
Hands open the way to happiness! The premiere of the movie "Houchi New Yugong" was held in Shijiazhuang

author:Hebei News Network

Video producer: Hebei Daily reporter Tian Tian

Hebei News Network News (Hebei Daily reporter Tian Tian) On the afternoon of July 7, under the guidance of the Hebei Film Bureau and the Propaganda Department of the Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee, the premiere of the movie "Houchi New Yugong" sponsored by Hebei Zhonghui Zhongzhi Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. and Hebei Fenghua Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. was held at the Shijiazhuang UME Cinema. The film's creators appeared on the spot and shared their shooting experience with the audience.

From December 2015 to March 2016, villagers in Houchi Village, Xiangxian County, Handan City, formed a "voluntary road construction team", brought their own dry food, chiseled stone weirs, and used their hands to build a "foolish highway" to get rich in the stone mountains. After the story of Houchi was reported by the media, it attracted widespread attention from the society. The movie "Houchi New Fool" was adapted and created on this basis.

Hands open the way to happiness! The premiere of the movie "Houchi New Yugong" was held in Shijiazhuang

Directed by Han Yunjie and Zhang Haoyu, starring famous actors Sun Min, Liu Wei, Arya and Chi Peng, and starring Shi Zhaoqi, Ouyang Fenqiang, and Cui Kefa, the film tells the story of the people of Houchi Village, under the leadership of the village party branch, not waiting for no dependence, self-reliance, through the difficult process of building the road to mountain prosperity through the chisel hammer, embodying the spirit of foolishness in the new era of initiative, selfless dedication, and benefiting future generations, and is a record of contemporary grassroots cadres not forgetting their original intentions, leading the masses to get rid of poverty and get rich, and interpreting "happiness is all struggled out" with practical actions. excellent film and television works.

Hands open the way to happiness! The premiere of the movie "Houchi New Yugong" was held in Shijiazhuang

Premiere scene. Courtesy of the organizer

One of the directors, Han Yunjie, said that the film was mainly filmed in Houchi Village, Dawa Village, etc. in Xiangxian County, of which Houchi Village is located in the depths of the Taihang Mountains, known as "the ground is in mid-air, and the road is not half a step flat". "We hope that through this film, we will sing the main theme of rural revitalization and present to everyone the true appearance of the people in the Taihang Mountains who are industrious and simple and have the courage to take responsibility."

Hands open the way to happiness! The premiere of the movie "Houchi New Yugong" was held in Shijiazhuang

"Every time I look at the footage, I am deeply moved by the spirit of the people of Houchi Village. Through this film, we want to show the spirit of Taihang and the simple people of the old district to the persistence of the land and the pursuit of happiness to the audience. The film's lead actor Sun Min said.

There are not too many gorgeous shots and pictures, some are just simple dialogue and a group of simple folks, but this small-cost film really touched the audience. "The people of Houchi Village are really not easy, and their spirit of hard work and optimism towards life are worth learning." Ms. Li, an audience member, said that the nostalgic scene presented in the film is very grounded, making people feel real and intimate.

(The movie posters and flowers in this article are provided by the crew)

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