemy was so angry that he swung his sword and cut off An Shunhua's hands...

In an instant, Anshunhua's hands covered with calluses and sewing cold cotton clothes for countless warriors fell on the snow, and the huge pain made Anshunhua scream and pass out...

After a long time, An Shunhua was awakened by a sharp pain. But the enemy did not let her breathe, and in order to make her sober and tortured, they nailed the sharpened wooden wedges into her body one by one...

What a pain that is!


Under the torment of pain, An Shunhua died heroically at the age of 28.

For the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, she sacrificed her precious life, and her spirit of seeing death as a homecoming made the world admire!

She was cut off by Riko with her hands, and a sharpened wooden wedge was nailed into her body, and she was tortured to death in pain

Heroine AnShunhua

This prosperous world is as you wish, and the hero will always live in our hearts!