
Will there be a war after the recovery of Taiwan? Wang Yi made clear China's attitude, and even if the United States sends troops, it will be difficult to stop reunification


At a time when the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is in full swing, many well-intentioned US politicians have begun to impose the recent situation in Ukraine on the Taiwan regional issue, hoping to use this disaster to lead the east and hinder the process of cross-strait reunification.

For a time, the rumor that "the mainland will, like Russia, will reclaim Taiwan's territory by force" continued to ferment in the field of international public opinion, showing an increasingly fierce trend.

At such a critical moment, mainland Foreign Minister Wang Yi's press conference completely extinguished the flames that were channeled around. On March 7, Wang Yi held a special press conference on "China's foreign policy and foreign relations" and answered questions about the conflict in the Taiwan Strait.

Will there be a war after the recovery of Taiwan? Wang Yi made clear China's attitude, and even if the United States sends troops, it will be difficult to stop reunification

Wang Yi first made it clear that the Ukrainian issue is a dispute between the two countries, while the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair. Later, he also deeply analyzed the root cause of the current tension in the Taiwan Strait, not in the attitude of the mainland, but in the wanton provocation of cross-strait relations between "Taiwan independence" elements and well-intentioned US politicians.

"The United States conniving at the development of 'Taiwan independence' forces will not only push Taiwan into a dangerous situation, but will also bring unbearable consequences to the United States." Wang Yi said this in response to a reporter's question. Such a statement cannot be described as harsh. In short, although there are essential differences between the Taiwan issue and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the mainland does not rule out the possibility of using force to achieve the goal of cross-strait reunification.

In fact, judging from the current situation, the goal of peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait seems to be very far away from us. In recent years, the arrogance of "Taiwan independence" elements has also become more and more vigorous, and the DPP authorities have even directly shouted out the slogan of "one China, one Taiwan, one Taiwan, and completely ignored the warnings of the mainland."

Will there be a war after the recovery of Taiwan? Wang Yi made clear China's attitude, and even if the United States sends troops, it will be difficult to stop reunification

The US side is also constantly "arching fire" for the situation in the Taiwan Strait to heat up and the conflict to escalate. In addition to dispatching high-ranking US officials to "make secret visits" from time to time to strengthen the so-called "international status" of the Taiwan region, they have not forgotten to strengthen US-Taiwan military ties and signed one arms sales order after another to strengthen the so-called "self-defense" forces in the Taiwan region and stir up the mainland's nerves.

In addition to the strength of the Taiwan military, us warships of various types often flaunt their might near the Taiwan region of the mainland under the banner of so-called "free navigation," creating the appearance that whenever there is a war in the Taiwan region, the United States will intervene by force. To this end, the mainland has had to further increase the frequency of military activities against Taiwan, and the growing number of military aircraft patrolling Taiwan is the best proof.

Of course, realizing cross-strait reunification by peaceful means is still the mainland's primary option. In recent years, in addition to gradually increasing the sanctions imposed on "Taiwan independence" elements, the mainland's overall economic and foreign policy has also gradually developed from "sanctioning Taiwan independence" to "promoting reunification." A series of policies and measures, including the readjustment of taiwan's economic policy and the envelopment of "reunification factions" on the island, can clearly feel the change in this overall strategy.

Will there be a war after the recovery of Taiwan? Wang Yi made clear China's attitude, and even if the United States sends troops, it will be difficult to stop reunification

Although the current strategy has only just begun to be implemented and the current results are not obvious, I believe that if it is adhered to for a long time, it will certainly be able to improve the general environment for the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait. However, judging from the current international situation, there is not much time left for us to deal with the Taiwan issue.

Looking back at the history of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, it is entirely caused by the single-handed provocation of the United States, and if the United States cannot obtain sufficient benefits in the Ukrainian conflict, then the next target is likely to turn to Taiwan. If the Taiwan region goes farther and farther in the direction of separatism at the instigation of the United States, the mainland will certainly resolutely adopt military means to achieve the goal of cross-strait reunification, even if the United States intervenes.

It is precisely on the basis of such considerations that Foreign Minister Wang Yi solemnly warned the United States at the end of his speech: "'Using Taiwan to control China' is doomed to failure." Here, I also hope that the United States will not underestimate the mainland's determination to realize the reunification of the motherland, and if the United States insists on risking itself, China will certainly let these "jackals" have no return.

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