
Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

author:Guan Shi Baojian

Why do Somali pirates dare not be cared about?

There is a group of pirates in the Gulf of Aden, Somalia, who are famous all over the world for their "strange things".

How strange is this group of pirates?

Whether you are a fighting nation russia or a world power, the United States, as long as you dare to come I dare to grab!

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

In 2012, this group of pirates, riding only in a speedboat, went directly to rob the American warship, and it was shocking that in the face of American nuclear weapons, they could catch up and exchange fire.

But even such a rampant pirate, no one would have thought that one day there would be people who would make them obedient, because they encountered the only country that did not dare to move!

Since the Gulf of Aden is located in Somalia, they have an "internationally renowned" name called Somali pirates.

Somali pirates are notorious internationally, no matter what country you are, whether you have nuclear weapons or not, as long as it is a ship passing through Somali waters, as long as it is targeted by them, then consider yourself unlucky.

Somalia is a very underdeveloped country, their country is very poor, mainly livestock farming, the original people's life is not good, but also a series of natural disasters.

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

At this time, the national conditions of Somalia were also very special, because of the policy, there were serious contradictions within Somalia, and some people in the civilian society joined forces with the Ethiopian army to start opposing the government, and these people slowly developed into their own forces.

These forces are mainly composed of anti-government refugees, and over time they began to become violent, at first just robbing the government, and then even ordinary people will rob, which later formed the later "Somali pirates".

Over the next few years, the ranks grew to thousands, and because they were anti-government forces, even the local government was helpless against them.

Don't look at them as just pirates, because they have been robbing at sea for many years, and they have a lot of new era equipment in their hands, including speed boats, rifles, global positioning systems, etc., and even rocket launchers.

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

More importantly, these people are all outlaws who do not want to die, they will take a few hostages when they rob, and if the other side takes tough measures, they will not hesitate to "tear up the ticket".

As long as many international naval ships encounter them, they can only consider themselves unlucky, and in order to ensure the safety of the abducted personnel, they can only choose to destroy their wealth and eliminate disasters.

For this reason, at one point, Somali pirates became more and more rampant, and they became more aggressive, and their way of looting gradually became more ferocious.

Regarding the behavior of Somali pirates, Somali diplomats once angrily said: "Hijacking a ship can get a ransom, this is connivance with them!" This is not a Somalia problem, it is an international problem! ”

Although the diplomat's words are a little irritated, it is not unreasonable to think about it carefully, but the Somali government can't control this group of pirates, what can other countries do?

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

How crazy are Somali pirates?

As recently as 2010, an American warship was "hit".

On the night of March 29, the US Guided Missile Frigate Nicholas was on a mission in this area, and no one expected that Somali pirates would board the warship under the eyes of the US military.

However, because the pirates thought that this was just an ordinary transport ship, there were not many people sent, and the US army quickly captured several pirates.

Since they had been caught, the pirates certainly had no good fruit to eat, and they were locked up for two days in a row, and they were tied up and thrown on the deck by the American troops, and followed the American troops to their destination.

On the evening of April 1, it was April Fool's Day, and many of the crew members had rested that night, leaving only some crew members on duty, but they were also sleepy, after all, who would think that anyone really dared to fight the idea of a US warship?

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

But just as people let their guard down, in the darkness a speedboat broke through the water and sped in their direction, the speedboat of Somali pirates, who wanted to save their captured accomplices.

They dispatched a lot of pirates this time, and according to the budget of the pirate leader, this trip not only had to rescue the captured companions, but also hijacked millions of dollars.

The speedboat rushed to the eyes of the American troops at a very fast speed, and under the unbelievable gaze of the American troops, they pulled out their guns and began to strafe.

In fact, this warship is an old-fashioned frigate, and the U.S. military only has submachine guns in their hands, but despite this, they are more than enough to deal with these beam-jumping clowns.

As the gunshots rang out, alarms began to sound throughout the warship, and then the captain gave the order that all the crew prepare for battle!

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

The U.S. military will not be soft on these pirates, and it is really unbearable to provoke them again and again, and the U.S. military has fired heavy machine guns at the speedboats, and the guns on the ships have begun to prepare for battle.

These pirates originally did not look at each other much in the eyes, after all, they were the head snakes here, what kind of country had never seen, but this operation of the US military was obviously unexpected by them.

Isn't this the difference between mosquitoes and cannons when pirates look at it? When they woke up, they turned around and fled, according to their ideas, they could not fight and run, after all, they relied on their familiarity with the sea, and it was not a problem to get rid of warships.

Seeing that these fleas are about to escape, how can the US military let them do what they want?

