
Chen Yanan deleted the video and decided to make a comeback, making a hanging basket to read the book for a good time, but was taken backwards by the mocking book

author:Vernacular Tao

I believe that many netizens are not unfamiliar with Chen Yanan, an Internet celebrity, Chen Yanan was once the daughter-in-law of the Zhu family, and after divorcing Zhu Xiaowei, he has been on the cusp of public opinion. No matter what you say or do, you will be ridiculed by netizens, and live broadcasting will also be affected.

Chen Yanan, with the popularity of the Zhu family, has accumulated nearly five million fans on social platform accounts, becoming a veritable big Internet celebrity. With the help of the account live broadcast with goods, it has made a lot of money. But all this was given by the Zhu family, without the Zhu family, who knows Chen Yanan?

Chen Yanan deleted the video and decided to make a comeback, making a hanging basket to read the book for a good time, but was taken backwards by the mocking book

The requirements of netizens are very clear, since Chen Yanan's heat is from the Zhu family, and now divorced from Zhu Xiaowei, the heat of the rubbing must also be returned to the Zhu family, such as Chen Yanan's account of nearly five million fans.

But Chen Yanan obviously did not want to give up like this, and continued to live stream the goods on the Internet against public opinion. Netizens obviously don't want her to be so comfortable, as long as Chen Yanan live broadcast, netizens will go to her live broadcast room to report, which eventually leads to Chen Yanan's live broadcast room being banned.

Chen Yanan deleted the video and decided to make a comeback, making a hanging basket to read the book for a good time, but was taken backwards by the mocking book

Because he couldn't sell anything, Chen Yanan hadn't been live for a long time. Just when netizens thought that Chen Yanan had given up, recently, Chen Yanan deleted all the videos of his social platform account and decided to start from scratch and update a new video on the platform.

In the video, Chen Yanan, wearing a black dress, sitting on a hanging basket, holding a book in his hand, is carefully studying, looking good, the style has changed a lot compared to before.

Chen Yanan deleted the video and decided to make a comeback, making a hanging basket to read the book for a good time, but was taken backwards by the mocking book

But netizens obviously don't buy it, Chen Yanan is just a secondary school diploma, the words are not recognized, how can you fall in love with reading? Don't talk about Chen Yanan, all the netizens here, including many people with college, undergraduate, and graduate degrees, how many can read books?

Taking ten thousand steps back, if Chen Yanan really likes to read so much, he will not be just a secondary school education. Looks like a literary girl, in fact, it is just a posing shot, the years are quiet? Maybe a little too funny.

Chen Yanan deleted the video and decided to make a comeback, making a hanging basket to read the book for a good time, but was taken backwards by the mocking book

After the video was sent, Chen Yanan was ridiculed by many netizens, and some netizens said bluntly: "The books are reversed, what kind of cultural people are pretended?" Personally read it carefully, the book should not be reversed, but whether Chen Yanan can understand, there are indeed two more to say.

In addition, there are netizens discussing the title of the book, "How to Get Xiao Wei's Heart", "How to Marry a Second Married Woman into a Rich Family", "TheOry and Practice of Crossing the River and Demolishing the Bridge", "How Thick is Refined" and so on.

Chen Yanan deleted the video and decided to make a comeback, making a hanging basket to read the book for a good time, but was taken backwards by the mocking book
Chen Yanan deleted the video and decided to make a comeback, making a hanging basket to read the book for a good time, but was taken backwards by the mocking book
Chen Yanan deleted the video and decided to make a comeback, making a hanging basket to read the book for a good time, but was taken backwards by the mocking book
Chen Yanan deleted the video and decided to make a comeback, making a hanging basket to read the book for a good time, but was taken backwards by the mocking book

I have to say that these netizens are really talented, and such a book title can be imagined. However, under Chen Yanan's iron-hearted belief in coming back, these comments have now been deleted. The comments section of Chen Yanan's new video is like her video, a quiet time.

Personally, I think that what a public figure looks like, netizens are very clear in their hearts. Even if you set up a person on the Internet and pretend that the years are quiet, you still can't change the impression of this public figure in the minds of netizens.

Chen Yanan deleted the video and decided to make a comeback, making a hanging basket to read the book for a good time, but was taken backwards by the mocking book

A person who is a city servant will not appear selfless no matter how he pretends, and a person who loves money will not appear to have two sleeves and a clean wind no matter how he dresses. Looking at the essence through the problem, Chen Yanan's years are quiet, but it is just to prepare for the live broadcast with goods, the book has a smell of copper money, even he can't cheat himself, how can he deceive netizens?

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