
Evergrande Automobile 100 million yuan to set up a new company!

Per Editor: Du Yu

According to Qixinbao, on March 2, Hengchi New Energy Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. was established, the legal representative is Tang Lin, the registered capital is 100 million yuan, and the business scope includes: new energy vehicle replacement facility sales, charging pile sales, electric vehicle charging infrastructure operations, network reservation taxi business services, etc.

Evergrande Automobile 100 million yuan to set up a new company!
Evergrande Automobile 100 million yuan to set up a new company!

According to Qixinbao, the company is 100% controlled by Evergrande New Energy Vehicle Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.

Evergrande Automobile 100 million yuan to set up a new company!

Daily economic news

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