
What are the little flying insects in the toilet kitchen? Infectious bacteria, parasitism, many people are not serious!

Maybe everyone has such an experience, as long as the weather warms up, there will always be some small flying insects in the home. Especially on toilets, kitchens and fruit plates.

These flying insects are usually black, relatively small, like to fly everywhere, and can not be driven away, which is really distressing.

Sometimes you think about cleaning up and disposing of the garbage, but these little flying insects still show no signs of decreasing. Even if these are concerned, what is more annoying is that as long as you turn off the lights at night to play with your mobile phone, the flying insect will appear again, and it has been circling in front of the screen, and you can't finish playing...

What are these little flying insects? Is there any harm to the human body? Do you want to pay attention?

The little flying insect in the bathroom,

Make her face full of maggots!

This was the news that happened in October 2018, when Mr. Zhang, who lives in Shandong, discovered that something was wrong with his 97-year-old mother.

At the beginning, the old man's face suddenly produced a scar, and everyone did not pay attention to it, thinking that it was an age spot. It wasn't until the mother said she didn't feel comfortable on her face that the family paid attention to it.

At the community clinic, the doctor's initial examination found no abnormality in the face of the elderly. But after a few days, the old man's face began to itch, and it was accompanied by severe pain.

The situation was urgent, and the family quickly took the old man to the big hospital in the city. Recalling the scene at that time, the attending doctor still has palpitations:

At that time, we immediately unveiled the scab on the old man's face, and as a result, there were dozens of maggots squirming in the scab, which we never expected!

What are the little flying insects in the toilet kitchen? Infectious bacteria, parasitism, many people are not serious!

Although all the maggots on the old man's face were removed after treatment, the old man's family was still confused. Because according to Mr. Zhang's own words, the home is usually very clean, there are no flies at all, and it is even more impossible to infect the elderly...

Later, the doctor explained the reason: the old man got "fly maggot disease", and the source of infection was not only flies, but many similar animals could bring infection.

Later, Mr. Zhang looked back and forth before returning home and found scattered small flying insects called "moth midges" in the bathroom.

It has been confirmed that this flying insect may also cause "fly maggot disease".

Coincidentally, a man in Shenzhen had a similar experience, but this man was not as lucky as the old lady above.

Mr. Wu, who was 36 years old at the time, played with his mobile phone at home and casually slapped the flying insect under the eyelid under his left eye. Just an hour later, he developed symptoms such as redness and swelling in his left eye and pain.

By the time I got to the hospital, my left eye vision had dropped to 0.02 and myocular pressure was 53 mmHg (normal intraocular pressure < 20 mmHg).

What are the little flying insects in the toilet kitchen? Infectious bacteria, parasitism, many people are not serious!

He later experienced symptoms such as loss of vision, lysis of corneas and perforation. Although he tried his best to rescue it, he still did not control the germs, and eventually had to remove the eyeball.

What are the little flying insects in the toilet kitchen? Infectious bacteria, parasitism, many people are not serious!

No one expected that these inconspicuous-looking little flying insects could actually have such a big harm. Below I summarized several common flying insects, as well as how to deal with them, if you have encountered them in ordinary times, you must read them carefully!

Common in the kitchen: fruit flies

If you finish eating fruits, such as watermelon peels, grape skins, etc. thrown late, you will find that some small black flying insects will appear in these places, and these small flying insects are called fruit flies.

Because fruit flies generally lay eggs under the peel of fruits, they basically do not carry germs and generally do not harm the human body.

What are the little flying insects in the toilet kitchen? Infectious bacteria, parasitism, many people are not serious!

However, if you really don't pay attention to hygiene, or if you have a wound or a child at home, there is a possibility that "fly maggot disease" may occur.

Precautions: Fruit must be bought fresh, if the fruit can not be eaten immediately, be sure to put it in the refrigerator to keep fresh. The garbage can where the peel core is placed must be disposed of in time, and do not wait for the fruit fly to appear before thinking of throwing garbage.

