
Chongchuan District held a meeting to promote the long-term management of civilized cities in Chongchuan District, and enhanced the sense of gain of the masses with the most practical measures and the greatest determination

author:Market Weekly
Chongchuan District held a meeting to promote the long-term management of civilized cities in Chongchuan District, and enhanced the sense of gain of the masses with the most practical measures and the greatest determination
Chongchuan District held a meeting to promote the long-term management of civilized cities in Chongchuan District, and enhanced the sense of gain of the masses with the most practical measures and the greatest determination

On August 14, Chongchuan District held a meeting to promote the long-term management of civilized cities in Chongchuan District, mobilizing the upper and lower levels of Chongchuan District to further gather consensus, consolidate responsibilities, act quickly, promote special promotion actions with high starting point, high standards and high quality, and meet the national civilized city review and evaluation with the greatest determination, the most practical measures and the best state, and contribute to the chongchuan strength for Nantong To win this "hard battle".

Present at the meeting were Hu Yongjun, secretary of the district party committee; Yang Wanping, deputy secretary of the district party committee and acting district governor; Chen Zhongfeng, secretary of the party leading group of the district people's congress standing committee; Yan Chongming, chairman of the district CPPCC committee; Xu Haiyan, deputy secretary of the district party committee; Yang Jingjing, member of the standing committee of the district party committee and director of the Propaganda Department; Gu Bin, deputy secretary of the party leading group of the municipal urban management bureau, deputy district governor of the district government, and director of the district urban management bureau; and Zhang Wenjin, deputy district governor of the district government.

Chongchuan District held a meeting to promote the long-term management of civilized cities in Chongchuan District, and enhanced the sense of gain of the masses with the most practical measures and the greatest determination

Before the meeting, the main leaders of the four sets of teams attending the meeting led the relevant departments and street responsible comrades to the Hongxing Road parking order management site, the Garbage Removal Point of Zhaofeng Jiayuan, the transformation site of the old residential area of Xuetianyuan, the three-pack management site in front of Haonan Road, and the Xinyuan Road Farmers' Market for on-site observation. Hu Yongjun and his party affirmed the transformation of the old residential areas of Xuetian Street, saying that all street communities should take this as a standard, find differences according to the standard, learn from experience, make up for deficiencies, and use the most practical measures and the greatest determination to do a good job in the long-term management of civilized cities, so as to enhance the happiness of the masses "home in Chongchuan".

Chongchuan District held a meeting to promote the long-term management of civilized cities in Chongchuan District, and enhanced the sense of gain of the masses with the most practical measures and the greatest determination

On opening up a new situation in the long-term management of civilized cities in Chongchuan District and striving to complete all the tasks in the next stage, Hu Yongjun stressed that it is necessary to improve the position and strengthen the consensus, and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency for the long-term management of civilized cities. Promoting long-term management is the "general grasp" of improving all work, and it is necessary to take long-term management as the starting point, enhance the construction of soft and hard environments, and help empower Chongchuan's economic development; promoting long-term management is a "bridge of connecting hearts" to practice the purpose of service, and we must focus on solving the problem of the masses' "urgent difficulties and expectations" so that the people can see more changes and get more benefits; promoting long-term management is the "whetstone" for improving the style of cadres, and we must dare to open a knife to the "old and difficult" problems, throw ourselves down, stand up to the front line to grasp implementation, and use the diligence index, The toil index is exchanged for the civilization index of the city and the happiness index of the citizens. It is necessary to focus on key points and strive to tackle tough problems, and promote the long-term management of civilized cities to go deeper and more concrete. With 11 special actions as the main focus, focus on the key points and overcome difficulties, so as to promote the great improvement of the appearance, the great improvement of the image, and the ranking of the first. According to the evaluation standards of civilized cities, comprehensively take stock of problems, find deficiencies, adapt to the situation of the situation, and accurately implement policies; break the short-term "investigation" thinking, enhance the awareness of the rule of law, make good use of the "big data + grid + iron footboard" governance mechanism, and comprehensively improve the level of urban governance; persist in relying on the masses, mobilize the masses, give play to the role of the "woodpecker" platform, and respond to the concerns of the people in a timely manner; comprehensively self-examine the key and sensitive areas involving the negative list, and eliminate hidden dangers of contradictions in a timely manner. It is necessary to consolidate responsibilities and vigorously grasp the implementation, and gather the strong joint force of long-term management of civilized cities. "One point of deployment, nine points of implementation." All levels of Chongchuan District should act quickly, promote seriousness with sincerity, and strive for excellence by tackling tough problems to ensure that all work is truly implemented in a down-to-earth manner. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership. All units and departments should closely cooperate, strengthen organizational leadership, and timely study and deploy important matters; all streets (parks) should consolidate their territorial responsibilities and ensure that they have the responsibility to guard the soil and fulfill their responsibilities. It is necessary to strengthen the overall planning of work. Be good at combining articles, making overall plans, integrating multiple forces, and doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, economic development, urban construction and other aspects. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and assessment. Establish an assessment orientation of grasping the foundation, grasping the key points, and grasping the long-term effect, and give play to the effective incentive role of appraisal rewards and punishments. Responsible units that have poor organization, exist problems, and lose more points in assessment and assessment will be seriously held accountable.

