
Musician Kan Liwen returned to his hometown to start a business: "Let more people enjoy the beauty of music for free"

author:China News Network
Musician Kan Liwen returned to his hometown to start a business: "Let more people enjoy the beauty of music for free"

The picture shows Kan Liwen being interviewed by reporters. Photo by Li Aiping

Zhongxin Network Ulanchabu April 3 Title: Musician Kan Liwen Returned to His Hometown to Start a Business: "Let More People Enjoy the Beauty of Music for Free"

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In the past few months, Kan Liwen's free "music feast" for the people of his hometown in his concert hall in Jining District, Wulanchabu City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, has given this northern Chinese city a temple of elegant art for the first time.

Musician Kan Liwen returned to his hometown to start a business: "Let more people enjoy the beauty of music for free"

The picture shows the actors performing in a concert hall. Courtesy of Kan Liwen

"There are only 64 spectators in the concert hall, all free, and I gave the event a nice name called 'Beautiful Sunday.'" On April 3, Kan Liwen introduced, "My biggest wish is to let more people in my hometown enjoy the beauty of music and art." ”

8 years ago, Kan Liwen, who became popular on "The Voice of China", did not take advantage of the situation to continue to promote "traffic" in the identity of singers, but returned to his hometown to start a rather difficult entrepreneurial process.

"First, he opened "The Voice of the Weekend" in his hometown of Wulanchabu, and then began to run education and established the Inner Mongolia Wulanchabu Municipal Literature and Art School." Kan Liwen told reporters.

This is an art school with an international style, and students who come to study here can go directly to some famous art schools in Russia after graduation and continue their studies.

Kan Liwen said that three years ago, with the support of the local government, he contacted the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, the St. Petersburg Conservatory of Music, the Repin Academy of Fine Arts and other institutions, and signed contracts with famous teachers from these famous schools, where Russian teachers would come to teach.

On August 30, 2020, the art school named after him was officially inaugurated.

Musician Kan Liwen returned to his hometown to start a business: "Let more people enjoy the beauty of music for free"

"However, due to the epidemic situation, the currently recruited students can only complete the class through the Internet." Kan Liwen said, "When the epidemic is over, offline teaching will be started immediately."

Kan Liwen, a person who can't stay idle, told reporters that from the moment the stage of "The Voice of China" turned back to his hometown of Wulanchabu to start a business, "he decided to rely on his unique understanding of music for many years to change the spiritual life of the city." ”

Obviously, bringing local students, teachers, and citizens into the concert hall is one of the entrepreneurial contents he has always envisioned.

It is worth mentioning that the concert hall he built is also the only concert hall in Inner Mongolia that is open to the public.

Kan Liwen believes that "the reason for making a concert hall is mainly to improve the level of art appreciation of the public, and also let children who like art have a real performance place." ”

"Only when a city's humanistic level and appreciation of art improve, can people really enhance their sense of happiness." He believes that "people's spiritual life is very important, and the people in their hometown need to improve in this regard." ”

"All that I do has to be free, for good, and valuable." Kan Liwen believes that "what is most needed at present is for the public to come to the concert hall to appreciate the elegant art, and gradually cultivate the public's love of music in the process of appreciation." ”

"Judging from the current feedback, the public response is very good, in time, I believe that more and more people will have an urgent need to appreciate music."

"Of course, it's been a long process, but I think it's a valuable thing to be able to continue all of this." Kan Liwen told reporters.

He revealed: "My parents who are engaged in music education are quite proud of this move of mine. "My parents think it makes more sense than just being a singer." (End)

Source: China News Network

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