If fruit flies are really rampant to a very serious extent, don't panic, go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of the most common insecticidal spray to solve the problem.

Common in toilets: moth midges

Moth midge, also known as mothhopper. The name may sound unfamiliar to you, but you've definitely seen this little bug.

What are the little flying insects in the toilet kitchen? Infectious bacteria, parasitism, many people are not serious!

As a hygienic pest, moth midges carry germs and transmit diseases. Every spring, with rising temperatures and humid air, moths and midges will suddenly appear in your bathroom.

Moth midges generally do not appear alone, because moth midges are very reproducing, generally have 30-100 eggs in an egg block. So when you find a moth in your bathroom, it means that you may already have thousands of moths in your bathroom.

What are the little flying insects in the toilet kitchen? Infectious bacteria, parasitism, many people are not serious!

The most distressing thing is that the moth midge seems to be unable to die, killing a few today, and tomorrow there will be new moths and midges, as if they can never be finished.

Moth midges generally live on sewers and sewer pipe walls, feeding on sewage sediments and decay, so there are many microorganisms and bacteria on moth midges.

What are the little flying insects in the toilet kitchen? Infectious bacteria, parasitism, many people are not serious!

What is even more frightening is that moth midges will stay on daily necessities such as rags, toothbrushes, mouthwash cups, and towels, causing bacteria to spread everywhere.

It can even contaminate underwear, which can lead to the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms into the genitourinary tract and cause infection, which women should pay special attention to.

In addition, the eggs of moths and midges may also enter and parasitize through food and toiletries. At this time, the human body may produce symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, insomnia and vomiting.

There are also moth midge larvae that enter the eye and rupture in the eye area, which may cause eye discomfort or even blindness.

Precautions: Usually the water in the floor and sink must be cleaned up in time, and the kitchen sink, washbasin and bathroom should also be cleaned when it is used up. If there are still moths, clean the sewers with 84 disinfectant.

If you really can't do it, just use a pot of boiling water and pour it directly. In addition, the drain and floor drain are best cleaned once a month, and the floor drain is "three proofs".

Remember, don't shoot moths directly with your hands! Can be sprayed with insecticides!

Common in flowers and plants: Pinnacle-eyed mushrooms

If you like to keep some flowers and grasses at home, you must have found black flying insects on the branches and leaves of flowers and plants. This flying insect is called the sharp-eyed mushroom mosquito, and we usually see the blood-sucking mosquitoes are not the same, this mosquito does not suck blood, mainly on the rotten organic matter for food, so there is basically no harm to the human body.

What are the little flying insects in the toilet kitchen? Infectious bacteria, parasitism, many people are not serious!

However, because the pots where flowers and plants are planted are relatively humid and there is fertilizer, it is easy to breed mold, which harms the human body through the skin, breathing and digestive system.

Precautions: If there is already a sharp-eyed mushroom mosquito, it is best to replace the whole pot of soil, compared to the soil with insect eggs in it. Usually the dead leaves, wood chips, etc. in the pot should be cleaned up in time, if the flowers and grass need to be watered frequently, it is best to cover the soil surface with a layer of fine sand.

Common in rice: rice moth

Often found in rice and millet, it is called the rice moth. Rice moths are generally difficult to eradicate, and if rice moths are found in the family's rice, it means that the grain should really be taken out to dry.

What are the little flying insects in the toilet kitchen? Infectious bacteria, parasitism, many people are not serious!

Countermeasures: Usually, don't buy too much rice at one time, and buy it on demand. Try to buy small bags of rice, if it is a large bag of rice, be sure to seal the mouth of the bag, and do not put it in the kitchen and other places where the temperature is high and moderately large, try to put it in a cool and dry place.

Or wrap the peppercorns in gauze and place one in each of the upper, middle, and lower positions of the rice.

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