
"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another

24:00 on March 3

No. 92 gasoline was raised by 0.2 yuan per liter

No. 95 gasoline was raised by 0.22 yuan per liter

No. 0 diesel was raised by 0.22 yuan per liter

International crude oil prices have risen rapidly in recent days, and as of now, Brent crude oil has been near $130 / barrel, which means that next, domestic refined oil prices may usher in a sharp adjustment.

"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another

It is understood that the next round of refined oil price adjustment will be carried out at 24:00 on March 17, March 8 is the third working day of the 10-working day statistical cycle, the rate of change of crude oil is 24.01%, it is expected to raise the oil price by about 1040 yuan / ton, which has far exceeded the red line of the upward adjustment, equivalent to rising, about 0.78-0.94 yuan / liter.

According to the general household car fuel tank 50L to calculate, a full box of 92 cars costs 40 yuan more.

As oil prices rise

Drivers are also calling out "heartache"

These days, one of the hottest topics is oil prices, and the wind on Weibo's hot search has become like this-

"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another
"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another

"Have you thought about it

Fill up a tank of oil to buy a bike

Add four tanks of fuel to buy an electric car."

"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another

Someone joked: "At 9 yuan per liter, I won't drive." Some people also said: "Ready to buy a battery car, buy is earned." ”

"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another
"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another
"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another
"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another
"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another
"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another

As oil prices rise, how many people will change their way of traveling? Has the sales of electric vehicles and new energy vehicles increased recently?

In addition, since March 1, there have been a number of new energy vehicle brands such as Great Wall Euler, SAIC Roewe, Weima, GAC Aean and other new energy vehicle brands or new energy vehicles under traditional brands announced price increases, with a price increase of as little as one or two thousand, more than 10,000, so that some consumers who were still hesitating felt helpless.

On March 1, Euler Automobile announced on its official user App that due to the sharp rise in raw material prices and the decline of new energy car purchase subsidies, the price of the GT version of Euler Good Cat was officially adjusted from March 1, and the adjusted price was from 147,000 yuan. However, users who have previously paid a deposit and signed a contract can still enjoy the insurance policy. Previously, the price of euler good cat GT version was 135,000 yuan after subsidies, and the price increased by 12,000 yuan after this adjustment.

At the same time, the 2022 Euler good cat series has also increased the price at the same time as a slight change, and the pre-price has been adjusted from the previous 103,900-143,900 yuan to 121,900-151,900 yuan, an increase of between 8,000 yuan and 18,000 yuan.

As early as mid-February, SAIC Roewe, which released a price increase forecast in advance, also raised the price of its RX5 eMAX PHEV Fearless Premium Edition, Ei5 and i6MAX EV models on March 1, with a price increase of 2,000 yuan at the original price.

"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another

Also on March 1, WM Motor announced that due to factors such as rising parts prices, the scheduling plan and price of some WM models will be gradually adjusted from March 1. Among them, the price of the 2022 EX5-Z PRO all-round version was adjusted to 154,800 yuan, and the price of the Lead Chuangling edition was adjusted to 163,800 yuan, which was 3,000 yuan and 4,000 yuan higher than the original price, respectively.

WM Motors also said that other models may also be adjusted in the future, please pay attention to the follow-up announcements.

"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another

In addition, the price of geely's new energy vehicle brand geometry car related models has also been raised from March 1. According to the quotation on the official website of Geometry Automobile, the price of Geometry A Pro not only increased by 1100 yuan in the whole series, but also cancelled the original Rubik's Cube version of the model, and the model on sale became 7 models, and the price range became 119,800-199,800 yuan; the EX3 Kung Fu Cattle series rose by 7,000 yuan, and the price of the adjusted Strong Bull was 65,800 yuan, and the price of The Kung Fu Cow was 75,800 yuan.

"Fill up a tank of oil and buy a bike"! Oil prices are too expensive to buy electric vehicles? A number of brands have announced price increases one after another

On March 4, GAC Aean also announced that due to the sharp rise in raw material prices and the decline of new energy car purchase subsidies, the official guidance prices of its AION Y, AION S Plus, AION V Plus and other related models will be adjusted, and this round of price adjustment will take effect from the announcement on March 4. According to the official APP of GAC Aean, the price of each car after adjustment ranges from 4,000-10,000 yuan.

The "law" of "buying early and enjoying early, buying late with discounts" no longer applies to new energy vehicles, and under the influence of multiple factors such as subsidies decline, chip shortages and rising raw material prices, new energy vehicles usher in a "rising tide of prices", and even some models can no longer be bought.

Industry insiders pointed out that at present, the cost of raw materials will continue to rise, cost pressure has been transmitted to the terminal, and it is expected that more car companies will announce price increases in the future.

However, the development of new energy vehicles in mainland China has entered a benign stage of development, and people in the industry generally believe that price increases in the short term will not have an excessive impact on the overall market trend, and the new energy vehicle market will continue to maintain rapid growth.

Has this wave of rising oil prices affected your travel style?

Source: CBN, Qilu Evening News, Sina Weibo

Editor: Shanxi Evening News All Media Editor Yan Ting

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