
Nanyuan Primary School in Qilin District held a red movie viewing activity of "Children's Hearts to the Party • The Glory of the Party Illuminates My Heart"

author:Qujing on the clouds

On the morning of September 8th, Nanyuan Primary School in Qilin District launched a red movie viewing activity with the theme of "Children's Hearts to the Party • The Glory of the Party Shines on My Heart".

Nanyuan Primary School in Qilin District held a red movie viewing activity of "Children's Hearts to the Party • The Glory of the Party Illuminates My Heart"

During the activity, the classes used the multimedia in the classroom to play the red movie "Shining Red Star". During the movie, the students were deeply infected by the story of Pan Dongzi's strong and indomitable fighting with the enemy in the film, and everyone expressed their desire to learn from Pan Dongzi, be a brave and good child, study hard, and become a useful talent of the motherland in the future.

Nanyuan Primary School in Qilin District held a red movie viewing activity of "Children's Hearts to the Party • The Glory of the Party Illuminates My Heart"

Class 4 (4) of Nanyuan Primary School in Qilin District Fang Zhouyang: After watching the red film "Shining Red Star", I admire Pan Dongzi from the bottom of my heart, I want to learn his wit, bravery and spirit of not being afraid of danger, at the same time, I want to cherish the peaceful and happy life now, study hard, and be a useful person to society.

Nanyuan Primary School in Qilin District held a red movie viewing activity of "Children's Hearts to the Party • The Glory of the Party Illuminates My Heart"

Class 4 (4) of Nanyuan Primary School in Qilin District Li Yuexi: After watching the red film "Shining Red Star", I understood that our happy life is not easy to come by, we should double down on cherishing it, I want to be like Pan Dongzi, never forget the mission I keep in mind, study hard, and be a good teenager in the new era.

Nanyuan Primary School in Qilin District held a red movie viewing activity of "Children's Hearts to the Party • The Glory of the Party Illuminates My Heart"

It is understood that the school aims to guide young students to more intuitively understand the party's original mission, enhance their love for the party, cultivate the feelings of loving the party and loving the country, and buckle the first button of life through the red film viewing activity of "Children's Hearts to the Party • The Glory of the Party Illuminates My Heart".

Source/ Qujing City Radio and Television Station

Reporter/Zhang Jingyun Shen Hailiang

New Media/Zhu Weijie

Editor-in-Charge/Ying Wang