Chongchuan District held a meeting to promote the long-term management of civilized cities in Chongchuan District, and enhanced the sense of gain of the masses with the most practical measures and the greatest determination

When presiding over the meeting, Yang Wanping stressed: All departments and streets should practice what they preach, take the lead in setting an example, go deep into the frontline to vigorously grasp the tough problems, and ensure that not a single link is missed and no dead end is left behind. The line departments should give play to their own advantages, integrate professional forces, take the initiative to attack, face difficulties, and resolutely fight this hard battle. It is necessary to take the initiative to shoulder responsibility and grasp the problems and vigorously grasp rectification and reform. All units should focus on the requirements of the assessment work, grasp and understand the standards as a whole, resolutely do not let go of every problem, do not miss every indicator, do not miss every detail, find gaps and make up for shortcomings item by item, and ensure that the best results are used to "refuel" the creation of work and "add points" to the inspection work. It is necessary to firmly establish the idea of "one game of chess" and persistently grasp the long-term effect. All units should adhere to the joint creation of the upper and lower levels, the combination of departments and blocks, and the participation of the whole people, continue to consolidate the results of tackling tough problems, further improve the system and optimize the mechanism, focus on governance from the source, fundamentally solve the problem, resolutely put an end to the rebound of various problems, and strive to hand over a high-quality answer sheet to the municipal party committee, the municipal government and the people of Chongchuan District.

Chongchuan District held a meeting to promote the long-term management of civilized cities in Chongchuan District, and enhanced the sense of gain of the masses with the most practical measures and the greatest determination

Xu Haiyan made specific arrangements for the long-term management of civilized cities in Chongchuan District, saying that it is necessary to fully affirm the achievements made by Chongchuan District in the long-term management of civilized cities, and at the same time soberly see that there are still problems in Chongchuan District in some key areas and important points. It is necessary to take the "1 + 11" action plan as the guide, adhere to the goal-oriented, problem-oriented, and result-oriented, through the solution of prominent problems and difficult problems at the point, string points into lines, take the points with the surface, and constantly accumulate small victories into big victories, and make due contributions to the main urban area to meet the on-site evaluation of civilized cities across the country.

Yang Jingjing made an interpretation of the assessment reward and punishment methods, she introduced, the assessment of the offensive action adopts two assessment methods of on-site centralized inspection and daily inspection and supervision, with the help of computer mini programs to randomly select checkpoints, for the problems found in the assessment will be reported to the territory and functional departments in the form of a notification, the street development zone departments that rank backward in the weekly assessment will be notified, and a statement will be made at the monthly work meeting.

At the meeting, the participating comrades watched a video of the problems related to the long-term management of civilized cities. The relevant responsible comrades of the District Housing and Construction Bureau, the Urban Management Bureau, The Hepingqiao Street, the Wenfeng Street Central Business District Community and other relevant responsible comrades made exchange speeches in turn, and they said that they would take this promotion meeting as an opportunity to closely follow the latest deployment requirements, closely follow the 11 promotion actions, focus on the three key tasks, strengthen command and dispatch, improve the coordination mechanism, strengthen supervision, compact responsibility, work for a long time, continue to exert efforts, and promote the long-term management of civilized cities to make new breakthroughs.

The main responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the district, the responsible comrades of the Chongchuan Branch of the Public Security Bureau, the Supervision Commission of the District Discipline Inspection Commission, the Gangzha Economic Development Zone, the North High-tech Zone, and the Haohe Office, the main responsible comrades of the Cultural Tourism Company, the Smart City Operation Company, and the Chongcheng Property Management Company, the relevant responsible comrades of various streets, the representatives of some citizens' visiting groups, and all the members of the District Civilization Office and the Long-term Effect Office attended the meeting at the main venue. The main responsible comrades of each street, the responsible comrades in charge and the secretaries of the village communities watched the meeting by video.

(Source: Chongchuan District People's Government website)

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