
Egnu 27 points! Conegliano reversed the victory, Fri blocked 9 and Courtney made 3 of 0 of 9 dunks

The 2020-2021 Italian Women's Volleyball First Division played a contest in the twenty-second round. The Conegliano women's volleyball team led by Egnu lost first and then won, defeating the Scandic women's volleyball team 3-1. The scores were 20-25/25-22/25-21/25-22.

Egnu 27 points! Conegliano reversed the victory, Fri blocked 9 and Courtney made 3 of 0 of 9 dunks

In this campaign, Conegliano continued the starting lineup composed of Egnu, Plummer, Fri and others; scandic women's volleyball team was led by Antlopova, Petrini and Natalia. In the first set, the Conegliano women's volleyball team was 3 points behind in the opening, and the score was tied in the middle of the game, but unfortunately the end of the innings failed to withstand the pressure and lost a set with a 5-point difference.

Egnu 27 points! Conegliano reversed the victory, Fri blocked 9 and Courtney made 3 of 0 of 9 dunks

In the second set, the Conegliano women's volleyball team took a 1-point lead at the beginning of the game, and then replaced the in-form American star Courtney with Serra, gradually opening up the point difference and maintaining the 3-point advantage to the end; in the third set, Conegliano achieved a rebound in the case of falling behind by 3 points at the beginning, not only chasing the score but also leading by 3 points in the middle of the game, and finally 25-21 to the next city.

Egnu 27 points! Conegliano reversed the victory, Fri blocked 9 and Courtney made 3 of 0 of 9 dunks

In the fourth inning, Scandic began with a crush on Conegliano's offensive firepower and led by four runs 16 points earlier. But in the crucial stages, Conegliano's Egnu showed his super strength, leading the team to a wave of 12-6 scoring, and finally won the game 25-22. In this campaign, the Conegliano women's volleyball team showed its advantages in blocking and attacking, especially the blocking end led 16-5, which was 3 times that of the opponent. However, the reason for the bitter battle is that Scandic's serve puts a lot of pressure on Conegliano, scoring as many as 8 direct points alone.

Egnu 27 points! Conegliano reversed the victory, Fri blocked 9 and Courtney made 3 of 0 of 9 dunks

In terms of personal technical statistics, Conegliano scored in double figures for 3 people, Egnu scored a game-high 27 points on 26 of 25 shots, Plummer scored 19 points on 33 points with 2 blocks and 1 shot, Frigh scored 12 points on 3 of 9 blocks, Sierra scored 9 points on the bench; Scandic women's volleyball team scored 4 points in double figures, Antlopova scored a team-high 19 points on 16 of 16, Petrini scored 16 points on 5 of 11 shots in 29 deductions, natalia scored 10 points on 10 of 34 bucks, Alberti scored 10 points on 2-of-8 shooting.

Egnu 27 points! Conegliano reversed the victory, Fri blocked 9 and Courtney made 3 of 0 of 9 dunks

In this game, Conegliano's Egnu continued her highlight play, and Courtney, who played in Serra's place, became the main reason for the team's loss of the first set, she made 3 of 9 dunks and 3 mistakes. Vice-attacker Fri still showed her talent in the net, the whole team scored 16 net blocks, and she alone scored 9 points. Scandic women's volleyball team Petrini's serve power is undiminished, repeatedly causing a pass error of Courtney and Sierra.

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