The U.S. warship immediately turned around, and in an instant followed the footsteps of the pirates, in the vast sea, the two sides actually began to chase after me, the pirates were forced to hurry, and even fired the only two rockets on the speedboat.

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

Unfortunately, perhaps because of too much panic, or no experience in firing rockets, the shells were all distorted, which made the U.S. military even more angry.

In the end, the U.S. army directly fired shells on the pirates' speedboats in a fit of rage, and with a loud noise, their small speedboats were finally blown to pieces, and several pirates became chickens.

At this point, there was no way to run, the pirates, you look at me and I look at you, and finally I had no choice but to raise my hand and surrender, not only did not rescue my companions, but even I put myself in.

Although in the end they were all captured by the US military, they were not ashamed to say one thing, after all, they were facing the high-tech equipment of the US military, and they only went to a few people in total.

These pirates were not even afraid of the warships of the American Army, but a few years later, a country completely subdued them.

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

Lure the wolf into the house

In 2000, a Chinese fishing boat numbered Fuyuanyu No. 226 once came to this area.

The captain is called Fang Jiabai, who belongs to Yongfeng Distant Water Fishery, and before going to sea, because he already knew that he would pass through this sea, the boss sent No. 225 to operate together, and also hired two Somali security guards from the security company.

With two security guards with guns, Fang Jiabai's heart was quite stable, and at this moment, he didn't know that they had already lured the wolf into the house.

Just as they were walking to this sea area, Fang Jiabai suddenly heard gunshots coming from the deck, and he was startled, thinking of many possibilities in an instant.

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

But what he didn't expect at all was that it wasn't the pirates who came into the cockpit, it was one of the security guards, and where they were the security guards, it was obviously the robbers in disguise! In addition to the security guards, even many of the crew members are pirates pretending to be pirates.

But by this time it was too late to know, the security guard pointed a gun at him and asked him to drive the boat south, and after a while, another security guard brought in a note that read: $6 million.

Although he is now being pointed at by gunpoint, but he can always do something, No. 225 is 12 nautical miles away from him, Fang Jiabai thought: We must find a way to contact No. 225!

He picked up the contact system and whispered his coordinates, but seeing that the ship was getting farther and farther away, Fang Jiabai could not wait for a response, and he could not contact No. 225, so he could only save himself.

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

He first tried to persuade the security guards to ask the co-pilot to come and drive the ship, and then he was locked up at the bottom of the cabin, where other hijacked Chinese crew members were detained.

After getting together to discuss, they quietly climbed out of an abandoned skylight, and then several people divided into teams to kidnap the single pirates.

At one o'clock in the morning, the pirates were sleeping, and they took advantage of the pirates' letting down their guard, quietly knocked down several people with wooden sticks, and even grabbed a gun.

With the gun in hand, Fang Jiabai's heart has a lot of confidence, as they break one by one, finally take back the initiative of the ship, he contacted No. 225, after the two sides converged, and finally escaped from danger and connected with the local Chinese consulate.

The level of piracy is surprising to everyone, and as the Spokesman for Somali Diplomacy said, it is indeed not just a somali family affair, this is an international case.

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

The indiscriminate robbery of Somali pirates was so uncomfortable that with the permission of the Somali government, China set up a naval formation and began to rectify Somali pirates.

Later, in 2008, the Mainland's Zhenhua Pirate Ship was attacked by them again.

During the 4 hours of confrontation between the mainland crew and the pirates, the crew first closed the hatch, signaled a distress signal to the nearby warship, and then began to delay with the pirates.

The crew first used empty wine bottles to make incendiary bombs, and in a few moments, they made more than 200, and then used high-pressure water guns to block the pirates' attack.

The shattered glass kept them from advancing until rescue arrived and the pirates retreated.

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

After a series of attacks, the mainland army began to increase the intensity of expulsion, and began to weaken the pirates' power by "being able to drive away as much as possible without killing".

However, these can only cure the symptoms and not the root causes, and then the mainland sent many people to teach them fishing, and also boosted their economy and provided many jobs.

Because these pirates are originally poor people, they are only pirates to survive, as long as there is a way to survive, there are still more people who do not want to be outlaws.

Many pirates have laid down their weapons and chosen to start a family and concentrate on fishing for a living.

In 2011, when there was a drought in Somalia, the mainland donated money for their food, and most Somalis people were very friendly to China in the face of China's good deeds.

So far, the ranks of Somali pirates have been greatly reduced, and they have not been in the sight for a long time, with occasional robberies, but pirates have never dared to provoke China.

Somali pirates: Even U.S. warships dare to rob, but only one country dares not move

As a big country, China has shown enough great power style, and in the face of the behavior of Somali pirates, we complain with virtue, and the pirates who eventually caused headaches for many big countries eventually lost their temper.

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