
The "Little Paperwork" of The Village of Huajian

author:Daily Gansu
The "Little Paperwork" of The Village of Huajian

Xu Meiling talked to the villagers.

New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Jin Fengqian correspondent Li Xiaojia

"Yo, what can a little hairy guy do?"

"It is estimated that it will not stay for more than half a year."

"Our old clerks are doing a good job, why send a little girl?"


In August 2020, when Xu Meiling, 24, first arrived at the village clerk of Huajian Village in Changning Town, Minqin County, she was not trusted by the villagers.

"I don't believe that as long as I work hard, there is nothing that can't be done." Xu Meiling secretly encouraged herself. Since then, whether it is the daily work closely related to the masses or the distribution of various subsidies, she has told the villagers with the character of not accepting defeat, working hard, using real work, and using practical actions to tell the villagers "I can do it!" ”

Kung Fu pays off. In less than half a year, Xu Meiling became familiar with the work in the village, and was handy in the distribution of various subsidies for huinong and the financial work of the village committee.

The "Little Paperwork" of The Village of Huajian

Xu Meiling was sorting out the documents.

"Since the arrival of Xiao Xu's documents, the minutes of the village's meetings have been detailed and standardized, the documents and materials have been orderly and orderly, especially in the financial aspect, she has strictly followed the financial management system and financial approval procedures to standardize the operation, the income and expenditure accounts are clear and orderly, and there has been no mistake in the work." Speaking of Xu Meiling's work, Jiang Zhongyan, deputy secretary of the party branch of Huajian Village, was full of recognition in his words.

While doing a good job in clerical work, Xu Meiling also actively participated in the practice of "I do practical things for the masses" in the study and education of party history and the care and service action of "one old, one young, and one difficult." Whenever she had free time, she went to the villagers' homes to talk with the masses about policies, learned about the production and living conditions of the masses, cleaned up the families of "one old, one young, and one poor," and also helped guide the villagers to pay social security fees. Gradually, she won the trust of the villagers and became the "family" in everyone's mind. When villagers go to the village committee to do things, the first sentence is "Is our little paperwork there?" ”

The "Little Paperwork" of The Village of Huajian

Xu Meiling and her colleagues shoveled snow together.

To revitalize the countryside, industry is the foundation. Xu Meiling has a clear understanding of this, and she often cooperates with town and village cadres to carry out "Red Excellent Watermelon" brand publicity and expansion work. Through live streaming with goods and other methods, the "Hongyou Watermelon" brand in Huajian Village is getting louder and louder, and the Hongyou watermelon has become a "golden melon egg" for villagers to get rich and increase their income.

"In order to expand the sales of watermelon, Xiaoxu Paperman filmed videos on the Kuaishou live broadcast platform and brought goods live, and now our 'Red Excellent Watermelon' is not worried about selling." Villager Zhang Shangxin said happily.

"Don't look at the little paperwork, you're young, you might be doing it!" "Xiao Xu is very energetic, and it is right to look for her." ...... The villagers were full of admiration.

Bear hardships and stand hard work, serve the people wholeheartedly, and take on dedication... The "small documents" of Huajian Village interpret the responsibilities and responsibilities of contemporary youth with practical actions.