
My first love 211

author:Lazy man pro

I dragged it to the radio at home and the host aired it at half past six before turning off the radio and putting it in a drawer.

Stepping out the door, Dad had just come home and was putting his bike away.

"Well, Abba, whoever said at noon was going to have two drinks with you tonight."

"Who, what time did he say come over?"

"Huh...? Who's coming, I can't remember it for a while, and I didn't say what time it was, just said that I was looking for you for two drinks tonight. ”

"So what's the dish to cook tonight?"

"Not really, I just picked up my mother and boiled it."

"It doesn't matter, I'll peel some peanuts and fry them later, by the way, you still ride someone's bicycle?" Dad pointed to my bike and said.

"I don't know, she, uh, is a little more serious today."

"Give it back to others as soon as possible, what is the matter of riding someone's bicycle all the time?"


"Go to school."

I didn't respond to my father, I pushed the bicycle out of the door, thinking about my father's words just now, it is also strange, if you want to have people's legs good, ah, now I will return it to people What is the matter?

But my idea is also a bit ridiculous, don't you want to give it back to others in the afternoon? If it weren't for the fact that people were crying and their hearts were soft, they would have been returned to others by now.

On the main road outside the door, there are several neighbors on both sides of the road who are eating with rice bowls, as if they are also talking about people's goods without a word.

Coming to the section of the road where I had encountered the nails the night before, by which time the nails had been swept away, and there were finally one or two villagers on the road, who seemed to be ready to guard the road, and it seemed that they had discussed it.

Riding a bicycle to the highway, there were classmates on the road one after another going to school, but when I came to Feng Ziyao's house, I did not meet Yi Xiaoxin, and it seemed that he had already gone to school.

When I came to the section of the road in front of Feng Ziyao's house, I was a little hesitant to go in, and when I went in, her parents would not give me a good look, after all, just now her father told me to eat and I did not eat, and I heard them say behind my back that I was not. If I go in, will they kick me out? Thinking about this, I developed some fear of entering her house.

I waited at the intersection for a while, and I looked at her house, but I didn't find any movement, and just when I was a little overwhelmed and a little anxious, the neighbor who was still good with her family came out and saw me.

"Hey, her classmates have come to pick up Sister Afonne?"

I scratched my face a little unnaturally, grudgingly squeezing out a smiley face and replying, "Uh, well, yes." ”

"She shouldn't have come out yet, I didn't see it just now." Her neighbor seemed speechless.

I must know this, I don't come to pick her up how to go to school, after all, I came to pick her up. I muttered in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it directly, but said, "Well, have you had dinner, I'm going to go in and pick her up." ”

There is no way, I don't want to go in, after all, I don't know when I will wait if I don't go in, and my neighbor will definitely ask questions, in case she accidentally says the wrong thing, it will be trouble.

I rode in on my bicycle, came to the edge of her house, did not dare to go directly into her yard, and waited there for a while before I plucked up the courage to shout at her house: "Feng Ziyao." ”

Her mother heard the voice, came out of the hall, saw that it was me, she reluctantly smiled, and said: "Oh, Ah Zou Zai is coming, Ah Feng Sister doesn't seem to have it yet, didn't see it, you come in and wait." ”

It was a little strange for me to hear my aunt say this, didn't they know that I heard them say bad things about me behind my back and cause me to have a grudge? This surprised me a little, and at the same time I felt that I had just thought too much and was careful.

"Then I'll go in and wait for her." With that, I twisted the handlebars and slipped down the road into her yard.

"Sister, your classmates have come to pick you up, come down quickly." As I entered her yard, my aunt looked up and shouted upstairs.

"She should be ready to come down." When she finished shouting, she said another word to me.

"I don't know if I want to go up and help her?" I don't know why such a sentence came up. As if feeling guilty about what he had just thought, he said somewhat flatteringly.

"I'll go up and have a look." Auntie, she should be afraid that I will go up to help Feng Ziyao down like last time.

After a while, Feng Ziyao came down from the stairs, and she still washed her hair tonight, and she was still wearing her hair, and sure enough, she was still so good-looking.

I turned the front of the car, and my eyes couldn't help but look into the hall, at this time, her father was watching TV inside, not looking out at all, it seemed that he still had an opinion on me, but I don't know why my aunt couldn't see it at all. Could it be that people have different stomachs? However, it is not right, at noon, the aunt does not have such a good attitude, is this my own feeling? Involuntarily, I scratched my head.

Leaving Feng Ziyao's home and coming to the highway, Feng Ziyao asked in the back: "Is your family really a relative tonight?" ”

"Of course, or will I be able to pick you up so late?"

"Then what good dishes will you make tonight to entertain your relatives?"

It seems that Feng Ziyao had doubts about my words, and he had to give her a definite answer. So, I braked the bicycle, and Feng Ziyao felt strange in the back: "Zou Xiaobin, what are you doing?" ”

"Do you want me to go back with you now?" After saying this, my heart was pounding, and the sweat on my forehead was about to come down, I was afraid that she would reply that if at this time, Feng Ziyao and I were face to face, I would definitely wear help, just when I was about to be unable to resist, Feng Ziyao said in the back: "I am just curious to ask, why do you react so much?" ”

"Later, I didn't eat at your house, did you say anything about me at home?" I wondered if they knew I heard what they said after I left, and asked purposefully.

"No, what's there to say?" Feng Ziyao said in a calm tone behind him.

It seems that Feng Ziyao did not tell the truth, not knowing whether she did not want to provoke a conflict between me and her parents, or whether she felt that this matter was very common and there was no need to say anything more.

However, in my heart, I still feel some regret that Feng Ziyao did not tell the truth, and at the same time sneer at her lies. Muttering in my heart, don't lie to me, I heard it all.

She saw me in the back for a while without saying a word, and then she said, "Why did you suddenly ask about this?" ”

"Nothing, I just think my uncle is so enthusiastic about me, I have been rejected, so I just want to ask."