
The Law of Attraction: Talk about falling in love and you can make a lot of money, an exercise to let money run after you

author:A memorable memory of the abundance of condensation
Money is spiritual. Money is light, it is love. What are you ? Same frequency resonance, homogeneous phase absorption. If you are poor, it must be because you are two ways of being the same person as money.
The Law of Attraction: Talk about falling in love and you can make a lot of money, an exercise to let money run after you

Two days ago, on her friend's birthday, her mother-in-law sent her a big red envelope for the first time. She turned to her husband and said, "You didn't say anything about my birthday."

And then it went into a mutual debate. One thing that was originally a happy thing was not happy and scattered.

The Law of Attraction: Talk about falling in love and you can make a lot of money, an exercise to let money run after you

This friend of mine has a good personality. Her husband spoiled her with everything, only to search for money. They also have a good relationship, but she basically just goes to work to earn money and spend it herself.

I was still wondering. It is reasonable to say that a man who can spoil his wife so much can not let go of his hands and feet on money.

As soon as I heard her say this, I knew what the problem was.

She has a bad relationship with money, and when money comes into her hands, it will trigger her bad emotions.

Money is the energy of joy, and if money comes you are not happy, but cause you other negative emotions, then it certainly does not like to come to you again.

It's the same thing about a man spending money on a woman, he spends money on you, you're full of joy and gratitude, and he's going to have a sense of accomplishment and he's willing to spend money on you again.

My friend received the red envelope from my mother-in-law, and if I turned around and said to my husband: "It is so happy to receive this red packet, thank you for your mother's love!" ”

Will enter a message to the husband: the red envelope can make the wife happy. This is a positive reinforcement that reinforces her husband's consciousness: red envelope = happy.

Maybe he will send you a red envelope right away, or he will know how to do it later.

But when she made such a fuss, she was telling her husband and money: You don't come for money, I will be unhappy when you come.

The Law of Attraction: Talk about falling in love and you can make a lot of money, an exercise to let money run after you

What is your attitude towards money? Is it disgusting? complain? Not satisfied?

Your attitude toward money is your relationship with money. You treat money as a lover, as a confidant, as a girlfriend, as a love affair, and always keep it with money, sweet and sweet, then money will definitely chase you.

So, whenever money comes into your hands, don't give up, or be embarrassed, or not satisfied, or don't want it.

Even if you grab a penny of red envelopes in the group, you should not be too small. Receiving a penny a dime a dollar, all as if receiving 1 million, happy for ten minutes. Money is spiritual, and whoever likes it, is happy because of it, it is perceived every minute.

The same is true when you go to make friends, who is relaxed and who is happy, who you are comfortable and happy together, you love to find who to play.

The Law of Attraction: Talk about falling in love and you can make a lot of money, an exercise to let money run after you

Why should Chinese rejoice in the New Year, and receive the god of wealth? The ancients were wise, and they knew that the god of wealth liked to go to places of happiness and high energy.

Do an exercise every day, enlarge the deposit in your bank account by 100 times to 1000 times, and then be joyful, full of gratitude and contentment, stay with this money in your heart for a while, and fall in love with it for a while.

Your daily earnings, income, even if it is a dime, ten dollars, is magnified 100 times 1000 times, happily accept it, never too little.

This exercise lasts three months and then sees how the money will come to you. Money is bound to pour into you in all sorts of ways and means that you didn't expect.

That's the secret of money, and the Law of Attraction is as simple as that.

The Law of Attraction: Talk about falling in love and you can make a lot of money, an exercise to let money run after you